6 research outputs found

    The Crystal Structure of the Transcriptional Regulator HucR from Deinococcus radiodurans Reveals a Repressor Preconfigured for DNA Binding

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    We report here the 2.3 Å resolution structure of the hypothetical uricase regulator (HucR) from Deinococcus radiodurans R1. HucR, a member of the MarR family of DNA-binding proteins, was previously shown to repress its own expression as well as that of a uricase, a repression that is alleviated both in vivo and in vitro upon binding uric acid, the substrate for uricase. As uric acid is a potent scavenger of reactive oxygen species, and as D. radiodurans is known for its remarkable resistance to DNA-damaging agents, these observations indicate a novel oxidative stress response mechanism. The crystal structure of HucR in the absence of ligand or DNA reveals a dimer in which the DNA recognition helices are preconfigured for DNA binding. This configuration of DNA-binding domains is achieved through an apparently stable dimer interface that, in contrast to what is observed in other MarR homologs for which structures have been determined, shows little conformational heterogeneity in the absence of ligand. An additional amino-terminal segment, absent from other MarR homologs, appears to brace the principal helix of the dimerization interface. However, although HucR is preconfigured for DNA binding, the presence of a stacked pair of symmetry-related histidine residues at a central pivot point in the dimer interface suggests a mechanism for a conformational change to attenuate DNA binding. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    A disorder to order transition accompanies catalysis in retinaldehyde dehydrogenase type II

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    Retinaldehyde dehydrogenase II (RalDH2) converts retinal to the transcriptional regulator retinoic acid in the developing embryo. The x-ray structure of the enzyme revealed an important structural difference between this protein and other aldehyde dehydrogenases of the same enzyme superfamily; a 20-amino acid span in the substrate access channel in retinaldehyde dehydrogenase II is disordered, whereas in other aldehyde dehydrogenases this region forms a well defined wall of the substrate access channel. We asked whether this disordered loop might order during the course of catalysis and provide a means for an enzyme that requires a large substrate access channel to restrict access to the catalytic machinery by smaller compounds that might potentially enter the active site and be metabolized. Our experiments, a combination of kinetic, spectroscopic, and crystallographic techniques, suggest that a disorder to order transition is linked to catalytic activity

    A covalent linker allows for membrane targeting of an oxylipin biosynthetic complex

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    A naturally occurring bifunctional protein from Plexaura homomalla links sequential catalytic activities in an oxylipin biosynthetic pathway. The C-terminal lipoxygenase (LOX) portion of the molecule catalyzes the transformation of arachidonic acid (AA) to the corresponding 8R-hydroperoxide, and the N-terminal allene oxide synthase (AOS) domain promotes the conversion of the hydroperoxide intermediate to the product allene oxide (AO). Small-angle X-ray scattering data indicate that in the absence of a covalent linkage the two catalytic domains that transform AA to AO associate to form a complex that recapitulates the structure of the bifunctional protein. The SAXS data also support a model for LOX and AOS domain orientation in the fusion protein inferred from a low-resolution crystal structure. However, results of membrane binding experiments indicate that covalent linkage of the domains is required for Ca2+-dependent membrane targeting of the sequential activities, despite the noncovalent domain association. Furthermore, membrane targeting is accompanied by a conformational change as monitored by specific proteolysis of the linker that joins the AOS and LOX domains. Our data are consistent with a model in which Ca2+-dependent membrane binding relieves the noncovalent interactions between the AOS and LOX domains and suggests that the C2-like domain of LOX mediates both protein-protein and protein-membrane interactions. © 2008 American Chemical Society