3,734 research outputs found


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    Risk of new-onset Long Covid following reinfection with SARS-CoV-2: community-based cohort study

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    Background: Little is known about the risk of Long Covid following reinfection with SARS-CoV-2. We estimated the likelihood of new-onset, self-reported Long Covid after a second SARS-CoV-2 infection, and compared to a first infection. // Methods: We included UK COVID-19 Infection Survey participants who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 between 1 November 2021 and 8 October 2022. The primary outcome was self-reported Long Covid 12 to 20 weeks after each infection. Separate analyses were performed for those <16 years and ≥16 years. We estimated adjusted odds ratios (aORs) for new-onset Long Covid using logistic regression, comparing second to first infections, controlling for socio-demographic characteristics and calendar date of infection, plus vaccination status in those ≥16 years. // Results: Overall, Long Covid was reported by those ≥16 years after 4.0% and 2.4% of first and second infections, respectively; the corresponding estimates among those <16 years were 1.0% and 0.6%. The aOR for Long Covid after second compared to first infections was 0.72 (95% confidence interval: 0.63–0.81) for those ≥16 years and 0.93 (0.57–1.53) for those <16 years. // Conclusions: The risk of new-onset Long Covid after a second SARS-CoV-2 infection is lower than that after a first infection for those ≥16 years, though there is no evidence of a difference in risk for those <16 years. However, there remains some risk of new-onset Long Covid after a second infection, with around 1 in 40 of those ≥16 years and 1 in 165 of those <16 years reporting Long Covid after a second infection


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    ABSTRACT The paper present the results carried out in order to produce synthetic ester oils with a complex structure on the basis of sebacic acid with beneficial tribological properties. Three series of unsymmetrical diesters have been synthesized by taking into account superior aliphatic alcohols such as 2-ethyl-hexanol, isodecanol and isotridecanol along with special alcohols of a complex alkyl-aryl structure, namely 2-phenoxy-ethanol, 2-[(o sec butyl)-phenoxy] ethanol and 2-[(p-nonyl)-phenoxy] ethanol, respectively. There were also synthesized the symmetrical (homogeneous) esters based on these special aliphaticaromatic alcohols. INTRODUCTION Synthetic lubricants were originally developed and used for applications where petroleum products were inadequate (e.g., at extremely high and low temperatures, under extreme wear conditions)or where special characteristics, such as long life, improved equipment efficiency, or non-flammability, were needed. It is estimated that approximately 80% of the worldwide synthetic lubricants market is represented by three generic groups: polyalphaolefins (~45%), organic esters (~25%), and polyglycols (~10%) Within this general trend we have chosen a specific way to built complex esters with a mixed (unsymmetrical) structure taking into account special alkyl-aryl alcohols along with medium and long aliphatic (normal or branched) alcohols. In our previous papers we have reported the synthesis of such products on the basis of trimellitic, pyromellitic, citric, phosphoric and o-phtalic acids The present paper is in consequence a part of a large program started many years ago and this research is grounded in fact on two main principles that is of: (1) Asymmetry and of (2) Polyfunctionality. This paper presents results concerning the synthesis and characterization of some diesters of sebacic acid built in such a manner to produce mixed structures or unsymmetrical derivatives, taking into account superior aliphatic alcohols and special alcohols of a complex alkylaryl structure, respectively. By varying the length of the aliphatic alcohols and also by modifying the length and position of an alkyl pendant group on the aromatic ring of the complex alkyl-aryl alcohols, three series of products have been realized. There have also been synthesized the symmetric (homogeneous) diesters by taking in consideration only the complex alkyl-aryl alcohols. Thes

    Developing a Labeled Affective Magnitude scale and Fuzzy Linguistic scale for tactile feeling

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    Affective design is the inclusion or representation of human emotions and subjective impressions in product design processes. In affective design, a number of different scales are commonly used to reveal and measure subjective emotions related to the design features of products. Osgood's Semantic Differential Scale (SDS) is one of the scales that has often been used for this purpose. However, there are some drawbacks in the SDS due to the ordinal nature of the scale that leads to losses or distortions of a significant amount of information and this makes it difficult to justify parametric statistical analysis. In this study, two scales, namely a Labeled Affective Magnitude (LAM) scale and a Fuzzy Linguistic scale, are developed. The LAM scale is an alternative scale based on magnitude estimation and has ratio properties. The Fuzzy Linguistic scale is an interval scale for which responses are linguistic descriptors that are identified with fuzzy numbers or intervals. The scales were developed for tactile feelings because they are an important factor in product evaluation. Statistical analysis was conducted to compare the scales. There was no significant difference between the newly constructed fuzzy scale and 11 point SDS, whereas there was a significant difference between the newly constructed LAM scale and 11 point SDS

    GW170817 falsifies dark matter emulators

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    On August 17, 2017 the LIGO interferometers detected the gravitational wave (GW) signal (GW170817) from the coalescence of binary neutron stars. This signal was also simultaneously seen throughout the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum from radio waves to gamma rays. We point out that this simultaneous detection of GW and EM signals rules out a class of modified gravity theories, termed “dark matter emulators,” which dispense with the need for dark matter by making ordinary matter couple to a different metric from that of GW. We discuss other kinds of modified gravity theories which dispense with the need for dark matter and are still viable. This simultaneous observation also provides the first observational test of Einstein’s weak equivalence principle (WEP) between gravitons and photons. We estimate the Shapiro time delay due to the gravitational potential of the total dark matter distribution along the line of sight (complementary to the calculation by Abbott et al. [Astrophys. J. Lett. 848, L13 (2017)]) to be about 400 days. Using this estimate for the Shapiro delay and from the time difference of 1.7 seconds between the GW signal and gamma rays, we can constrain violations of the WEP using the parametrized post-Newtonian parameter γ, and it is given by jγGW − γEMj < 9.8 × 10−8

    Prevalent presence of periodic actin-spectrin-based membrane skeleton in a broad range of neuronal cell types and animal species

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    Actin, spectrin, and associated molecules form a periodic, submembrane cytoskeleton in the axons of neurons. For a better understanding of this membrane-associated periodic skeleton (MPS), it is important to address how prevalent this structure is in different neuronal types, different subcellular compartments, and across different animal species. Here, we investigated the organization of spectrin in a variety of neuronal- and glial-cell types. We observed the presence of MPS in all of the tested neuronal types cultured from mouse central and peripheral nervous systems, including excitatory and inhibitory neurons from several brain regions, as well as sensory and motor neurons. Quantitative analyses show that MPS is preferentially formed in axons in all neuronal types tested here: Spectrin shows a long-range, periodic distribution throughout all axons but appears periodic only in a small fraction of dendrites, typically in the form of isolated patches in subregions of these dendrites. As in dendrites, we also observed patches of periodic spectrin structures in a small fraction of glial-cell processes in four types of glial cells cultured from rodent tissues. Interestingly, despite its strong presence in the axonal shaft, MPS is disrupted in most presynaptic boutons but is present in an appreciable fraction of dendritic spine necks, including some projecting from dendrites where such a periodic structure is not observed in the shaft. Finally, we found that spectrin is capable of adopting a similar periodic organization in neurons of a variety of animal species, including Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila, Gallus gallus, Mus musculus, and Homo sapiens

    Methemoglobinemia presenting in a circumcised baby following application of prilocaine: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Local anesthesia with prilocaine has become a routine part of ambulatory circumcision procedures. Methemoglobinemia is a rare but potentially lethal complication of local anesthetics.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 40-day-old Turkish boy who presented with cyanosis after receiving local anesthesia with prilocaine. His methemoglobin level revealed severe methemoglobinemia (methemoglobin = 44%). His cyanosis resolved after intravenous administration of methylene blue.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although the association between prilocaine use and methemoglobinemia has generally restricted the use of prilocaine in babies, it is still widely used in ambulatory procedures, especially during circumcision in the neonatal period. Prilocaine should not be used in babies who are less than 3 months old because of the risk of methemoglobinemia; other local anesthetics may be used for this age group. Furthermore, general anesthesia by mask ventilation may be favored for babies less than 3 months of age instead of local anesthetics.</p