206 research outputs found

    Combination of an electrolytic pretreatment unit with secondary water reclamation processes

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    The design and fabrication of a flight concept prototype electrolytic pretreatment unit (EPU) and of a contractor-furnished air evaporation unit (AEU) are described. The integrated EPU and AEU potable water recovery system is referred to as the Electrovap and is capable of processing the urine and flush water of a six-man crew. Results of a five-day performance verification test of the Electrovap system are presented and plans are included for the extended testing of the Electrovap to produce data applicable to the combination of electrolytic pretreatment with most final potable water recovery systems. Plans are also presented for a program to define the design requirements for combining the electrolytic pretreatment unit with a reverse osmosis final processing unit

    Fluxon dynamics by microwave surface resistance measurements in MgB2

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    Field-induced variations of the microwave surface resistance, Rs(H), have been investigated in high-density ceramic MgB2. At low temperatures, several peculiarities of the Rs(H) curves cannot be justified in the framework of models reported in the literature. We suggest that they are ascribable to the unconventional vortex structure in MgB2, related to the presence of two gaps. On the contrary, the results near Tc can be accounted for by the Coffey and Clem model, with fluxons moving in the flux-flow regime, provided that the anisotropy of the upper critical field is taken into due account.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Electromagnetic response of LaO_0.94F_0.06FeAs: AC susceptibility and microwave surface resistance

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    We discuss on the electromagnetic response of a polycrystalline sample of LaO_0.94F_0.06FeAs exposed to DC magnetic fields up to 10 kOe. The low- and high-frequency responses have been investigated by measuring the AC susceptibility at 100 kHz and the microwave surface resistance at 9.6 GHz. At low as well as high DC magnetic fields, the susceptibility strongly depends on the amplitude of the AC driving field, highlighting enhanced nonlinear effects. The field dependence of the AC susceptibility exhibits a magnetic hysteresis that can be justified considering the intragrain-field-penetration effects on the intergrain critical current density. The microwave surface resistance exhibits a clockwise magnetic hysteresis, which cannot be justified in the framework of the critical-state models of the Abrikosov-fluxon lattice; it may have the same origin as that detected in the susceptibility.Comment: 8 pages, 4 embedded eps figures; Proceedings of the 9th EUCAS Conference (Dresden, Germany, September 13-17, 2009

    Descriptive Epidemiology of Nasal Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus and Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Among Patients Admitted to Two Healthcare Facilities in Algeria

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    Aim: To evaluate nasal carriage rate and variables associated with Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in patients admitted in two healthcare facilities. Results: S. aureus was isolated from 159 (26%) of the enrolled patients. Methicillin-susceptible S. aureus was isolated from 150 (24.5%) patients, and MRSA was isolated from 9 (1.5%). Cancer and previous hospitalization were associated with a significantly higher frequency of nasal S. aureus carriage among the patients admitted to the general hospital and the nephrology department, respectively. MRSA isolates were heterogeneous with respect to their staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec element (SCCmec) type, sequence type (ST), and toxin genes (pvl and tst1) content. Four isolates were attributed with the ST80-MRSA-IV clone, which is known to be predominant in Algeria. Conclusions: This is the first assessment of S. aureus and MRSA nasal carriage and associated variables in Algeria. Our findings provide also a picture of the MRSA strains circulating in the community in this geographic area. They can be useful as a guide for implementing screening and control procedures against S. aureus/MRSA in the Algerian healthcare facilities

    Applicazione di un protocollo di immuno-stimolazione su individui di Pracambarus clarkii mirato alla produzione di peptidi con attività biologica

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    Uno dei principali problemi inerenti l’identificazione e l’analisi di nuovi peptidi naturali di origine marina è la disponibilità in termini quantitativi del materiale bioattivo (Cragg et al., 1997). Infatti, le concentrazioni di tali peptidi negli invertebrati marini sono spesso meno del 10-6 % del peso umido, ed il loro rendimento a seguito delle procedure di estrazione tradizionali risulta ancora più basso. Tuttavia, sono molteplici i fattori che possono influenzare l'esito della identificazione degli Anti Microbial Peptides (AMP), come le variazioni geografiche e stagionali (sito di campionamento), le diverse fasi della vita (specie pelagiche o bentoniche), l'età, il sesso e lo stato fisiologico (malattia, allevamento, muta). A causa della difficoltà nell’ottenere quantità sufficienti di composti bioattivi, potrebbe essere più produttivo dissezionare in diversi tessuti/organi gli invertebrati selezionati per poi estrarre il materiale da saggiare (Haug et al., 2002a, 2002b, 2004) ciò al fine di separare i peptidi di interesse da migliaia di sostanze inattive. Dividere gli organismi in parti differenti selezionando ciascun tessuto potrebbe anche fornire l'indicazione se l'animale produce da sé il principio attivo o se esso proviene dalla dieta o ancora è associato a parassiti o microrganismi. La maggior parte degli AMP marini sono stati di fatto isolati dal compartimento sangue, sia dall’emolinfa/fluido celomatico (sangue intero) o dagli emociti/celomociti (cellule del sangue). Alcuni peptidi tuttavia sono stati scoperti e isolati da altri tessuti, ma essendo questi circondati (negli invertebrati marini) dagli emociti/celomociti, è possibile che provengano da questi ultimi. Inoltre tutte le variabili analitiche hanno una potenziale influenza sul risultato sia in termini quantitativi che qualitativi oltre che per la stabilità del campione anche per la riproducibilità del protocollo. Tra queste variabili ricadono le condizioni di conservazione del campione (tempo trascorso dall’estrazione, la temperatura prima dell’estrazione ed alla separazione, il congelamento e la liofilizzazione), la tipologia del campione ed il metodo di prelievo, la separazione delle cellule dal sangue (velocità di centrifugazione, durata e temperatura), l’uso del tampone (tipo, pH, forza ionica e temperatura), l'uso e il tipo di anticoagulanti e cocktail inibitori della proteasi. Inoltre, dati bibliografici riportano come la stimolazione immunitaria determini un aumento sia quantitativamente che qualitativamente della produzione di peptidi antimicrobici. Per tale motivo si è proceduto ad effettuare un esperimento pilota per valutare se in tali condizioni fosse superiore la quantità di piccoli peptidi sintetizzati rispetto ad individui non stimolati e se nei differenti tempi di stimolazione selezionati, emergesse una differenziazione a carico dei peptidi prodotti in relazione ad una possibile attività di natura antibatterica

    Esperimento pilota mirato all’analisi dell’effetto della stimolazione immunitaria su A. viridis, finalizzato alla produzione di composti biologicamente attivi

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    L’esperimento mira a valutare l’eventuale attività antibatterica di peptidi prodotti da individui di Anemonia viridis in seguito a stimolazione immunitaria e quindi alla realizzazione di un protocollo riproducibile e ottimizzato per la produzione di tali composti

    A case of syphilis associated with immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome and review of the literature

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    Background: Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) associated with syphilis has rarely been described in HIV-infected patients. Diagnosis can be challenging because it is not always possible to discern it from a recent infection or a worsening of an undiagnosed one. Case presentation: An HIV-positive 42-year-old man with a poor compliance history of antiretroviral therapy presented at our unit and complained of ocular symptoms. Ocular syphilis diagnosis was posed after initial misdiagnosing with cytomegalovirus infection, and antiretroviral therapy compliance improved after switching to a bictegravir-based regimen. Despite intravenous (IV) penicillin, we observed an initial worsening with the appearance of new skin lesions, and IRIS syphilis was suspected. In the literature, 14 cases of IRIS syphilis are described, all regarding male patients. Seven were HIV naïve to therapy, and 7 HIV-experienced with poor therapy compliance. Basal syphilis serology was negative in ten, with subsequent seroconversion after the development of IRIS. IRIS-syphilis development was observed after a median time of 28 days from ART initiation; 10 cases were considered "unmasking-IRIS" and 4 "paradoxical-IRIS". Skin and ocular involvement were the most often reported. In most cases, it was not necessary to use a systemic steroid. A good outcome was reported in 12. Conclusions: Syphilis should be considered in differential diagnosis with other diseases associated with IRIS. A negative syphilis serology before beginning antiretroviral therapy could convey the impression that syphilis has been ruled out. Whereas a high index of suspicion should be maintained when symptoms suggestive of syphilis, such as ocular and skin manifestations, are noticed after therapy has begun

    Microwave Properties of Ba(0.6)K(0.4)BiO(3) Crystals

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    We report on field-induced variations of the microwave surface resistance at 9.6 GHz of Ba(0.6)K(0.4)BiO(3) crystals. Energy losses have been investigated as a function of the static magnetic field in the range of temperatures 4.2 K - Tc. By analyzing the experimental results in the framework of the Coffey and Clem model we determine the temperature dependence of the first-penetration field, upper critical field and depinning frequency. The results show that the pinning energy of this bismuthate superconductor is weaker than those of cuprates.Comment: 6 pages, 8 embedded figure

    CO-PROX on MnO2 catalysts: DFT-based microkinetic and experimental macrokinetic approaches

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    A microkinetic analysis in terms of DFT-calculated temperature-dependent Gibbs free energies was performed for the oxidation reactions of CO and H2 on a model Mn4O8 cluster. Apparent activation energies data predict a peculiar CO preferential oxidation pattern of Mn(IV) sites in presence of hydrogen (PROX) substantiated by the unprecedented PROX behavior of a nanocomposite MnCeOx catalyst in the range of 353–423 K under both ideal and real process conditions. Micro- and macrokinetic data on the “model” cluster and “real” catalyst are discussed