60 research outputs found

    The Nineteenth Century Engagement Between Geological and Adventist Thought and its Bearing on the Twentieth Century Flood Geology Movement

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    The Seventh-day Adventist Church has from the early years of its existence reacted to the perceived challenge of geological thought to their nascent theology. In particular, the Sabbath of the fourth Commandment in Genesis 2 and the catastrophic global Flood described in Genesis 7 and 8 were targeted. The nineteenth century Adventist response has been one of shifting focus, changing strategies, and increasing intensity. Ellen White, the church’s co-founder and prophetess, was one of the first to sound a warning on theological implications of geology. Her perception of geology contained many pre-nineteenth century concepts disconnected from contemporary geological thinking. Long-time editor Uriah Smith used external documents, notably Presbyterian writings to guide the Adventist congregation with ways of responding to geological thought as it impacted on their faith. The first authentic Adventist evaluation of geology and its perceived link with evolution by Alonzo Jones took place in the mid-1880s. With his spirited response, Jones criticised geological stratigraphic concepts in order to neutralise the threat of burgeoning theistic evolutionary thought. His searching in the geological literature involved the use of contextomy. George McCready Price next ventured to nullify the established stratigraphic principles of geology in order to justify a single, global flood-based hypothesis to explain all fossiliferous sedimentary formations. To achieve this, he presented from established scientists selected citations out of their intended context. A special case is presented on Price’s questionable use of the reports of American field geologists McConnell and Willis on thrust faults in the Rocky Mountains. Price modified diagrams and failed to convey unmistakable evidence of a dynamic cause of complex stratigraphy to present his case for the global existence of reverse sequences of rock strata. He argued that since the geologists’ evidence for a fossil sequence of life in the rock stratigraphy is so greatly flawed, there must have been a single catastrophic event that better explained this. Adventist engagement with geological thought during this period saw a noticeable increase in the disregard of intellectual integrity. This study argues that intellectual dishonesty is not a valid way to support a preconceived interpretation of the scriptural narrative. History provides several examples where skewed accounts of events due to questionable intellectual sincerity have eventually been corrected. This research provides access points for interested persons to further investigate the historical aspects of the nineteenth century geology and Adventist thought engagement

    The evolution of the Molopo drainage

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    A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Johannesburg, 1998The appearance of the dry Molopo River with its generally wide and shallow valley cut into the Kalahari Group sediments, but more especially its few impressive rock-cut gorges, has intrigued many people over the ages, and led to many theories concerning its history. The rock-cut gorges, in particular, have traditionally been attributed to ancient, previously much more extended drainage lines, more or less in the same geographical position as the present Molopo Valley. An analysis of the sediment body of the Kalahari Group, and both, alluvial gravels and geomorphic features on the rim of the Cainozoic Kalahari Basin, have indicated that the Molopo drainage has gradually shifted westward over time, in response to a tilting of the drainage area, which lies across the south-eastern rim of the Kalahari Basin, The present geographical position of the Molopo River is thus a relatively recent one in its evolution. The earliest traces of drainage lines in the area predate the Permo-Carboniferous glaciation of Gondwana. A preglaciation valley system with only some similarities to the present-one flowed in a northwesterly direction. There is a long hiatus in the evidence from the end of the glaciation to the beginning of the formation of the Calnozoic Kalahari Basin. The most significant feature of that intermediate period, is a large meteorite impact which occurred near Morokweng at the J-K boundary. The Cainozoic evolution of the Molopo drainage has been strongly influenced by both tectonics and climatic change. Tectonics, which include both the initial formation of the Kalahari Basin and Neogene warpings of the intra-continental axes of uplift, caused the interruption of a pre- Kalahari southward flowing drainage system, an extended upper Molopo, the existence of the Molopo as an endoreic system for an extended period of time, and a westward shift of the entire Molopo drainage system. Progressively more arid conditions interrupted by humid climatic pulses of decreasing intensity have occurred since the Cretaceous. The aridifying conditions caused the existence of playa-like conditions over long periods oftime in the back-tilted section of the proto-Molopo. This was followed by a rapid sediment infilling of the sub-basin and a major rejuvenation phase, which caused the incision of the Molopo River into the duricrusted sediments of the Kalahari Group, and the re-establishment of the Molopo River as an exoreic drainage system in its present position. Rock-cut terrace remnants in the upper Molopo give evidence of much smaller climatic changes during the Quaternary. There has been no integrated flow in living memory

    Infidel Geologists! The Cultural Context of Ellen White\u27s Statements on Geological Science

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    Ellen White’s repeated and strident denunciations of ‘infidel geologists’ and theirideas in her 1864 monograph “Spiritual Gifts” are well known. This early originsmaterial was invoked from time to time in her subsequent articles for Churchperiodicals, would be re-worked and expanded in her “Spirit of Prophecy” (1870)and was to see its final denouement in “Patriarchs and Prophets” (1890) withother associated material appearing in the “Great Controversy” (1888). Becauseof her accepted prophetic status Ellen White’s writings in this area have provedto be enduringly authoritative for the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Further,they were enormously formative for George McCready Price and, through him,hugely influential for the world-wide recent creationism movement, beginning inthe 1960s. This paper explores the historical and theological contexts of White’spronouncements on geological themes, explores possible provocations and sources behind some of her ideas and notes differences in the manner in which she re-used this material in later publications. This study indicates that her statements on geological matters represented ideas which, while once commonly held, were no longer accepted by professionals involved with the rapid scientific progression of nineteenth century geology

    A Study of the Christian Public\u27s Engagement with the New Geology of the 19th Century and its Implications for the Succeeding Centuries

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    While Christian communities had no problem engaging positively with the sciences of astronomy, physics and chemistry, they had difficulty engaging with the emerging geology and biology of the 19th century. The ancient earth and evolutionary models of geology and biology respectively were seen as a direct attack on the biblical Genesis model of a young earth and a creation that took place over the period of a week. Some Christian apologists used Baconianism and the Scottish Common Sense philosophy to suggest that geology was not a real science. Geology was characterised as consisting of wild speculation, hypotheses and theories and lacking in solid factual evidence. In both Britain and North America Christian respondents to the new geology were classified as harmonizing geologists or scriptural geologists. This paper considers the nature of these respondents, their philosophical positions, and how these positions took form in the succeeding centuries in terms of different cognitive geological styles. The implications for the science education and science in society context will be discussed

    Regulatory T Cells Facilitate Thymic Recovery After HSCT by Directly Enhancing Immigration of Donor Derived Thymic Progenitors

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: An increasing number of physicians use repeated measurements of stool calprotectin to monitor intestinal inflammation in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs). A lateral flow-based rapid test allows patients to measure their own stool calprotectin values at home. The test comes with a software application (IBDoc; Buhlmann Laboratories AG, Schonenbuch, Switzerland) that turns a smartphone camera into a results reader. We compared results from this method with those from the hospital-based reader (Quantum Blue; Buhlmann Laboratories AG) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) analysis. METHODS: In a single-center comparison study, we asked 101 participants (10 years of age or older) in the Netherlands to perform the IBDoc measurement on stool samples collected at home, from June 2015 to October 2016. Participants then sent the residual extraction fluid and a fresh specimen from the same bowel movement to our pediatric and adult IBD center at the University Medical Center Groningen, where the level of calprotectin was measured by the Quantum Blue reader and ELISA analysis, respectively. The primary outcome was the agreement of results between IBDoc and the Quantum Blue and ELISA analyses, determined by Bland-Altman plot analysis. RESULTS: We received 152 IBDoc results, 138 samples of residual extraction fluid for Quantum Blue analysis, and 170 fresh stool samples for ELISA analysis. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was 0.94 for results obtained by IBDoc vs Quantum Blue and 0.85 for results obtained by IBDoc vs ELISA. At the low range of calprotectin level (= 100 mu g/g), and 71% of IBDoc-ELISA results were in agreement. At the high range of calprotectin level (>= 500 mu g/g), 81% of IBDoc-Quantum Blue results were within the predefined limits of agreement (+/- 200 mu g/g) and 64% of IBDoc-ELISA results were in agreement. CONCLUSIONS: Measurements of fecal levels of calprotectin made with home-based lateral flow method were in agreement with measurements made by Quantum Blue and ELISA, as long as concentrations wer

    Гераклиты – карбонатные образования газовых источников и грязевых вулканов миоцена

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    Морфологические признаки, минералогия, геохимия и состав газовой фракции гераклитов подтвердили их генетическую общность с современными карбонатными образованиями метановых источников и грязевых вулканов Черного моря. Присутствие в гераклитах битумов, метана и этана может служить индикатором наличия нефти и газа на Гераклейском полуострове и прилегающему к нему шельфе.Морфологічні ознаки, мінералогія, геох!мія i склад газової фракцїї гераклитів підтвердили їх генетичну спільність із сучасними карбонатними утвореннями метанових джерел i грязьових вулканів Чорного моря. Присутність у гераклітах бітумів, метану i етану може слугувати як індикатор наявності нафти й газу на Гераклейськом niвocтpoвi i прилеглому до нього шельфі.Morphological attributes, mineralogy, geochemistry and structure of gas fraction Geraklit have confirmed their proximity to modern carbonate formations of methane sources and mud volcanoes in the Black sea. Presence of bitumen, methane and ethane in Geraklites serves as indicator of occurence of oil fields and gas on the Geraklejskij peninsula and adjoining to them a shelf

    The relationship between physical activity, and physical performance and psycho-cognitive functioning in older adults living in residential aged care facilities

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    Insight into modifiable factors related to falls risk in older adults living in residential aged care facilities (RACFs) is necessary to tailor preventive strategies for this high-risk population. Associations between physical activity (PA), physical performance and psycho-cognitive functioning have been understudied in aged care residents. This study investigated associations between PA, and both physical performance and psycho-cognitive functioning in older adults living in RACFs.Cross-sectional study.Forty-four residents aged 85±8years were recruited from four RACFs located in Southeast Queensland. PA was assessed as the average time spent walking in hours/day using activPAL3™. Physical performance tests included balance, gait speed, dual-task ability, reaction time, coordination, grip strength, and leg strength and power. Psycho-cognitive questionnaires included quality of life, balance confidence, fear of falling and cognitive functioning. Associations between PA and each outcome measure were analysed using linear or ordinal regression models.The average time spent walking was 0.5±0.4h/day. Higher levels of PA were significantly associated with better balance (compared with low PA, medium: B=1.6; high: B=1.3) and dual-task ability (OR=7.9 per 0.5h/day increase). No statistically significant associations were found between PA and the other physical and psycho-cognitive measures.More physically active residents scored higher on balance and dual-task ability, which are key predictors of falls risk. This suggests that physical activity programs targeting balance and dual-task ability could help prevent falls in aged care residents

    Brain structure in bipolar disorder : A longitudinal neuroimaging study in twins

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    In this longitudinal twin study, the goal was to ascertain the extent to which BD shows abnormalities in subcortical and cortical brain regions at baseline and over time. Baseline assessments in this study revealed that BD was associated with smaller volumes of the thalamus, putamen and nucleus accumbens. These associations were strongly influenced by genes influencing both BD and smaller volumes of these regions, indicating that BD may share some genetic background with structural abnormalities in brain regions involved in emotion processing. Furthermore, at baseline, BD was associated with subtle deficits in cortical surface area, cortical thickness and cortical volume. Here, unique environmental factors primarily drove the associations between BD and cortical measures, particularly those involving cortical thinning. In contrast, although brain structure deficits may arise during development, these appear to remain relatively stable over time in adulthood, as structural brain changes in cortical and subcortical brain regions were not different among BD patients, co-twins and healthy controls. This suggests that BD is not a disease that shows progressive structural brain atrophy and may be specifically associated with subtle brain abnormalities that arise earlier in life, perhaps even during neurodevelopment. This finding contrasts with results obtained in schizophrenia, where significant progressive brain atrophy during adulthood, particularly in fronto-temporal regions, has been observed and linked to the genetic liability for the disease. Therefore, schizophrenia and BD may show different neuroanatomical trajectories, with the former showing more severe abnormalities than the latter. However, more longitudinal studies with larger cohorts than the one described here are necessary to confirm the absence of structural brain change over time in BD, especially since findings of structural brain changes in prefrontal cortical and subcortical structures conflict considerably between studies. In addition, many factors may affect brain measures and could contribute to inconsistencies across studies, such as lithium use, age, familial load, mood status, number of episodes, number of hospitalizations and variability in imaging methodology. Finally, to account more comprehensively for the genetic and environmental contributions to structural brain abnormalities in BD, cross-sectionally and longitudinally, (prospective) longitudinal studies with larger cohorts (such as those included by the ENIGMA consortium) are required. More insight into which specific genetic and/or environmental influences contribute to the development of BD and associated brain anomalies, particularly in brain networks subserving emotion processing, could serve as a guide in the developing intervention strategies directed at reducing disease burden or even preventing disease onset

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