68 research outputs found

    Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid EAB-277® Supplementation Improved Heart Rate Variability and Clinical Signs in Tracheal Collapse Dogs

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    Canine tracheal collapse is a progressive disease in small breed dogs resulting from chronic inflammation of the tracheal mucosal lining. Polyunsaturated fatty acid EAB-277® is one of the nutraceuticals that can alleviate inflammation and oxidative stress. Heart rate variability (HRV) is a prognostic tool related to sympathovagal balance and oxidative stress level, which is widely used with cardiorespiratory diseases. However, the effect of EAB-277® on HRV in tracheal collapse dogs has rarely been investigated. In this study, 26 tracheal collapse dogs were divided into two groups. In the control group, the dogs received the standard treatment, whereas the dogs in the EAB-277® group received standard treatment combined with EAB-277®. After being treated for 5 weeks, changes in radiographic findings, blood profiles, serum malondialdehyde, inflammatory markers, and HRV were evaluated. This study found that clinical signs were improved in both groups (p < 0.05). However, serum malondialdehyde (MDA), Interleukin-6 (IL-6), and Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) were decreased only in the EAB-277® group after treatment for five weeks (p < 0.05) and the mean percent change of MDA, IL-6, and TNF-α at week five compared to baseline in the EAB-277® group was greater than in the control group (p < 0.05). Additionally, greater sympathovagal imbalance indicated by decreased standard deviation of all normal R-R intervals (SDNN) and standard deviation of the averaged R-R intervals for all 5-minutes segments (SDANN) was found in the control group at week five compared to baseline (P < 0.05), whereas EAB-277® improved SDNN and SDANN and decreased low frequency/high-frequency component (LF/HF ratio) after being treated for five weeks (P < 0.05). This study demonstrates that EAB-277® improves clinical signs and attenuates HRV impairment by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in tracheal collapse dogs

    Prevalence of bisphosphonate associated osteonecrosis of the jaws in multiple myeloma patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws (BP-ONJ) is an adverse effect of bisphosphonate treatment with varying reported incidence rates.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In two neighboring German cities, prevalence and additional factors of the development of BP-ONJ in multiple myeloma patients with bisphosphonates therapy were recorded using a retrospective (RS) and cross-sectional study (CSS) design. For the RS, all patients treated from Jan. 2000 - Feb. 2006 were contacted by letter. In the CSS, all patients treated from Oct. 2006 - Mar. 2008 had a physical and dental examination. Additionally, a literature review was conducted to evaluate all articles reporting on BP-ONJ prevalence. PubMed search terms were: bisphosphonat, diphosphonate, osteonecrosis, prevalence and incidence.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the RS, data from 81 of 161 patients could be obtained; four patients (4.9%) developed BP-ONJ. In the CSS, 16 of 78 patients (20.5%) developed BP-ONJ. All patients with BP-ONJ had received zoledronate; 12 of these had had additional bisphosphonates. All except one had an additional trigger factor (tooth extraction [n = 14], dental surgical procedure [n = 2], sharp mylohyoid ridge [n = 3]).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The prevalence of BP-ONJ may have been underestimated to date. The oral examination of all patients in this CSS might explain the higher prevalence, since even early asymptomatic stages of BP-ONJ and previously unnoticed symptomatic BP-ONJ were recorded. Since nearly all patients with BP-ONJ had an additional trigger factor, oral hygiene and dental care might help to reduce BP-ONJ incidence.</p

    Kardiologische Untersuchungen an gesunden und herzkranken Frettchen

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    0\. Title page and table of contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Review of literature 2 3. Materials and methods 36 4.1 -4.4 4.1. Ausculation 44 4.2. Electrocardiography 45 4.3. Radiography 58 4.4. Echocardiography 66 4.5 - 8 4.5. Selected clinical cases 76 5. Discussion 92 6. Zusammenfassung 106 7. Summary 108 8. References 110 Acknowledgements 127Ninety six ferrets have been enrolled in a cardiovascular study. The patients were classified into 4 subgroups: Group A (non sedated-normal group, NSN group), Group B (non sedated-disease group, NSD group), Group C (sedated- normal group, SN group) and Group D (sedated-disease group, SD group). A low dose ketamine and xylazine was used to anesthetize the animals. Heart murmurs were found mostly on the left side of the thorax and and more than half of the murmurs had a low intensity graded from 1 to 2 from a 5 grade scale. The normal ECG mean values were: P amplitude of 0.08 mV; P duration of 0.02 sec. R amplitude was 1.68 mV. QRS duration was 0.03 sec. S and Q waves in lead II were found rarely in normal ferrets. T waves were found as positive and negative deflections but mostly were positive in lead II with a mean amplitude of 0.15 mV. The mean value for the PQ interval and QT interval was 0.05 sec and 0.10 sec respectively. Heart rate ranged between 190 to 360 bpm in normal animals without sedation. Ventricular premature complexes were the predominant arrhythmia found in this study. In 84% of the normal population the mean electrical vector ranged from 30 to 100 degree. In ferrets with heart disease the mean electrical vector ranged from 43.5 to 125 degrees. The most useful radiographic method to differentiate the cardiac silhouette between the normal and the disease groups is the intercostal score (ICS) system. In the normal groups, the mean values were 2.28 ICS compared to 2.70 ICS in the disease groups. Cardiac silhouette without sternal contact are a special finding in ferrets and occurred in both groups. In normal 2-D echocardiography the features resembled the findings in small animals. M-mode echocardiography in the normal groups showed a mean of LVDd 1.04 cm, IVSd 0.35 cm, LVWd 0.36 cm, LVDs 0.60 cm. IVSs and LVWs were equal in thickness at 0.47 cm. The mean value of the fractional shortening (FS) in normal groups was a 42.48% which is remarkable higher than in the disease groups (FS=30.42%). The mean LA/AO ratio was 1.32 in the normal groups. In the disease groups showed a mean LA/AO at 1.41. In the Doppler examination, a mitral regurgitation was most often recorded. The pulmonic and aortic velocities were recorded in nine and fourteen cases respectively in which the pulmonic flow velocity (n=9) was detected at a range from 0.5 to 1.15 m/sec and the aortic flow velocity (n=14) ranged from 0.6 to 1 m/sec.Sechsundneunzig Frettchen wurden in eine kardiovaskulaere Untersuchungsstudie aufgenommen. Die Patienten der kardiovaskulär Studie wurden in vier Untergruppen eingeteilt. Die Gruppe A umfasst die nicht sedierten normalen Tiere (NSN Gruppe). Die Gruppe B enthält alle nicht sedierten herzkranken Tiere (NSD Gruppe). Waehrend die Gruppe C die sedierten normalen (SN Gruppe) und Gruppe D die sedierten herzkranken (SD Gruppe) Tiere enthaelt. Zur Anaesthesie bzw. Sedation wurde Ketamine/Xylazin in niedrigen Dosen eingesetzt. Herzgeraeusche wurden hauptsaechlich an der linken Brustwand fesgestellt und waren ueberwiegend von geringer Intensitaet (Grad 1/5 oder 2/5). Die normalen durchschnittlichen EKG-Werte (Abl. II) sind Amplituden: P: 0,08; R: 1,68 mV; und Zeitwerte P: 0,02 sec; PQ: 0,05 sec; QRS: 0,03 sec und QT: 0,10 sec. S und Q Zacken sind bei herzgesunden Frettchen kaum vorhanden. Die T-Wellen koennen sowohl positiv als auch negativ sein wobei die positiven T-Wellen mit einer durchschnittlichen Amplitude von 0,15 mV ueberwiegen. Die Herzschlagfrequenz bei herzgesunden Tieren ohne Sedation variierte zwischen 190 bis zu 360 Schlägen/min. Ventikulaere Extrasystolen dominieren bei den registrierten Arrhythmien. Herzgesunde Frettchen haben einen EKG Frontalvektor zwischen 30 und 100 Grad (84%). Bei herzkranken Frettchen liegt der Frontalvektor zwischen 43,5 und 125 Grad. Die brauchbarste Methode zur roentgenologischen Unterscheidung zwischen herzgesunden und herzkranken Tieren war die Bestimmung der Mittelwerte mit dem intercostalen Score System (ICS). Die Mittelwerte liegen bei gesunden bei 2,28 und bei herzkranken bei 2,70 ICS. Als eine Besonderkeit kann bei Thorax aufnahmen von Frettchen gelten, dass die Herzsilhouette häufiger keinen Kontakt mit dem Sternum hat. Im zweidimensionalen Echokardiogramm aehneln die wesentlichen Befunde denjenigen bei anderen kleinen Haustieren. Bei den gesunden Frettchen wurden folgende Durchschnittswerte im eindimensionalen (M-mode) Echokardiogramm ermittelt: LVDd 1,04 cm, IVSd 0,35 cm, LVWd 0,36 cm, LVDs 0,60 cm, IVSs und LVWs waren mit 0,47 cm gleich dick. Die Verkuerzungsfraktion (FS) als Mass der Kontraktionsfaehigkeit ist bei herzgesunden Tieren mit 42,48% deutlich hoeher als bei herzkranken Tieren mit 30,42%. Das mittlere Verhaeltnis zwischen linksatrialem und aortalem Durchmesser (LA/AO) betraegt bei den gesunden Frettchen 1,32. Bei den herzkranken Tieren liegt der LA/AO Verhaeltniswert bei 1,41. In den dopplerechokardiographischen Untersuchungen dominieren deutliche atriale Regurgitationen via Mitralklappe. Die Flussgeschwindigkeiten konnten verlaesslich bei neun gesunden Tieren an der Pulmonalarterie mit 0,5 bis 1,15 m/sec und bei vierzehn Tieren an der Aorta mit 0,6 bis 1,0 m/sec bestimmt werden

    Acupuncture Improves Heart Rate Variability, Oxidative Stress Level, Exercise Tolerance, and Quality of Life in Tracheal Collapse Dogs

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    Among the respiratory disorders in dogs from small breeds, tracheal collapse is one of the most commonly found in clinical practice. Presently, acupuncture is widely used as an alternative treatment which was shown to bring about positive effects in the treatment of human respiratory diseases. The present study demonstrated the effect of acupuncture on tracheal collapse dogs. We hypothesized that acupuncture can help dogs suffering from tracheal collapse by improving various parameters including heart rate variability, serum biomarkers for oxidative stress, exercise performance, and quality of life. Twenty client-owned dogs from small breeds with tracheal collapse disease were enrolled. The study was divided into two 5-week periods. During the first period, the dogs received normal veterinary care but received no acupuncture treatment (NAC). After completing that period, all forms of treatment were withheld for one week before the beginning of the second period. In the second period, all dogs restarted normal veterinary care and underwent acupuncture treatment (AC) once a week for five consecutive weeks. Blood was collected at the beginning and end of each of the two periods for malondialdehyde (MDA) level measurement. Heart rate variability (HRV) was recorded at the 1st, 3rd and 5th weeks of both periods. Exercise tests were performed at the beginning and end of AC period and questionnaire interviews with the owners were accomplished at the end of each period. The results showed that acupuncture can alleviate clinical signs of tracheal collapse, reduce MDA level, and improve sympathovagal balance. We suggest that acupuncture treatment could be used as an adjunct treatment for canine tracheal collapse