360 research outputs found

    Carol J. Harvey, Medieval French Miracle Plays: Seven Falsely Accused Women.

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    The miracle plays of the fourteenth century brought sacred and secular narratives to the stages of medieval France. These relatively short performances present an episode in the life of a model Christian who faces a particularly difficult conflict or threat from within the social hierarchy of the medieval era or from among the dark forces emanating from hell. Predictably, divine intervention sustains the protagonist’s righteousness, remorse, steadfastness, or courage so that s/he triumphs against these threats. Given their proclivity for this authoritative and moralistic backdrop, miracle plays tend to share a number of thematic and dramatic conventions. Alongside divine mediation we find rhymed couplets, contemporized narratives, integrated sermons and hymns, as well as a speech-then-action performance style, all characteristics common to these production

    Théâtre et révélation. Donner à voir et à entendre au Moyen Âge. Hommage à Jean-Pierre Bordier. Études réunies par C. Croizy-Naquet, S. Le Briz-Orgeur et J.-R.Valette

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    È da salutare con grande favore la pubblicazione di questo volume miscellaneo, con il quale una trentina tra allievi, colleghi e amici omaggiano Jean-Pierre Bordier, grande studioso delle forme teatrali dell’Europa tra il x e il xvi secolo. Si tratta di una materia che notoriamente si può affrontare solo e soltanto se si è in grado di essere, di volta in volta e al contempo, filologo, linguista, antropologo, sociologo, storico, storico della letteratura: esattamente come ha saputo fare nel co..

    Château-Gaillard – Rue de la Poste

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    Contrairement à ce que nous pouvions nous attendre à Château-Gaillard, aucune installation funéraire, ni habitat, n’ont été détectés ici dans l’emprise du projet. Les neuf éléments d’origine anthropique observés dans nos tranchées (fig. 1) témoignent uniquement de la proximité d’occupations humaines à diverses époques anciennes. Ces faits peuvent se regrouper en trois événements distincts.Fig. 1 – Plan général de l’opération sur fond de plan cadastralÉchelle : 1/1000.Topographie : J. Boud..

    Estudio teórico gráfico del miembro superior en el ballet clásico y su expresión por medio del dibujo

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    En este artículo se presenta una reflexión acerca del miembro superior y el papel que desempeña en una disciplina tan interesante como es el ballet clásico. Se pretende enfocar la información recogida desde un punto de vista analítico y práctico, con la intención de subrayar la importancia de los brazos tanto por su funcionalidad como por su belleza formal

    Bavay – Route de Maubeuge

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    Une opération de diagnostic a été prescrite à Bavay, route de Maubeuge, suite au dépôt d’un projet d’aménagement d’une gendarmerie, pour une surface de 10 583 m2. L’opération a révélé la présence de quelques vestiges romains, dont deux sections de fossés se rattachant principalement à la deuxième moitié du ier s. et à la première moitié du iie s. apr. J.-C.. L’un des tronçons, implanté parallèlement à l’ancienne chaussée romaine reliant Trêves à Bavay (actuelle route de Maubeuge), semble se r..

    204 Overdrive ventricular pacing in patients with permanent atrial arrhythmias and sleep apnea

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    BackgroundIn contrast to its efficacy in patients with heart failure (HF) and central (C) sleep apnea (SA), cardiac pacing is ineffective in obstructive SA. We examined whether overdrive ventricular pacing (OVP) has an effect on SA in pacemaker recipients with permanent atrial arrhythmias.MethodsAn apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) ≥ 15 was confirmed in 28 of 38 patients screened by finger oximetry during ventricular pacing at a backup rate of 40 bpm (BUV40). These 28 patients were randomly assigned in a crossover design to BUV40 versus OVP at 20 bpm above the mean heart rate measured during screening oximetry.ResultsAHI ≥ 30 and CSA were observed in 61% and 79% of patients, respectively. In 21 patients (19 with CSA) with a ≥ 5 OVP-induced decrease or no change in AHI, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was 40±16%, versus 55±18% (p=0.04) in 7 patients (3 with CSA, p=0.02) with a ≥ 5 OVP-induced increase in AHI. In 13 patients with histories of HF decompensation, AHI decreased from 32.8±12.9 during BUV40 to 24.9±16.5 during OVP, versus increased from 37.6±11.0 to 39.0±11.5 in 15 patients without histories of HF decompensation (p=0.02 vs. patients with histories of decompensated HF). In 9 patients with LVEF ≤ 35%, AHI decreased from 37.3±14.7 during BUV40 to 28.4±17.9 during OVP, versus from 34.5±10.7 to 34.4±14.3 in 19 patients with LVEF >35%, (p=0.04 vs. patients with LVEF ≤ 35%).ConclusionsIn patients with permanent atrial tachyarrhythmias, AHI decreased significantly during OVP in patients with a) histories of decompensated HF and CSA, or b) LVEF ≤ 35%, and increased or was unchanged by OVP in patients without these characteristics
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