61 research outputs found

    Religion and Spirituality in Nevada

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    Across the world, religion is integral to society insofar it shapes people’s thoughts, behaviors, and interactions. What exactly the term “religion” means, however, is far from clear-cut, as it continues to be a highly charged topic of discussion and debate, a subject that many hold dear and near to their hearts. There seem to be just as many ways to define religion as there are groups and denominations that claim to hold the key to the “meaning of life” and even solve humanity’s woes. For many people, the word religion evokes shared ideas of church, gatherings, worship, prayer, music, traditions, and pilgrimages. Some of these images fit in with the “mainstream” meanings of religion, at least in terms of the practices of organized and institutionalized religion recognized in the United States. For other people, religion harbors meanings that go beyond the mainstream norms and that conflict with more familiar ideas of religion and religiosity. The rich diversity of the U.S. population reflects the amalgam of conventional and unconventional religious belief systems that coexist on a day-to-day basis. For the most part, the adherents of broad types of belief systems appear to tolerate one another, at least enough to function in a civil manner under the banner of an overarching “civil religion” (Bellah, 1967). Still, the nation has its share of religious conflict, and there are many examples of believers with clashing ideas and practices who struggle to have their voices heard and defend their religious convictions. Although Americans enjoy the rights to religious freedom and diversity guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, conflicts exist over the interpretation of freedom of religion versus freedom from religion. And debates about the Christian origins of the U.S. – often fueled by a Christian majority that makes up some 80% of the U.S. population – provide plenty of fodder for the so-called “culture wars” (Hunter, 1991; Borer & Murphree, 2008; Borer & Schafer, 2011). Conflicts over competing religious belief systems and worldviews do not necessarily imply social strife. Debates about the origins and the meanings of life and how they connect to our identities may foster healthy discussions and promote tolerance and pluralism. Motivated by presumed relations to a higher power or cause, religious groups have also been at the forefront of social activism and change. Though it is not always the case, conflicts between religious groups, and between religious groups and their secular counterparts, can lead to better understandings of diverse beliefs and practices and promote the social health of a nation, a state, and a community. Thus, we start with the proposition that religious diversity is central to the social health and well-being of human collectivities

    Gender Performance in Womens\u27 Mixed Martial Arts

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    Academic research has typically focused on men who practice Mixed Martial Arts and their expression of hyper-masculinity. There is a lack of comparative work which examines women who practice MMA as a sport. This article aims to address this oversight by exploring the meaning and importance of the sports for women. The main focus is to explore how women navigate and “perform gender” in the patriarchal subculture of MMA. Drawing on a “grounded theory” approach, semi-structured interviews, content analysis, and participant observation, I developed a preliminary model of female Mixed Martial Artist. I examine three female fighter “types” (“Feminine inclined female Fighters,” “Neutral female fighters,” and “Masculine inclined female fighters”) and explore different aspects of gender performance which helped to signify these. In my research I discovered that in MMA there is a “gender order.” Many times when the gender order is disrupted women seek to recreate it. This results in the adaptation and navigation of the three fighter types that I mentioned previously. I also found that on many occasions women “purposely perform” a gender type making it an “explicit performance.” My findings demonstrate the need to consider the range and diversity of women’s fighter types. Further research should elaborate on the process of constructing a “gender order” amongst woman as well as the sociocultural expectations of female fighters. Other research should also investigate how “gender order” applies to other social worlds such as non-combat sports and other leisure activities, work and occupations, and everyday life

    Religion and Spirituality in Nevada

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    Across the world, religion is integral to society insofar it shapes people’s thoughts, behaviors, and interactions. What exactly the term “religion” means, however, is far from clear-cut, as it continues to be a highly charged topic of discussion and debate, a subject that many hold dear and near to their hearts

    Top ten risk factors for morbidity and mortality in patients with chronic systolic heart failure and elevated heart rate: the SHIFT risk model

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    Aims We identified easily obtained baseline characteristics associated with outcomes in patients with chronic heart failure (HF) and elevated heart rate (HR) receiving contemporary guideline-recommended therapy in the SHIFT trial, and used them to develop a prognostic model. Methods We selected the 10 best predictors for each of four outcomes (cardiovascular death or HF hospitalisation; all-cause mortality; cardiovascular mortality; and HF hospitalisation). All variables with p &#60; 0.05 for association were entered into a forward stepwise Cox regression model. Our initial analysis excluded baseline therapies, though randomisation to ivabradine or placebo was forced into the model for the composite endpoint and HF hospitalisation. Results Increased resting HR, low ejection fraction, raised creatinine, New York Heart Association class III/IV, longer duration of HF, history of left bundle branch block, low systolic blood pressure and, for three models, age were strong predictors of all outcomes. Additional predictors were low body mass index, male gender, ischaemic HF, low total cholesterol, no history of hyperlipidaemia or dyslipidaemia and presence of atrial fibrillation/flutter. The c-statistics for the four outcomes ranged from 67.6% to 69.5%. There was no evidence for lack of fit of the models with the exception of all-cause mortality (p = 0.017). Similar results were found including baseline therapies. Conclusion The SHIFT Risk Model includes simple, readily obtainable clinical characteristics to produce important prognostic information in patients with chronic HF, systolic dysfunction, and elevated HR. This may help better calibrate management to individual patient risk.</p

    Effect of visit-to-visit variation of heart rate and systolic blood pressure on outcomes in chronic systolic heart failure: results from the Systolic Heart Failure Treatment With the If Inhibitor Ivabradine Trial (SHIFT) trial

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    Background: Elevated resting heart rate (HR) and low systolic blood pressure (SBP) are related to poor outcomes in heart failure (HF). The association between visit-to-visit variation in SBP and HR and risk in HF is unknown. Methods and Results: In Systolic Heart Failure Treatment with the If inhibitor ivabradine Trial (SHIFT) patients, we evaluated relationships between mean HR, mean SBP, and visit-to-visit variations (coefficient of variation [CV]=SD/mean×100%) in SBP and HR (SBP-CV and HR-CV, respectively) and primary composite endpoint (cardiovascular mortality or HF hospitalization), its components, all-cause mortality, and all-cause hospitalization. High HR and low SBP were closely associated with risk for primary endpoint, all-cause mortality, and HF hospitalization. The highest number of primary endpoint events occurred in the highest HR tertile (38.8% vs 16.4% lowest tertile; P&lt;0.001). For HR-CV, patients at highest risk were those in the lowest tertile. Patients in the lowest thirds of mean SBP and SBP-CV had the highest risk. The combination of high HR and low HR-CV had an additive deleterious effect on risk, as did that of low SBP and low SBP-CV. Ivabradine reduced mean HR and increased HR-CV, and increased SBP and SBP-CV slightly. Conclusions: Beyond high HR and low SBP, low HR-CV and low SBP-CV are predictors of cardiovascular outcomes with additive effects on risk in HF, but with an unknown effect size. Beyond HR reduction, ivabradine increases HR-CV. Low visit-to-visit variation of HR and SBP might signal risk of cardiovascular outcomes in systolic HF. Clinical Trial Registration: URL: http://www.isrctn.com/. Unique identifier: ISRCTN70429960

    Efficacy profile of ivabradine in patients with heart failure plus angina pectoris

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    Objectives: In the Systolic Heart Failure Treatment with the If Inhibitor Ivabradine Trial (SHIFT), slowing of the heart rate with ivabradine reduced cardiovascular death or heart failure hospitalizations among patients with systolic chronic heart failure (CHF). Subsequently, in the Study Assessing the Morbidity-Mortality Benefits of the If Inhibitor Ivabradine in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease (SIGNIFY) slowing of the heart rate in patients without CHF provided no benefit for cardiovascular death or nonfatal myocardial infarction (primary composite end point), with secondary analyses suggesting possible harm in the angina subgroup. Therefore, we examined the impact of ivabradine in the patients with CHF plus angina in SHIFT. Methods: SHIFT enrolled adults with stable, symptomatic CHF, a left ventricular ejection fraction ≤35% and a sinus rhythm with a resting heart rate ≥70 bpm. Outcomes were the SHIFT and SIGNIFY primary composite end points and their components. Results: Of 6,505 patients in SHIFT, 2,220 (34%) reported angina at randomization. Ivabradine numerically, but not significantly, reduced the SIGNIFY primary composite end point by 8, 11 and 11% in the SHIFT angina subgroup, nonangina subgroup and overall population, respectively. Ivabradine also reduced the SHIFT primary composite end point in all 3 subgroups. Conclusions: In SHIFT, ivabradine showed consistent reduction of cardiovascular outcomes in patients with CHF; similar results were seen in the subgroup of SHIFT patients with angina

    Incremental benefit of drug therapies for chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: a network meta-analysis

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    Aims: A network meta‐analysis (NMA) of all recommended drug groups for the treatment of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), including their combinations, was performed to assess the relative efficacy and incremental benefit. Methods and results: A search was made in biomedical databases for randomized controlled trials published between 1987 and 2017 on angiotensin‐converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs), beta‐blockers (BBs), angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRAs), ivabradine (IVA), or angiotensin receptor–neprilysin inhibitors (ARNI). A total of 58 relevant trials were identified. The relative efficacy of each treatment group (or combination) in terms of all‐cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality, all‐cause hospitalizations and hospitalizations for heart failure, per patient‐year of follow‐up, were combined in a random‐effects Bayesian NMA. The pairwise comparison between each regimen and for each outcome was estimated. The NMA was dominated by 15 large‐scale trials with between 1984 and 18 898 patient‐years of follow‐up. Combinations of drug groups showed incremental benefits on outcomes over single groups. The most effective combinations were ARNI+BB + MRA and ACEI+BB + MRA + IVA, showing reductions in all‐cause mortality (vs. placebo) of 62% and 59%, respectively; hazard ratios were 0.38 [credible interval (CrI) 0.20–0.65] and 0.41 (CrI 0.21–0.70); and in all‐cause hospitalizations with reductions of 42% for both. These two combinations were also the most effective for the other outcomes studied. Conclusion: Our analysis shows that the incremental use of combinations of disease‐modifying therapies has resulted in the progressive improvement in mortality and hospitalization outcomes in HFrEF. Our findings support the current guideline recommendations

    Budget impact of adding ivabradine to standard of care in patients with chronic systolic heart failure in the United States

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    BACKGROUND: Heart failure (HF) costs 21billionannuallyindirecthealthcarecosts,80OBJECTIVE:ToestimatethebudgetimpactofivabradinefromaU.S.commercialpayerperspective.METHODS:Abudgetimpactmodelestimatedthepermemberpermonth(PMPM)impactofintroducingivabradinetoexistingformulariesbycomparingareferencescenario(SoC)andanewdrugscenario(ivabradine+SoC)inhypothetical1millionmembercommercialandMedicareAdvantageplans.Inbothscenarios,U.S.claimsdatawereusedforthereferencecumulativeannualratesofhospitalizations(HF,nonHFcardiovascular[CV],andnonCV),andhospitalizationrateswereadjustedusingSHIFTdata.ThemodelcontrolledformortalityriskusingSHIFTandU.S.lifetabledata,andhospitalizationcostswereobtainedfromU.S.claimsdata:HFrelated=21 billion annually in direct health care costs, 80% of which is directly attributable to hospitalizations. The SHIFT clinical study demonstrated that ivabradine plus standard of care (SoC) reduced HF-related and all-cause hospitalizations compared with SoC alone. OBJECTIVE: To estimate the budget impact of ivabradine from a U.S. commercial payer perspective. METHODS: A budget impact model estimated the per-member-per month (PMPM) impact of introducing ivabradine to existing formularies by comparing a reference scenario (SoC) and a new drug scenario (ivabradine + SoC) in hypothetical 1 million-member commercial and Medicare Advantage plans. In both scenarios, U.S. claims data were used for the reference cumulative annual rates of hospitalizations (HF, non-HF cardiovascular [CV], and non-CV), and hospitalization rates were adjusted using SHIFT data. The model controlled for mortality risk using SHIFT and U.S. life table data, and hospitalization costs were obtained from U.S. claims data: HF-related = 37,507; non-HF CV = 28,951;andnonCV=28,951; and non-CV = 17,904. The annualized wholesale acquisition cost of ivabradine was 4,500,withbaselineuseforthisnewdrugat2RESULTS:BasedontheapprovedU.S.indication,approximately2,000commerciallyinsuredpatientsfroma1millionmembercommercialplanwereeligibletoreceiveivabradine.IvabradineresultedinaPMPMcostsavingsof4,500, with baseline use for this new drug at 2%, increasing 2% per year. RESULTS: Based on the approved U.S. indication, approximately 2,000 commercially insured patients from a 1 million-member commercial plan were eligible to receive ivabradine. Ivabradine resulted in a PMPM cost savings of 0.01 and 0.04inyears1and3ofthecoremodel,respectively.Afterincludingtheacquisitionpriceforivabradine,themodelshowedadecreaseintotalcostsinthecommercial(0.04 in years 1 and 3 of the core model, respectively. After including the acquisition price for ivabradine, the model showed a decrease in total costs in the commercial (991,256 and 474,499,respectively)andMedicarepopulations(474,499, respectively) and Medicare populations (13,849,262 and 4,280,291,respectively)inyear1.Thisdecreasewasdrivenbyivabradinesreductioninhospitalizationrates.Forthecoremodel,theestimatedpharmacyonlyPMPMinyear1was4,280,291, respectively) in year 1. This decrease was driven by ivabradine’s reduction in hospitalization rates. For the core model, the estimated pharmacy-only PMPM in year 1 was 0.01 for the commercial population and $0.24 for the Medicare Advantage population. CONCLUSIONS: Adding ivabradine to SoC led to lower average annual treatment costs. The negative PMPM budget impact indicates that ivabradine is an affordable option for U.S. payers

    Time to benefit of heart rate reduction with ivabradine in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction

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    Aims In the SHIFT (Systolic Heart failure treatment with the If inhibitor ivabradine Trial, ISRCTN70429960) study, ivabradine reduced cardiovascular death or heart failure (HF) hospitalizations in patients with HF and reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) in sinus rhythm and with a heart rate (HR) ≥70 bpm. In this study, we sought to determine the clinical significance of the time durations of HR reduction and the significant treatment effect on outcomes among patients with HFrEF. Methods and results The time to statistically significant reduction of the primary outcome (HF hospitalization and cardiovascular death) and its components, all-cause death, and HF death, were assessed in a post-hoc analysis of the SHIFT trial in the overall population (HR ≥70 bpm) and at HR ≥75 bpm, representing the approved label in many countries. Compared to placebo, the primary outcome and HF hospitalizations were significantly reduced at 102 days, while there was no effect on cardiovascular death, all-cause death, and HF death at HR ≥70 bpm. In the population with a baseline HR ≥75 bpm, a reduction of the primary outcome occurred after 67 days, HF hospitalization after 78 days, cardiovascular death after 169 days, death from HF after 157 days and all-cause death after 169 days. Conclusion Treatment with ivabradine should not be deferred in patients in sinus rhythm with a HR of ≥70 bpm to reduce the primary outcome and HF hospitalizations, in particular in patients with HR ≥75 bpm. At HR ≥75 bpm, the time to risk reduction was shorter for reduction of hospitalization and mortality outcomes in patients with HFrEF after initiation of guideline-directed medication, including beta-blockers at maximally tolerated doses

    Beneficial effects of ivabradine in patients with heart failure, low ejection fraction, and heart rate above 77 b.p.m.

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    Aims: Ivabradine has been approved in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) and elevated heart rate despite guideline‐directed medical therapy (GDMT) to reduce cardiovascular (CV) death and hospitalization for worsening HF. The median value of 77 b.p.m. is the lower bound selected for the regulatory approval in Canada, South Africa, and Australia. Patient‐reported outcomes (PROs) including symptoms, quality of life, and global assessment are considered of major interest in the global plan of care of patients with HF. However, the specific impact of GDMT, and specifically ivabradine, on PRO remains poorly studied. In the subgroup of patients from the Systolic Heart failure treatment with the If inhibitor ivabradine Trial (SHIFT) who had heart rate above the median of 77 b.p.m. (pre‐specified analysis) and for whom the potential for improvement was expected to be larger, we aimed (i) to evaluate the effects of ivabradine on PRO (symptoms, quality of life, and global assessment); (ii) to consolidate the effects of ivabradine on the primary composite endpoint of CV death and hospitalization for HF; and (iii) to reassess the effects of ivabradine on left ventricular (LV) remodelling. Methods and results: Comparisons were made according to therapy, and proportional hazards models (adjusted for baseline beta‐blocker therapy) were used to estimate the association between ivabradine and various outcomes. In SHIFT, n = 3357 (51.6%) patients had a baseline heart rate &gt; 77 b.p.m. After a median follow‐up of 22.9 months (inter‐quartile range 18–28 months), ivabradine on top of GDMT improved symptoms (28% vs. 23% improvement in New York Heart Association functional class, P = 0.0003), quality of life (5.3 vs. 2.2 improvement in Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire overall summary score, P = 0.005), and global assessment [from both patient (improved in 72.3%) and physician (improved in 61.0%) perspectives] significantly more than did placebo (both P &lt; 0.0001). Ivabradine induced a 25% reduction in the combined endpoint of CV death and hospitalization for HF (hazard ratio 0.75; P &lt; 0.0001), which translates into a number of patients needed to be treated for 1 year of 17. Patients under ivabradine treatment demonstrated a significant reduction in LV dimensions when reassessed at 8 months (P &lt; 0.05). Conclusions: In patients with chronic HFrEF, sinus rhythm, and a heart rate &gt; 77 b.p.m. while on GDMT, the present analysis brings novel insights into the role of ivabradine in improving the management of HFrEF, particularly with regard to PRO (ISRCTN70429960)