22 research outputs found

    Procedural Fairness and the Unjustified Dismissal Decision

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    Clause 17(3) of the Employment Contracts Bill (1990) sought to remove consideration of procedural fairness from the unjustified dismissal decision. While this clause failed to survive the second reading, an important hypothetical question remains: what impact would legislation such as this have on the unjustified dismissal decision? By way of addressing this question, the results of a survey of dismissal appeals heard under the Labour Relations Act (1987) are reported. The discussion suggests that hypothetically, removal of procedural fairness would have a major impact on the appeal decision, reducing ,the number of dismissals overturned by 25%. However on a practical level it is suggested that the issues of procedural fairness walild be incorporated into the assessment of substantive justification. Conclusions also consider the no.nsense produced by the clause, in leaving administration of a personal grievance procedure to the judiciary while at the same time restricting use of the principles by which they operate

    Remedies for Unjustifiable Dismissal under the Labour Relations Act 1987

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    This research note presents the results of a survey of remedies awarded in unjustifiable dismissal cases decisioned in the petiod 1987 to 1991 under the jurisdiction of the Labour Relations Act 1987 (LRA). The results of the survey were found to suggest that while the procedure in principle offered the possibility of adequate recompense for an unjustifiable dismissal, in practical terms it generally failed to deliver adequate means for their recovery. This conclusion suppotted the somewhat critical position adopted by Anderson (1988) in his discussion of the perfmnaance of the Labour Court and the mmedies awarded for unjustifiable dismissals. The note will briefly present the remedies available under the LRA and the criticisms expressed by Anderson (1988) before presenting the survey results

    Creativity and class: Review essay

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    This essay offer a critical review of form of class analysis presented in the works of the economic geographer Richard Florida. In it we use the example of the sale of the New Zealand internet auction site Trade Me to the Australian media group Fairfax to illuminate some of the problematic features of Florida's work

    Procedural Fairness and the Unjustified Dismissal Decision

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    Clause 17(3) of the Employment Contracts Bill (1990) sought to remove consideration of procedural fairness from the unjustified dismissal decision. While this clause failed to survive the second reading, an important hypothetical question remains: what impact would legislation such as this have on the unjustified dismissal decision? By way of addressing this question, the results of a survey of dismissal appeals heard under the Labour Relations Act (1987) are reported. The discussion suggests that hypothetically, removal of procedural fairness would have a major impact on the appeal decision, reducing ,the number of dismissals overturned by 25%. However on a practical level it is suggested that the issues of procedural fairness walild be incorporated into the assessment of substantive justification. Conclusions also consider the no.nsense produced by the clause, in leaving administration of a personal grievance procedure to the judiciary while at the same time restricting use of the principles by which they operate

    Remedies for Unjustifiable Dismissal under the Labour Relations Act 1987

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    This research note presents the results of a survey of remedies awarded in unjustifiable dismissal cases decisioned in the petiod 1987 to 1991 under the jurisdiction of the Labour Relations Act 1987 (LRA). The results of the survey were found to suggest that while the procedure in principle offered the possibility of adequate recompense for an unjustifiable dismissal, in practical terms it generally failed to deliver adequate means for their recovery. This conclusion suppotted the somewhat critical position adopted by Anderson (1988) in his discussion of the perfmnaance of the Labour Court and the mmedies awarded for unjustifiable dismissals. The note will briefly present the remedies available under the LRA and the criticisms expressed by Anderson (1988) before presenting the survey results

    Employee transience in the tourist resort of Queenstown: Subjectivity, resistance and place

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    The statement occupying the centre of this thesis comes from ‘Ann-Marie’, the general manager of a tourist accommodation hotel in the tourist resort of Queenstown, New Zealand. “It is an issue, getting really good long-term stay people attracted to the industry. It is the transient stuff that is still frustrating”, she says. This statement struck me as rather interesting when I first heard it. In a context where consumer demand is notoriously unpredictable and temporary and/or part-time employment relationships are distinctive managerial strategies for creating organizational ‘flexibility’, why would a senior manager declare a problem with ‘transience’? The research question generated from this statement thus asks: why do tourist accommodation hotel managers in Queenstown constitute employee transience as a problem? While a managerial statement is at the centre of this thesis, the formulation of the research question and the construction of the thesis response are located within the critical management domain. The analytic agenda of this research, therefore, involves an explanation of Ann-Marie’s statement in terms of the relationship between power resistance and identity in the contemporary capitalist organisation. As such, my main theoretical guidance comes from the work of Michel Foucault, with additional theoretical assistance from the Foucauldian informed labour process theory. In terms of the empirical material gathered in this research, 27 senior managers and 44 operational employees from seven Queenstown tourist accommodation hotels (QTAHs) were invited to join me in semi-structured research interview dialogue. In order to analyse the way in which particular hotel employee identities are constituted, promoted and resisted, I adopted a genealogical mode of discourse analysis of the interview texts. I argue that managerial strategies for “getting really good long stay people” within the QTAH context includes practices of ‘governmentality’ that seek to ‘craft’ independently competent ‘professional’ hotel employees who maintain their commitment to and continuity with the hotel (industry) through their identification as a ‘career’ hotel employee subject. Resistance to this identity ‘crafting’ is of course possible and comes in many different forms. The particular form that this thesis focuses on is ‘transience’ (or the propensity to transience). Of the many possible alternate subject positions that produce transient conduct, the subject positions that are the focus of this thesis are those constituted within Queenstown discourses of place. Particularly, the discourses of place that constitute Queenstown as a tourist resort. The crossing and re-crossing over the discursive-subject boundaries of hotel career-employee and outdoor-adventure-touristworker or social-adventure-tourist-worker create possibilities for resistance to a strong identification with the hotel-career-employee subject position. The disruption that this transience creates for the hotel labour process is the reason for Ann-Marie’s frustration with transience and the reason why the QTAH managers constitute transience as a particular problem in the tourist resort of Queenstown.UnpublishedAnnals of Tourism Research 12(3) pp 335-354 Adler, Patricia and Peter Adler (1999a) “Resort Workers: Adaptations in the Leisure- Work Nexus” Sociological Perspectives 42(3) pp 369-402 Adler, Patricia and Peter Adler (1999b) “Transience and the Postmodern Self: The Geographic Mobility of Resort Workers” The Sociological Quarterly 40(1) pp 31-58 Aitchison, Cara, Nicola MacLeod and Stephen J. Shaw (2000) Leisure and Tourism Landscapes: Social and Cultural Geographies, Routledge: UK Alvesson, M. and H. Willmott (1992) (Eds) Critical Management Studies, Sage: London Alvesson, Mats and Dan Karreman (2000) “Varieties of discourse: On the study of organizations through discourse analysis” Human Relations 53(9) pp 1125-1149 Alvesson, Mats and Stanley Deetz (2000) Doing Critical Management Research, Sage: UK Arthur, M.B. (1992) “Career theory in a dynamic context”. In D.H. Montross & C.J. Shinkman (Eds), Career development: Theory and practice (pp65-84), Charles C Thomas: Illinois, USA Arthur, Michael B., Douglas T. Hall and Barbara S. Lawrence (1989) (Eds) “Generating new directions in career theory: the case for a transdisciplinary approach” in The Handbook of Career Theory, Cambridge University Press: USA Arthur, Michael B. and Denise Rousseau (1996) (Eds) “Introduction: the Boundaryless Career as a new employment principle” in The Boundaryless Career: a New Employment Principle for a New Organizatoinal Era, Oxford University Press: Oxford Arthur, Michael B., Kerr Inkson and Judith Pringle (1999) The New Careers: Individual Action and Economic Change, Sage: USA Austrin, Terry (1994) “Positioning resistance and resisting position: human resource management and the politics of appraisal and grievance hearings” in Resistance and Power in Organizations, Edited by John M. Jermier, David Knights and Walter R. Nord, Routledge: UK Ateljevic, Irena and Stephen Doorne (2002) “Representing New Zealand: Tourism Imagery and Ideology” Annals of Tourism Research 29(3) pp 648-667 Bagguley, Paul (1991) “The Patriarchal Restructuring of Gender Segregation: A Case Study of the Hotel and Catering Industry” Sociology 25(4) pp 609-625 251 Ball, R.M. (1988) “Seasonality: A problem for workers in the tourism labour market?” The Service Industries Journal 8 pp501-513 Barker, James R. (1993) “Tightening the Iron Cage: Concertive Control in Self- Managing Teams” Administrative Science Quarterly 38 pp 408-437 Barley, Stephen R. (1989) “Career, identities, and institutions: the legacy of the Chicago School of Sociology” in The Handbook of Career Theory, Edited by Michael B. Arthur, Douglas T. Hall and Barbara S. Lawrence, Cambridge University Press: New York, USA Barnett, William P. and Anne S. Miner (1992) “Standing on the shoulders of Others: Career Interdependence in Job Mobility” Administrative Science Quarterly 37: 262-281 Baum, Tom (1996) “Images of Tourism Past and Present” International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 8(4) pp 25-30 Beech, Nic (2000) “Narrative styles of managers and workers; a tale of star-crossed lovers” The Journal of Applied Behavioural Science 36(2) pp 210-229 Beirne, Mike (1999) “Taking the less-traveled road” Brandweek 40(37) pp 40-52 Bell, Claudia (1996) Inventing New Zealand: Everyday Myths of Pakeha Identity, Penguin Books: Auckland, New Zealand Berno, Tracey, Kevin Moore, David Simmons, and Victoria Hart (1996) “The Nature of Adventure Tourism Experience in Queenstown, New Zealand” Australian Leisure 8 June pp 21-25 Bianchi, R & A. Clarke, (1998) “Identifying the cultural configurations of tourism’s transitional workforce: cosmopolitans, locals, and neo-proletarians”. Paper presented at the International Sociological Association’s World Congress of Sociology, Montreal, Canada, 29 July. Bianchi, Raoul V. (2000) “Migrant Tourist-Workers: Exploring the ‘Contact Zones’ of Post-industrial Tourism” Current Issues in Tourism 3(2) pp107-137 Birdir, Kemal (2002) “General Manager Turnover and Root Causes” International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 14(1) pp 43-47 Blommaert, Jan and Chris Bulcaen (2000) “Critical Discourse Analysis” Annual Review of Anthropology Vol. 29 pp 447-466 Bonn, Mark A. and Louis R. Forbringer (1992) “Reducing turnover in the hospitality industry: an overview of recruitment, selection and retention” International Journal of Hospitality Management 11(1) pp 47-63 252 Boreham, Paul; George Lafferty; Amanda Roan and Gillian Whitehouse (1996) “Training, Careers and Numerical Flexibility: Equity Implications in Hospitality and Retailing” Journal of Industrial Relations 38(1):3-21 Braverman, Harry (1974) Labor and Monopoly Capital: The degradation of work in the Twentieth Century”, Monthly Review Press: USA Brewis, Joanna (1996) “The ‘Making’ of the ‘Competent’ Manager: Competency Development, Personal Effectiveness and Foucault” Management Learning 27(1) pp 65- 86 Brewis, Joanna (2000) “Foucault, Management and Organization Theory: From Panopticon to Technologies of the Self” – Book Review, Management Learning 31(1) pp 135-137 Burawoy, Michael (1979) Manufacturing Consent: Changes in the Labour Process Under Monopoly Capitalism, The University of Chicago Press: Chicago and London Burchell, Graham (1991) “Peculiar interests: civil society and governing ‘the system of natural liberty’” in The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality, Edited by Graham Burchell, Colin Gordon and Peter Miller, Harvester Wheatsheaf: Hemel Hempstead Carabine, Jean (2001) “Unmarried Motherhood 1830-1990: A genealogical analysis” in Discourse as Data: A Guide for Analysis, Edited by Margaret Wetherell, Stephanie Taylor and Simeon J. Yates, Sage and Open University: UK Carmouche, Rita and Nancy Kelly (1995) Behavioural Studies in Hospitality Management, Chapman and Hall: UK Carter, Chris, Alan McKinlay and Michael Rowlinson (2002) “Introduction: Foucault, Management and History” Organization 9(4) pp 515-526 Carter, Pippa (1996) “Barbara Townley: Reframing Human Resource Management – Power Ethics and the subject at Work” Book Review Organisation Studies 17 pp 345- 347 Cazal, Dider and Dawn Inns (1998) “Metaphor, language and meaning” in Discourse and Organization, Edited by David Grant, Tom Keenoy and Cliff Oswick, Sage: UK Chan, Andrew (2000) “Redirecting Critique in Postmodern Organization Studies: The Perspective of Foucault” Organization Studies 21(6) pp1059-1075 Cheong, So-Min and Marc L. Miller (2000) “Power and Tourism: A Foucauldian Observation” Annals of Tourism Research 27(2) pp 371-390 Clayton, N. (1974) “Highlights of Local History” in Journal of the NZ Federation of Historical Societies, Vol 1 (4): 10-16 253 Cloke, Paul and Harvey C. Perkins (1998) “Cracking the canyon with the awesome foursome”: representations of adventure tourism in New Zealand” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 16 pp185-218 Cohen, Colleen Ballerino (1995) “Marketing Paradise, Making Nation” Annals of Tourism Research 22(2) pp 404-421 Cohen, Erik (1973) “Nomads from Affluence: Notes on the Phenomenon of Drifter- Tourism” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 14(1-2) pp 89-103 Cohen, Erik (1979/1996) “A Phenomenology of Tourist Experiences” in The Sociology of Tourism: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations, Edited by Yiorgos Apostolopulos, Stella Leivadi and Andrew Yiannakis, Routledge: UK [Originally published in Sociology 1979 13, pp179-201] Cohen, Erik (1984/1996) “The Sociology of Tourism: Approaches, issues, and findings” in The Sociology of Tourism: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations, Edited by Yiorgos Apostolopulos, Stella Leivadi and Andrew Yiannakis, Routledge: UK [Originally published in Annual Review in Anthropology 1984 10, pp373-392] Cohen, Laurie and Mary Mallon (2001) “My Brilliant Career?: Using stories as a methodological tool in careers research” International Studies of Management and Organisation 31(3) pp 48-68 Cohen, Stanley and Laurie Taylor (1992) Escape Attempts: The Theory and Practice of Resistance to Everyday Life, 2nd Edition, Routledge: UK Collinson, David (1992) Managing the Shopfloor: Subjectivity, Masculinity and Workplace Culture, Walter de Gruyter: New York Collinson, David (1994) “Strategies of Resistance: Power, knowledge and subjectivity in the workplace” in Resistance and Power in Organizations, Edited by John Jermier, David Knights and Walter Nord, Routledge: UK Covaleski, Mark, Mark W. Dirsmith, James B. Heian, and Sajay Samuel (1998) “The Calculated and the Avowed: Techniques of Discipline and Struggles over identity in Big Six Public Accounting Firms” Administrative Science Quarterly 43 pp 293-327 Crick, Malcolm (1996) “Representations of International Tourism in the Social Sciences: Sun, sex, sights, savings, and servility” in The Sociology of Tourism: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations, Edited by Yiorgos Apostolopulos, Stella Leivadi and Andrew Yiannakis, Routledge: UK D’Annunzio-Green, N., G.A.Maxwell and S. Watson (2000) “Human resource issues in international hospitality, travel and tourism: a snapshot” International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 12 (3) pp 215-216 254 Daniels, Stephen and Denis Cosgrove (1988) The Iconography of Landscapes, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK De La Mare, Alan (1990) “the Promised land of Rees” New Zealand Legacy 3, pp16- 19 Deem, Rosemary (1985) “Leisure, work and unemployment: old traditions and new boundaries” in Work, Culture and Society, Edited by Rosemary Deem and Graeme Salaman, Open University Press: UK Deetz, Stanley (1996) “The Positioning of the Researcher in Studies of Organizations: De-Hatching Literary Theory” Journal of Management Inquiry 5(4) pp 387-391 DeFillipi, Robert J. and Michael B. Arthur (1996) “Boundaryless contexts and careers: A competency based perspective” in The Boundaryless Career: a New Employment Principle for a New Organizational Era, Edited by Michael B. Arthur and Denise Rousseau, Oxford University Press: Oxford Dent, Mike and Stephen Whitehead (2002) “Configuring the ‘new’ professional” in Managing professional identities: knowledge, performativity and the “new” professional”, Edited by Mike Dent and Stephen Whitehead, Routledge Studies in Business Organisations and Networks, Routledge: UK Denzin, Norman K. and Yvonna S. Lincoln (1994) “Introduction: Entering the Field of Qualitative Research” in The Handbook of Qualitative Research, Edited by Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln, Sage: USA Destination Queenstown Website, Accessed 4th September 2001, http://www.queenstown-nz.co.nz/about.asp Doeringer, P.B. & Piore, M.J. (1971) Internal Labour Markets and Manpower Analysis, Heath: Lexington, Massachusetts. Dreyfus, Hubert L. & Paul Rabinow (1983) Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics, 2nd Edition, The University of Chicago Press: Chicago du Gay, Paul (1991) “Enterprise Culture and the Ideology of Excellence” New Formations, 13 pp 45-61 du Gay, Paul (1996) Consumption and Identity at Work, Sage: London du Gay, Paul and Graeme Salaman (1992) “The Cult[ure] of the Customer” Journal of Management Studies 29(5) pp 615-633 Dunford, Richard and Deborah Jones (2000) “Narrative in strategic change” Human Relations 53(9) pp 1207-1226 Ellen, Roy (1996) “Introduction” in Redefining Nature: Ecology, Culture and Domestication, Edited by Katsuyoshi Fukui and Roy Ellen, Berg: USA 255 Engle Merry, Sally (2001) “Spatial Governmentality and the New Urban Social Order: Controlling Gender Violence through Law” American Anthropologist 103(1) pp16-29 Enz, Cathy A. and Judy A. Siguaw (2000) “Best Practices in Human Resources” Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly February: 48-61 Evetts, Julia (1992) “Dimensions of career: avoiding reification in the analysis of change” Sociology 26(1) pp1-21 Extreme Risk (1999) Making Movies, Producer, James Heyward ; director, Richard Dennison , Orana Films, D Network, New Zealand (viewed on Inside New Zealand, TV3, 19/5/99). Ezzamel, Mahmoud and Hugh Willmott (1998) “Accounting for Teamwork: A Critical Study of Group-based Systems of Organizational Control” Administrative Science Quarterly 43 pp 358-396 Fairburn, Miles (1989) The Ideal Society and its Enemies:The foundations of Modern New Zealand Society 1850-1900, Auckland University Press: New Zealand Fees, Craig (1996) “Tourism and the Politics of Authenticity in a North Cotswold Town” in The Tourist Image: Myths and Myth Making in Tourism, edited by Tom Selwyn, John Wiley & Sons: UK Ferguson, Kathy E. (1994) “On Bringing More Theory, More Voices and More Politics to the Study of Organization” Organization 1(1) pp 81-99 Fleming, Peter (2002) “’Lines Of Flight’: A History of Resistance and the Thematic of Ethics, Death and Animality” ephemera 2(3) pp193-208 Fontana, Andrea and James H. Frey (1994) “Interviewing: The Art of a Science” in The Handbook of Qualitative Research, Edited by Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln, Sage: USA Foucault, Michel (1972) The Archaeology of Knowledge and The Discourse on Language, Translated from the French by A.M. Sheridan Smith, Pantheon Books, New York Foucault, Michel (1977) Discipline and Punish, Translated from the French by A.M. Sheridan Smith, Vintage Books: New York Foucault, Michel (1977/1980a) “Two Lectures” in Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-1977By Michel Foucault, Edited by Colin Gordon, Pantheon Books: New York pp78-108 [Originally transcribed and translated by Alessandro Fontana and Pasquale Pasquino in Michel Foucault Microfiscia del Potere, 1977] Foucault, Michel (1977/1980b) ‘Truth and Power’ in Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-1977 By Michel Foucault, Edited by Colin Gordon, 256 Pantheon Books: New York pp109-133 [Originally transcribed and translated by Alessandro Fontana and Pasquale Pasquino in Michel Foucault Microfiscia del Potere, 1977] Foucault, Michel (1977/1980c) “Powers and Strategies” in Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-1977By Michel Foucault, Edited by Colin Gordon, Pantheon Books: New York pp134-145 [Originally published as “Pouvoirs et StratĂ©gies” in Les Revoltes Logiques 4, 1977] Foucault, Michel (1977/1980d) “The Eye of Power” in Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-1977By Michel Foucault, Edited by Colin Gordon, Pantheon Books: New York pp146-165 [Originally published as a preface to Jeremy Bentham, Le Panoptique, 1977] Foucault, Michel (1977/1980e) “The History of Sexuality” in Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-1977By Michel Foucault, Edited by Colin Gordon, Pantheon Books: New York pp183-193 [Originally published as “Les rapports de pouvoir passent Ă  l’intĂ©rieur des corps” in Quinzaine Litteraire247, 1977] Foucault, Michel (1978) The History of Sexuality: An Introduction, Translated by Robert Hurley, Penguin Books: UK Foucault, Michel (1978/1991) “Governmentality” in The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality, Edited by Graham Burchell, Colin Gordon and Peter Miller, Harvester Wheatsheaf: Hemel Hempstead pp87-104 [Originally a lecture given at the CollĂšge de France, February 1978] Foucault, Michel (1978/ 1997) “What is Critique” (trans. by Lysa Hochroth) in The Politics of Truth, Edited by SylvĂšre Lotringer and Lysa Hochroth, Semiotext(e): New York pp23-82 [Originally published in French 1978 by the French Society of Philosophy] Foucault, Michel (1980/1991) “Questions of Method” in The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality, Edited by Graham Burchell, Colin Gordon & Peter Miller, Harvester Wheatsheaf: UK pp73-86 [Originally published in L’impossible prison: Researches sur les systeme penitentiaire au XIXe siecle, 1980, edited by Michelle Perrot Foucault, Michel (1980/1997) “Subjectivity and Truth” in The Politics of Truth, Edited by SylvĂšre Lotringer and Lysa Hochroth, Semiotext(e): New York pp171-198 [Originally a lecture in english at the Dartmouth College, Novemebr 17th 1980. Transcript and edited by Thomas Keenan and Mark Blasins] Foucault, Michel (1982/1988) “Technologies of the Self” in Technologies of the Self, Edited by L. Martin, H. Gutman and P. Hutton, Tavistock Publications: UK pp16-49 [Based on a seminar at the University of Vermont, October 1982] Foucault, Michel (1983) “The Subject and Power” in Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics, 2nd Edition, edited by Hubert L. Dreyfus & Paul Rabinow, The University of Chicago Press: Chicago pp208-226 Foucault, Michel (1988) “The Political Technology of Individuals” in Technologies of the Self, Edited by L. Martin, H. Gutman and P. Hutton, Tavistock Publications: UK pp145-162 Foucault, Michel and Gilles Deleuze (1972/1977) “Intellectuals and Power” in Language, Counter-Memory, Practice. Selected Essays and Interviews, Edited by Donald F. Bouchard. Translated from French by Donald Bouchard and Sherry Simon, Cornell University Press: USA pp205-217 [Originally published in L’Arc No. 49 pp3- 10, 1972] Fountain, Joanna (1998) “Beyond the Brochures: An Examination of the History and Process of Place Image Construction in Akaroa”, The New Zealand Tourism & Hospitality Conference – 1998 Fournier, ValĂ©rie (1998) “Stories of Development and exploitation: militant Voices in an Enterprise Culture” Organization 5(1) pp 55-80 Fournier, ValĂ©rie (1999) “The appeal to ‘professionalism’ as a disciplinary mechanism” The Sociological Review 47(2) pp 280-298 Fournier, ValĂ©rie (2000) “Boundary work and the (un)making of the professions” in Professionalism, Boundaries and the Workplace, Edited by Nigel Malin, Routledge: UK Fournier, ValĂ©rie and Christopher Grey (1999) “Too Much, Too Little and Too Often: A Critique of du Gay’s Analysis of Enterprise” Organization 6(1) pp107-128 Fournier, ValĂ©rie and Christopher Grey (2000) “At the critical moment: Conditions and prospects for critical management studies” Human Relations 53(1) pp 7-32 Fukui, Katsuyoshi and Roy Ellen (1996) Redefining Nature: Ecology, Culture and Domestication, Berg: USA Gabriel, Yiannis (1988) Working Lives in Catering, Routledge & Kegan Paul: London, New York. Gabriel, Yiannis (1998) “Same old story or changing stories? Folkloric, modern and postmodern mutations” in Discourse and Organisation” Edited by David Grant, Tom Keenoy and Cliff Oswick, Sage: UK Gabriel, Yiannis (2002) “Writing management: organization theory as a literary genre” Human Relations 55(6) pp717-722 Gallarza, Martina G, Irene Gil Saura and HaydĂ©e CalderĂłn GarcĂ­a (2001) “Destination Image: Towards a Conceptual Framework” Annals of Tourism Research 29(1) pp 56-78 Gannon, Judie and Keith Johnson (1997) “Soci

    Employee transience in the tourist resort of Queenstown: Subjectivity, resistance and place

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    The statement occupying the centre of this thesis comes from ‘Ann-Marie’, the general manager of a tourist accommodation hotel in the tourist resort of Queenstown, New Zealand. “It is an issue, getting really good long-term stay people attracted to the industry. It is the transient stuff that is still frustrating”, she says. This statement struck me as rather interesting when I first heard it. In a context where consumer demand is notoriously unpredictable and temporary and/or part-time employment relationships are distinctive managerial strategies for creating organizational ‘flexibility’, why would a senior manager declare a problem with ‘transience’? The research question generated from this statement thus asks: why do tourist accommodation hotel managers in Queenstown constitute employee transience as a problem? While a managerial statement is at the centre of this thesis, the formulation of the research question and the construction of the thesis response are located within the critical management domain. The analytic agenda of this research, therefore, involves an explanation of Ann-Marie’s statement in terms of the relationship between power resistance and identity in the contemporary capitalist organisation. As such, my main theoretical guidance comes from the work of Michel Foucault, with additional theoretical assistance from the Foucauldian informed labour process theory. In terms of the empirical material gathered in this research, 27 senior managers and 44 operational employees from seven Queenstown tourist accommodation hotels (QTAHs) were invited to join me in semi-structured research interview dialogue. In order to analyse the way in which particular hotel employee identities are constituted, promoted and resisted, I adopted a genealogical mode of discourse analysis of the interview texts. I argue that managerial strategies for “getting really good long stay people” within the QTAH context includes practices of ‘governmentality’ that seek to ‘craft’ independently competent ‘professional’ hotel employees who maintain their commitment to and continuity with the hotel (industry) through their identification as a ‘career’ hotel employee subject. Resistance to this identity ‘crafting’ is of course possible and comes in many different forms. The particular form that this thesis focuses on is ‘transience’ (or the propensity to transience). Of the many possible alternate subject positions that produce transient conduct, the subject positions that are the focus of this thesis are those constituted within Queenstown discourses of place. Particularly, the discourses of place that constitute Queenstown as a tourist resort. The crossing and re-crossing over the discursive-subject boundaries of hotel career-employee and outdoor-adventure-touristworker or social-adventure-tourist-worker create possibilities for resistance to a strong identification with the hotel-career-employee subject position. The disruption that this transience creates for the hotel labour process is the reason for Ann-Marie’s frustration with transience and the reason why the QTAH managers constitute transience as a particular problem in the tourist resort of Queenstown.UnpublishedAnnals of Tourism Research 12(3) pp 335-354 Adler, Patricia and Peter Adler (1999a) “Resort Workers: Adaptations in the Leisure- Work Nexus” Sociological Perspectives 42(3) pp 369-402 Adler, Patricia and Peter Adler (1999b) “Transience and the Postmodern Self: The Geographic Mobility of Resort Workers” The Sociological Quarterly 40(1) pp 31-58 Aitchison, Cara, Nicola MacLeod and Stephen J. Shaw (2000) Leisure and Tourism Landscapes: Social and Cultural Geographies, Routledge: UK Alvesson, M. and H. Willmott (1992) (Eds) Critical Management Studies, Sage: London Alvesson, Mats and Dan Karreman (2000) “Varieties of discourse: On the study of organizations through discourse analysis” Human Relations 53(9) pp 1125-1149 Alvesson, Mats and Stanley Deetz (2000) Doing Critical Management Research, Sage: UK Arthur, M.B. (1992) “Career theory in a dynamic context”. In D.H. Montross & C.J. Shinkman (Eds), Career development: Theory and practice (pp65-84), Charles C Thomas: Illinois, USA Arthur, Michael B., Douglas T. Hall and Barbara S. Lawrence (1989) (Eds) “Generating new directions in career theory: the case for a transdisciplinary approach” in The Handbook of Career Theory, Cambridge University Press: USA Arthur, Michael B. and Denise Rousseau (1996) (Eds) “Introduction: the Boundaryless Career as a new employment principle” in The Boundaryless Career: a New Employment Principle for a New Organizatoinal Era, Oxford University Press: Oxford Arthur, Michael B., Kerr Inkson and Judith Pringle (1999) The New Careers: Individual Action and Economic Change, Sage: USA Austrin, Terry (1994) “Positioning resistance and resisting position: human resource management and the politics of appraisal and grievance hearings” in Resistance and Power in Organizations, Edited by John M. Jermier, David Knights and Walter R. Nord, Routledge: UK Ateljevic, Irena and Stephen Doorne (2002) “Representing New Zealand: Tourism Imagery and Ideology” Annals of Tourism Research 29(3) pp 648-667 Bagguley, Paul (1991) “The Patriarchal Restructuring of Gender Segregation: A Case Study of the Hotel and Catering Industry” Sociology 25(4) pp 609-625 251 Ball, R.M. (1988) “Seasonality: A problem for workers in the tourism labour market?” The Service Industries Journal 8 pp501-513 Barker, James R. (1993) “Tightening the Iron Cage: Concertive Control in Self- Managing Teams” Administrative Science Quarterly 38 pp 408-437 Barley, Stephen R. (1989) “Career, identities, and institutions: the legacy of the Chicago School of Sociology” in The Handbook of Career Theory, Edited by Michael B. Arthur, Douglas T. Hall and Barbara S. Lawrence, Cambridge University Press: New York, USA Barnett, William P. and Anne S. Miner (1992) “Standing on the shoulders of Others: Career Interdependence in Job Mobility” Administrative Science Quarterly 37: 262-281 Baum, Tom (1996) “Images of Tourism Past and Present” International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 8(4) pp 25-30 Beech, Nic (2000) “Narrative styles of managers and workers; a tale of star-crossed lovers” The Journal of Applied Behavioural Science 36(2) pp 210-229 Beirne, Mike (1999) “Taking the less-traveled road” Brandweek 40(37) pp 40-52 Bell, Claudia (1996) Inventing New Zealand: Everyday Myths of Pakeha Identity, Penguin Books: Auckland, New Zealand Berno, Tracey, Kevin Moore, David Simmons, and Victoria Hart (1996) “The Nature of Adventure Tourism Experience in Queenstown, New Zealand” Australian Leisure 8 June pp 21-25 Bianchi, R & A. Clarke, (1998) “Identifying the cultural configurations of tourism’s transitional workforce: cosmopolitans, locals, and neo-proletarians”. Paper presented at the International Sociological Association’s World Congress of Sociology, Montreal, Canada, 29 July. Bianchi, Raoul V. (2000) “Migrant Tourist-Workers: Exploring the ‘Contact Zones’ of Post-industrial Tourism” Current Issues in Tourism 3(2) pp107-137 Birdir, Kemal (2002) “General Manager Turnover and Root Causes” International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 14(1) pp 43-47 Blommaert, Jan and Chris Bulcaen (2000) “Critical Discourse Analysis” Annual Review of Anthropology Vol. 29 pp 447-466 Bonn, Mark A. and Louis R. 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    Stiffness Degradation under Cyclic Loading Using Three-Point Bending of Hybridised Carbon/Glass Fibres with a Polyamide 6,6 Nanofibre Interlayer

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    The stiffness degradation of hybrid carbon/glass fibre composites are investigated under cyclic loading in three-point bending. The composites are compared to toughened composites interlayered with PA 6,6 nanofibre (veil) and a matrix toughened with 5% rubber particulate. With the incorporation of veil into the hybridised composite, the hybrid interface experienced extensive localised delamination, due to crack deflection, causing longitudinal cracking between the fibre and veil interface. It is observed that delamination was redirected and reduced by veil interlayering, due to crack bridging as the cracks propagated. The carbon fibre composites toughened by rubber particulate showed similar stiffness retention to carbon fibre after 1,000,000 cycles. The veil interlayering within carbon fibre improved the stiffness retention by 66.87% for the flexural modulus, compared to carbon fibre and rubber toughened carbon fibre laminates. In both glass and carbon fibre samples, the stiffness retention with veil showed a 10-fold increase in fatigue life, compared with untoughened controls. It is observed from the failure mechanics that veil acted as a randomly orientated fibre layer, rather than a matrix toughener