55 research outputs found

    The CT20 peptide causes detachment and death of metastatic breast cancer cells by promoting mitochondrial aggregation and cytoskeletal disruption

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    Metastasis accounts for most deaths from breast cancer, driving the need for new therapeutics that can impede disease progression. Rationally designed peptides that take advantage of cancer-specific differences in cellular physiology are an emerging technology that offer promise as a treatment for metastatic breast cancer. We developed CT20p, a hydrophobic peptide based on the C terminus of Bax that exhibits similarities with antimicrobial peptides, and previously reported that CT20p has unique cytotoxic actions independent of full-length Bax. In this study, we identified the intracellular actions of CT20p which precede cancer cell-specific detachment and death. Previously, we found that CT20p migrated in the heavy membrane fractions of cancer cell lysates. Here, using MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells, we demonstrated that CT20p localizes to the mitochondria, leading to fusion-like aggregation and mitochondrial membrane hyperpolarization. As a result, the distribution and movement of mitochondria in CT20p-treated MDA-MB-231 cells was markedly impaired, particularly in cell protrusions. In contrast, CT20p did not associate with the mitochondria of normal breast epithelial MCF-10A cells, causing little change in the mitochondrial membrane potential, morphology or localization. In MDA-MB-231 cells, CT20p triggered cell detachment that was preceded by decreased levels of alpha 5 beta 1 integrins and reduced F-actin polymerization. Using folate-targeted nanoparticles to encapsulate and deliver CT20p to murine tumors, we achieved significant tumor regression within days of peptide treatment. These results suggest that CT20p has application in the treatment of metastatic disease as a cancer-specific therapeutic peptide that perturbs mitochondrial morphology and movement ultimately culminating in disruption of the actin cytoskeleton, cell detachment, and loss of cell viability

    The frequency of missed test results and associated treatment delays in a highly computerized health system

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background:</p> <p>Diagnostic errors associated with the failure to follow up on abnormal diagnostic studies ("missed results") are a potential cause of treatment delay and a threat to patient safety. Few data exist concerning the frequency of missed results and associated treatment delays within the Veterans Health Administration (VA).</p> <p>Objective:</p> <p>The primary objective of the current study was to assess the frequency of missed results and resulting treatment delays encountered by primary care providers in VA clinics.</p> <p>Methods:</p> <p>An anonymous on-line survey of primary care providers was conducted as part of the health systems ongoing quality improvement programs. We collected information from providers concerning their clinical effort (e.g., number of clinic sessions, number of patient visits per session), number of patients with missed abnormal test results, and the number and types of treatment delays providers encountered during the two week period prior to administration of our survey.</p> <p>Results:</p> <p>The survey was completed by 106 out of 198 providers (54 percent response rate). Respondents saw and average of 86 patients per 2 week period. Providers encountered 64 patients with missed results during the two week period leading up to the study and 52 patients with treatment delays. The most common missed results included imaging studies (29 percent), clinical laboratory (22 percent), anatomic pathology (9 percent), and other (40 percent). The most common diagnostic delays were cancer (34 percent), endocrine problems (26 percent), cardiac problems (16 percent), and others (24 percent).</p> <p>Conclusion:</p> <p>Missed results leading to clinically important treatment delays are an important and likely underappreciated source of diagnostic error.</p

    Incidence and outcomes of neonatal acute kidney injury (AWAKEN): a multicentre, multinational, observational cohort study

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    Background: Single-center studies suggest that neonatal acute kidney injury (AKI) is associated with poor outcomes. However, inferences regarding the association between AKI, mortality, and hospital length of stay are limited due to the small sample size of those studies. In order to determine whether neonatal AKI is independently associated with increased mortality and longer hospital stay, we analyzed the Assessment of Worldwide Acute Kidney Epidemiology in Neonates (AWAKEN) database. Methods: All neonates admitted to 24 participating neonatal intensive care units from four countries (Australia, Canada, India, United States) between January 1 and March 31, 2014, were screened. Of 4273 neonates screened, 2022 (47·3%) met study criteria. Exclusion criteria included: no intravenous fluids ≥48 hours, admission ≥14 days of life, congenital heart disease requiring surgical repair at <7 days of life, lethal chromosomal anomaly, death within 48 hours, inability to determine AKI status or severe congenital kidney abnormalities. AKI was defined using a standardized definition -i.e., serum creatinine rise of ≥0.3 mg/dL (26.5 mcmol/L) or ≥50% from previous lowest value, and/or if urine output was <1 mL/kg/h on postnatal days 2 to 7. Findings: Incidence of AKI was 605/2022 (29·9%). Rates varied by gestational age groups (i.e., ≥22 to <29 weeks =47·9%; ≥29 to <36 weeks =18·3%; and ≥36 weeks =36·7%). Even after adjusting for multiple potential confounding factors, infants with AKI had higher mortality compared to those without AKI [(59/605 (9·7%) vs. 20/1417 (1·4%); p< 0.001; adjusted OR=4·6 (95% CI=2·5-8·3); p=<0·0001], and longer hospital stay [adjusted parameter estimate 8·8 days (95% CI=6·1-11·5); p<0·0001]. Interpretation: Neonatal AKI is a common and independent risk factor for mortality and longer hospital stay. These data suggest that neonates may be impacted by AKI in a manner similar to pediatric and adult patients

    Essays on Multi-Market Contact and Mutual Forbearance

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    Economic theory states that as the number of firms in the market grows, firms behave more competitively and consumer choice therefore improves. However, when the same set of firms compete in multiple markets, there could exist some inter-market dynamics where a firm can react to a decision taken by a competitor in one market in a completely different market where that competitor is also present. One scenario is that firms competing across multiple markets will try to "play nice" with one another to avoid possible cross market retaliation. Corwin Edwards first posited this theory in 1955 and called it "mutual forbearance" (MF). When one set of firms competes in more than one market, then these firms have multi-market contact (MMC). Past empirical and theoretical research on multi-market competition further affirms a significant relationship between MMC and firm behavior related to competition and market entry. While literature on the effects of MMC is vast, most works focus on firm behavior in domestic markets. Chapters 3 and 4 of this dissertation aim to add to the sparse literature on the effect of MMC on firms operating in international markets. Motivated by litigation finding evidence of collusive behavior between battery manufacturers, I use confidential trade transaction data maintained by the U.S. Census Bureau to provide empirical evidence that MMC has a positive and significant effect on export prices and market entry among likely competitors in international battery markets. In addition, this dissertation also explores the mechanism driving the relationship between MMC and cooperation among competitors. The established theoretical reasoning concludes that firms with MMC are likely to cooperate to avoid punishment in other markets. Using an agent-based simulation approach where simulated learning firms compete in an iterated Prisoner's Dilemma , I uncover a potential alternative mechanism where increased familiarity of competitors makes cooperation more likely

    The Use Of Therapeutic Peptides To Target And To Kill Cancer Cells

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    Peptide therapeutics is a promising field for emerging anti-cancer agents. Benefits include the ease and rapid synthesis of peptides and capacity for modifications. An existing and vast knowledge base of protein structure and function can be exploited for novel peptide design. Current research focuses on developing peptides that can (1) serve as tumor targeting moieties and (2) permeabilize membranes with cytotoxic consequences. A survey of recent findings reveals significant trends. Amphiphilic peptides with clusters of hydrophobic and cationic residues are features of anti-microbial peptides that confer the ability to eradicate microbes and show considerable anti-cancer toxicity. Peptides that assemble and form pores can disrupt cell or organelle membranes and cause apoptotic or necrotic death. Cell permeable and tumor-homing peptides can carry biologically active cargo to tumors or tumor vasculature. The challenge lies in developing the clinical application of therapeutic peptides. Improving delivery to tumors, minimizing non-specific toxic effects and discerning pharmacokinetic properties are high among the needs to produce a powerful therapeutic peptide for cancer treatment. © 2012 Bentham Science Publishers
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