37 research outputs found

    Synopsis der Gattung Rhizogonium (Musci, Rhizogoniaceae)

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    All species of rhe genus Rhizogonium are keyed out, described and illustrated. Rhizogonium sublimbatum Crum is regarded as synonymous with Rh. novae-hollandiae.Alle Arten der Gattung Rhizogonium werden ausgeschlüsselt, beschrieben und illustriert und mit einem Schlüssel. Rh. sublimbatum Crum wird als synonym von Rh. novaehollandiae angesehen

    XCO2_{2} retrieval for GOSAT and GOSAT-2 based on the FOCAL algorithm

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    Since 2009, the Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite (GOSAT) has performed radiance measurements in the near-infrared (NIR) and shortwave infrared (SWIR) spectral region. From February 2019 onward, data from GOSAT-2 have also been available. We present the first results from the application of the Fast atmOspheric traCe gAs retrievaL (FOCAL) algorithm to derive column-averaged dry-air mole fractions of carbon dioxide (XCO2) from GOSAT and GOSAT-2 radiances and their validation. FOCAL was initially developed for OCO-2 XCO2 retrievals and allows simultaneous retrievals of several gases over both land and ocean. Because FOCAL is accurate and numerically very fast, it is currently being considered as a candidate algorithm for the forthcoming European anthropogenic CO2 Monitoring (CO2M) mission to be launched in 2025. We present the adaptation of FOCAL to GOSAT and discuss the changes made and GOSAT specific additions. This particularly includes modifications in pre-processing (e.g. cloud detection) and post-processing (bias correction and filtering). A feature of the new application of FOCAL to GOSAT and GOSAT-2 is the independent use of both S- and P-polarisation spectra in the retrieval. This is not possible for OCO-2, which measures only one polarisation direction. Additionally, we make use of GOSAT\u27s wider spectral coverage compared to OCO-2 and derive not only XCO2, water vapour (H2O), and solar-induced fluorescence (SIF) but also methane (XCH4), with the potential for further atmospheric constituents and parameters like semi-heavy water vapour (HDO). In the case of GOSAT-2, the retrieval of nitrous oxide (XN2O) and carbon monoxide (CO) may also be possible. Here, we concentrate on the new FOCAL XCO2 data products. We describe the generation of the products as well as applied filtering and bias correction procedures. GOSAT-FOCAL XCO2 data have been produced for the time interval 2009 to 2019. Comparisons with other independent GOSAT data sets reveal agreement of long-term temporal variations within about 1 ppm over 1 decade; differences in seasonal variations of about 0.5 ppm are observed. Furthermore, we obtain a station-to-station bias of the new GOSAT-FOCAL product to the ground-based Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) of 0.56 ppm with a mean scatter of 1.89 ppm. The GOSAT-2-FOCAL XCO2 product is generated in a similar way as the GOSAT-FOCAL product, but with adapted settings. All GOSAT-2 data until the end of 2019 have been processed. Because of this limited time interval, the GOSAT-2 results are considered to be preliminary only, but first comparisons show that these data compare well with the GOSAT-FOCAL results and also TCCON

    Treatment of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis by Targeted Delivery of the Radio-Labeled Tumor Homing Peptide 213Bi-DTPA-[F3]2 into the Nucleus of Tumor Cells

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    BACKGROUND: Alpha-particle emitting isotopes are effective novel tools in cancer therapy, but targeted delivery into tumors is a prerequisite of their application to avoid toxic side effects. Peritoneal carcinomatosis is a widespread dissemination of tumors throughout the peritoneal cavity. As peritoneal carcinomatosis is fatal in most cases, novel therapies are needed. F3 is a tumor homing peptide which is internalized into the nucleus of tumor cells upon binding to nucleolin on the cell surface. Therefore, F3 may be an appropriate carrier for alpha-particle emitting isotopes facilitating selective tumor therapies. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A dimer of the vascular tumor homing peptide F3 was chemically coupled to the alpha-emitter (213)Bi ((213)Bi-DTPA-[F3](2)). We found (213)Bi-DTPA-[F3](2) to accumulate in the nucleus of tumor cells in vitro and in intraperitoneally growing tumors in vivo. To study the anti-tumor activity of (213)Bi-DTPA-[F3](2) we treated mice bearing intraperitoneally growing xenograft tumors with (213)Bi-DTPA-[F3](2). In a tumor prevention study between the days 4-14 after inoculation of tumor cells 6x1.85 MBq (50 microCi) of (213)Bi-DTPA-[F3](2) were injected. In a tumor reduction study between the days 16-26 after inoculation of tumor cells 6x1.85 MBq of (213)Bi-DTPA-[F3](2) were injected. The survival time of the animals was increased from 51 to 93.5 days in the prevention study and from 57 days to 78 days in the tumor reduction study. No toxicity of the treatment was observed. In bio-distribution studies we found (213)Bi-DTPA-[F3](2) to accumulate in tumors but only low activities were found in control organs except for the kidneys, where (213)Bi-DTPA-[F3](2) is found due to renal excretion. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In conclusion we report that (213)Bi-DTPA-[F3](2) is a novel tool for the targeted delivery of alpha-emitters into the nucleus of tumor cells that effectively controls peritoneal carcinomatosis in preclinical models and may also be useful in oncology

    Demonstration of reduced neoclassical energy transport in Wendelstein 7-X

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    Research on magnetic confinement of high-temperature plasmas has the ultimate goal of harnessing nuclear fusion for the production of electricity. Although the tokamak1 is the leading toroidal magnetic-confinement concept, it is not without shortcomings and the fusion community has therefore also pursued alternative concepts such as the stellarator. Unlike axisymmetric tokamaks, stellarators possess a three-dimensional (3D) magnetic field geometry. The availability of this additional dimension opens up an extensive configuration space for computational optimization of both the field geometry itself and the current-carrying coils that produce it. Such an optimization was undertaken in designing Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X)2, a large helical-axis advanced stellarator (HELIAS), which began operation in 2015 at Greifswald, Germany. A major drawback of 3D magnetic field geometry, however, is that it introduces a strong temperature dependence into the stellarator’s non-turbulent ‘neoclassical’ energy transport. Indeed, such energy losses will become prohibitive in high-temperature reactor plasmas unless a strong reduction of the geometrical factor associated with this transport can be achieved; such a reduction was therefore a principal goal of the design of W7-X. In spite of the modest heating power currently available, W7-X has already been able to achieve high-temperature plasma conditions during its 2017 and 2018 experimental campaigns, producing record values of the fusion triple product for such stellarator plasmas3,4. The triple product of plasma density, ion temperature and energy confinement time is used in fusion research as a figure of merit, as it must attain a certain threshold value before net-energy-producing operation of a reactor becomes possible1,5. Here we demonstrate that such record values provide evidence for reduced neoclassical energy transport in W7-X, as the plasma profiles that produced these results could not have been obtained in stellarators lacking a comparably high level of neoclassical optimization