696 research outputs found

    Classification of ERTS-1 MSS data by canonical analysis

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    The objective of canonical analysis is to obtain the maximum separability among a number of catergories. The application of canonical analysis was investigated using the merged MSS ERTS-1 data for one area viewed on two dates. The effect of threshold values on classification regions and confusion regions was investigated

    A reduction in ag/residential signature conflict using principal components analysis of LANDSAT temporal data

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    Methods to accurately delineate the types of land cover in the urban-rural transition zone of metropolitan areas were considered. The application of principal components analysis to multidate LANDSAT imagery was investigated as a means of reducing the overlap between residential and agricultural spectral signatures. The statistical concepts of principal components analysis were discussed, as well as the results of this analysis when applied to multidate LANDSAT imagery of the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area

    Identification and mapping of coal refuse banks and other targets in the anthracite region

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    ERTS-1 MSS data covering parts of Pennsylvania's southern and eastern middle anthracite coal fields were studied to determine how well accumulations of coal refuse could be identified and mapped by computer analysis and processing. Spectral signatures of coal refuse targets were similar to water, but had higher reflectances in all channels. Relative reflectances were in the order 4 5 or = 6 7. Although no underflight photography was at hand to judge mapping success, correlation was made, with 1:24,000 scale U.S.G.S. maps dated 1947 and 1948. Coal refuse targets correlated well with existing maps

    Processing ERTS and Aircraft MSS data with the General Electric Image 100 system

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    Investigations of an urban area and its locale using ERTS-1 data supported by U-photography

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    An urban area in central Pennsylvania and the surrounding locality were investigated separately at first by photointerpretation of ERTS-1 imagery and by computer processing of MSS tapes. Next the photointerpretation and processing were coordinated. The results of the cooperative effort of photointerpreters and computer processing analysts were much improved over independent efforts. It was found that single frames of U-2 photography could be projected onto printer output maps with little recognizable distortion in areas 10 to 25 cm square. In this way targets could be identified for use as training areas for computer processed signature identification. In addition, at any stage of category mapping, the level of success in correct classification could be assessed by this method. The results of the classification of the study area are discussed

    The Penn State ORSER system for processing and analyzing ERTS and other MSS data

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    The author has identified the following significant results. The office for Remote Sensing of Earth Resources (ORSER) of the Space Science and Engineering Laboratory at the Pennsylvania State University has developed an extensive operational system for processing and analyzing ERTS-1 and similar multispectral data. The ORSER system was developed for use by a wide variety of researchers working in remote sensing. Both photointerpretive techniques and automatic computer processing methods have been developed and used, separately and in a combined approach. A remote Job Entry system permits use of an IBM 370/168 computer from any compatible remote terminal, including equipment tied in by long distance telephone connections. An elementary cost analysis has been prepared for the processing of ERTS data

    Preliminary Skylab MSS channel evaluation

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    The author has identified the following significant results. A set of 18 channels which were considered of usable quality were identified. These were channels 1-14, 17, 19-21. Channels 15, 16, 18, and 22 were dropped out because they were of poor quality; channels 7 and 11 were dropped to limit the total channel number to 16. From these 16 channels, a total of 22 signatures were obtained. Eight were developed from uniform blocks of the UMAP, and 14 from use of the DCLUS program. These signatures fell into six basic categories and classified more than 90% of the five scenes mapped: agriculture land (6 signatures); forest aland (4); water (2); open nonagriculture land (2); urban (6); and disturbed land (2)

    Detection of Minimal Supersymmetric Model Higgs Bosons in \gam\gam Collisions: Influence of SUSY Decay Modes

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    We demonstrate that supersymmetric decay modes of the neutral Higgs bosons of the MSSM could well make their detection extremely difficult when produced singly in \gam\gam collisions at a back-scattered laser beam facility.Comment: 12 pages, requires phyzzx.tex and tables.tex, full postscript file including embedded tables available via anonymous ftp at ucdhep.ucdavis.edu as [anonymous.gunion]gamgamsusy.ps, preprint UCD-94-3

    Correction of banding in MSS digital data

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