33 research outputs found

    The quantitative soil pit method for measuring belowground carbon and nitrogen stocks

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    Many important questions in ecosystem science require estimates of stocks of soil C and nutrients. Quantitative soil pits provide direct measurements of total soil mass and elemental content in depth-based samples representative of large volumes, bypassing potential errors associated with independently measuring soil bulk density, rock volume, and elemental concentrations. The method also allows relatively unbiased sampling of other belowground C and nutrient stocks, including roots, coarse organic fragments, and rocks. We present a comprehensive methodology for sampling these pools with quantitative pits and assess their accuracy, precision, effort, and sampling intensity as compared to other methods. At 14 forested sites in New Hampshire, nonsoil belowground pools (which other methods may omit, double-count, or undercount) accounted for upward of 25% of total belowground C and N stocks: coarse material accounted for 4 and 1% of C and N in the O horizon; roots were 11 and 4% of C and N in the O horizon and 10 and 3% of C and N in the B horizon; and soil adhering to rocks represented 5% of total B-horizon C and N. The top 50 cm of the C horizon contained the equivalent of 17% of B-horizon carbon and N. Sampling procedures should be carefully designed to avoid treating these important pools inconsistently. Quantitative soil pits have fewer sources of systematic error than coring methods; the main disadvantage is that because they are time-consuming and create a larger zone of disturbance, fewer observations can be made than with cores

    Long-term patterns of hydrocarbon biodegradation and bacterial community composition in epipelagic and mesopelagic zones of an Arctic fjord

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    Oil spill attenuation in Arctic marine environments depends on oil-degrading bacteria. However, the seasonally harsh conditions in the Arctic such as nutrient limitations and sub-zero temperatures limit the activity even for bacteria capable of hydrocarbon metabolism at low temperatures. Here, we investigated whether the variance between epipelagic (seasonal temperature and inorganic nutrient variations) and mesopelagic zone (stable environmental conditions) could limit the growth of oil-degrading bacteria and lead to lower oil biodegradation rates in the epipelagic than in the mesopelagic zone. Therefore, we deployed absorbents coated with three oil types in a SW-Greenland fjord system at 10–20 m (epipelagic) and 615–650 m (mesopelagic) water depth for one year. During this period we monitored the development and succession of the bacterial biofilms colonizing the oil films by 16S rRNA gene amplicon quantification and sequencing, and the progression of oil biodegradation by gas chromatography – mass spectrometry oil fingerprinting analysis. The removal of hydrocarbons was significantly different, with several polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons showing longer half-life times in the epipelagic than in the mesopelagic zone. Bacterial community composition and density (16S rRNA genes/ cm2) significantly differed between the two zones, with total bacteria reaching to log-fold higher densities (16S rRNA genes/cm2) in the mesopelagic than epipelagic oil-coated absorbents. Consequently, the environmental conditions in the epipelagic zone limited oil biodegradation performance by limiting bacterial growth