47 research outputs found

    Time for aspirin : blood pressure and reactivity

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    Aspirine wordt door miljoenen mensen wereldwijd gebruikt ter preventie van hart- en vaatziekten. De meeste mensen nemen aspirine 's ochtends in, maar het optimale inname tijdstip is niet bekend. In dit proefschrift is onderzocht voordelig is om aspirine 's avonds in te nemen in plaats van 's ochtends. Kort samengevat was het idee hierachter als volgt. Bloeddruk is een belangrijke risicofactor voor hart- en vaatziekten; eerder onderzoek suggereerde dat de bloeddruk kan worden verlaagd door aspirine 's avonds in te nemen in plaats van 's ochtends. Dit was echter nog nooit onderzocht bij pati_nten die al aspirine gebruiken. Bij 290 pati_nten die aspirine gebruikten werd onderzocht of avond aspirine de bloeddruk verlaagt. Dit bleek niet het geval. Verder is bekend dat hart- en vaatziekten vaker 's ochtends voorkomen. Een van de oorzaken is een verhoogde activiteit van bloedplaatjes tijdens de ochtenduren, waardoor het risico op een bloedstolsel (met een hart- of herseninfarct tot gevolg) hoger is tijdens de ochtenduren. Onderzocht werd of de bloedplaatjes activiteit tijdens de ochtenduren beter geremd kan worden door aspirine 's avonds in te nemen in plaats van 's ochtends. Dit bleek inderdaad zo te zijn. Dit is mogelijk voordelig voor alle pati_nten die aspirine gebruikenNederlandse Hartstichting, SBOHUBL - phd migration 201

    COVID-19’s impact on the future of digital health technology in primary care

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    Prevention, Population and Disease management (PrePoD)Public Health and primary car

    Multi-centre evaluation of a phenotypic extended spectrum β-lactamase detection guideline in the routine setting

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    AbstractThis study aimed to evaluate the routine setting performance of a guideline for phenotypic detection of extended spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) in Enterobacteriaceae, recommending ESBL confirmation with Etest or combination disc for isolates with a positive ESBL screen test (i.e. cefotaxime and/or ceftazidime MIC >1 mg/L or an automated system ESBL warning). Twenty laboratories submitted 443 Enterobacteriaceae with a positive ESBL screen test and their confirmation test result (74% Escherichia coli, 12% Enterobacter cloacae, 8% Klebsiella pneumoniae, 3% Proteus mirabilis, 2% Klebsiella oxytoca). Presence of ESBL genes was used as reference test. Accuracy of local phenotypic ESBL detection was 88%. The positive predictive value (PPV) of local screen tests was 70%, and differed per method (Vitek-2: 69%, Phoenix: 68%, disc diffusion: 92%), and species (95% K. pneumoniae-27% K. oxytoca). A low PPV (3%) was observed for isolates with automated system alarm but third-generation cephalosporin MICs <2 mg/L. Local ESBL confirmation had a PPV and negative predictive value (NPV) of 93% and 90%, respectively. Compared with centrally performed confirmation tests, 7% of local tests were misinterpreted. Combination disc was more specific than Etest (91% versus 61%). Confirmation tests were not reliable for P. mirabilis and K. oxytoca (PPV 33% and 38%, respectively, although NPVs were 100%). In conclusion, performance of Etests could be enhanced by education of technicians to improve their interpretation, by genotypic ESBL confirmation of P. mirabilis and K. oxytoca isolates with positive phenotypic ESBL confirmation, and by interpreting isolates with a positive ESBL alarm but an MIC <2 mg/L for cefotaxime and ceftazidime as ESBL-negative

    Selective prevention of cardiovascular disease using integrated lifestyle intervention in primary care: protocol of the Healthy Heart stepped-wedge trial

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    Introduction Lifestyle interventions are shown to be effective in improving cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors. It has been suggested that general practitioners can play an essential role in CVD prevention. However, studies into lifestyle interventions for primary care patients at high cardiovascular risk are scarce and structural implementation of lifestyle interventions can be challenging. Therefore, this study aims to (1) evaluate (cost-)effectiveness of implementation of an integrated group-based lifestyle programme in primary care practices; (2) identify effective intervention elements and (3) identify implementation determinants of an integrated group-based lifestyle intervention for patients with high cardiovascular risk. Methods and analysis The Healthy Heart study is a non-randomised cluster stepped-wedge trial. Primary care practices will first offer standard care during a control period of 2-6 months, after which practices will switch (step) to the intervention, offering participants a choice between a group-based lifestyle programme or standard care. Participants enrolled during the control period (standard care) will be compared with participants enrolled during the intervention period (combined standard care and group-based lifestyle intervention). We aim to include 1600 primary care patients with high cardiovascular risk from 55 primary care practices in the area of The Hague, the Netherlands. A mixed-methods process evaluation will be used to simultaneously assess effectiveness and implementation outcomes. The primary outcome measure will be achievement of individual lifestyle goals after 6 months. Secondary outcomes include lifestyle change of five lifestyle components (smoking, alcohol consumption, diet, weight and physical activity) and improvement of quality of life and self-efficacy. Outcomes are assessed using validated questionnaires at baseline and 3, 6, 12 and 24 months of follow-up. Routine care data will be used to compare blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Cost-effectiveness of the lifestyle intervention will be evaluated. Implementation outcomes will be assessed using the RE-AIM model, to assesses five dimensions of implementation at different levels of organisation: reach, efficacy, adoption, implementation and maintenance. Determinants of adoption and implementation will be assessed using focus groups consisting of professionals and patients. Ethics and dissemination This study is approved by the Ethics Committee of the Leiden University Medical Center (P17.079). Results will be shared with the primary care group, healthcare providers and patients, and will be disseminated through journal publications and conference presentations.Analysis and support of clinical decision makin

    Factors associated with physical activity among COPD patients with mild or moderate airflow obstruction

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    Physical inactivity is already present among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) of mild or moderate airflow obstruction. Most previous studies that reported on determinants of physical activity in COPD included patients with severe COPD. Therefore, this study aimed to explore which patient characteristics were related to physical activity in COPD patients with mild or moderate airflow obstruction. Cross-sectional analyses were performed on patients selected from the population-based Netherlands Epidemiology of Obesity study. Patients were included if they had a physician-diagnosed COPD GOLD 0-2 or had newly diagnosed COPD GOLD 1-2. Physical activity was evaluated using the Short Questionnaire to Assess Health-Enhancing Physical Activity (SQUASH) questionnaire and reported in hours per week of metabolic equivalents (MET-h/week). Associations between sociodernographic, lifestyle, clinical and functional characteristics were examined using regression analysis. 323 patients were included in research (77 with physician-diagnosed and 246 with newly diagnosed COPD). We found that physical activity was positively associated with pulmonary function: FEV1 (regression coefficient 0.40 (95% CI 0.09,0.71)) and FVC (regression coefficient 0.34 (95% CI 0.06,0.61)). Physical activity was associated with anxiety (regression coefficient -0.9 (95% CI 0.3,1.6)) only for physician-diagnosed patients. Lung function and anxiety level determine the level of physical activity among COPD patients with mild or moderate airflow obstruction. Thus, adjusting physical activity plans accordingly could help to increase physical activity level of the patients.Clinical epidemiolog

    Telemonitoring for patients with COVID-19: recommendations for design and implementation

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    Despite significant efforts, the COVID-19 pandemic has put enormous pressure on health care systems around the world, threatening the quality of patient care. Telemonitoring offers the opportunity to carefully monitor patients with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 from home and allows for the timely identification of worsening symptoms. Additionally, it may decrease the number of hospital visits and admissions, thereby reducing the use of scarce resources, optimizing health care capacity, and minimizing the risk of viral transmission. In this paper, we present a COVID-19 telemonitoring care pathway developed at a tertiary care hospital in the Netherlands, which combined the monitoring of vital parameters with video consultations for adequate clinical assessment. Additionally, we report a series of medical, scientific, organizational, and ethical recommendations that may be used as a guide for the design and implementation of telemonitoring pathways for COVID-19 and other diseases worldwide.Cardiolog

    SERIES: eHealth in primary care. Part 3: eHealth education in primary care

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    Background: Education is essential to the integration of eHealth into primary care, but eHealth is not yet embedded in medical education. Objectives: In this opinion article, we aim to support organisers of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and teachers delivering medical vocational training by providing recommendations for eHealth education. First, we describe what is required to help primary care professionals and trainees learn about eHealth. Second, we elaborate on how eHealth education might be provided. Discussion: We consider four essential topics. First, an understanding of existing evidence-based eHealth applications and conditions for successful development and implementation. Second, required digital competencies of providers and patients. Third, how eHealth changes patient-provider and provider-provider relationships and finally, understanding the handling of digital data. Educational activities to address these topics include eLearning, blended learning, courses, simulation exercises, real-life practice, supervision and reflection, role modelling and community of practice learning. More specifically, a CanMEDS framework aimed at defining curriculum learning goals can support eHealth education by

    Multiethnic meta-analysis identifies ancestry-specific and cross-ancestry loci for pulmonary function

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    Nearly 100 loci have been identified for pulmonary function, almost exclusively in studies of European ancestry populations. We extend previous research by meta-analyzing genome-wide association studies of 1000 Genomes imputed variants in relation to pulmonary function in a multiethnic population of 90,715 individuals of European (N = 60,552), African (N = 8429), Asian (N = 9959), and Hispanic/Latino (N = 11,775) ethnicities. We identify over 50 additional loci at genome-wide significance in ancestry-specific or multiethnic meta-analyses. Using recent fine-mapping methods incorporating functional annotation, gene expression, and differences in linkage disequilibrium between ethnicities, we further shed light on potential causal variants and genes at known and newly identified loci. Several of the novel genes encode proteins with predicted or established drug targets, including KCNK2 and CDK12. Our study highlights the utility of multiethnic and integrative genomics approaches to extend existing knowledge of the genetics of l

    Rare and low-frequency exonic variants and gene-by-smoking interactions in pulmonary function

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    Genome-wide association studies have identified numerous common genetic variants associated with spirometric measures of pulmonary function, including forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), forced vital capacity, and their ratio. However, variants with lower minor allele frequencies are less explored. We conducted a large-scale gene-smoking interaction meta-analysis on exonic rare and low-frequency variants involving 44,429 individuals of European ancestry in the discovery stage and sought replication in the UK BiLEVE study with 45,133 European ancestry samples and UK Biobank study with 59,478 samples. We leveraged data on cigarette smoking, the major environmental risk factor for reduced lung function, by testing gene-by-smoking interaction effects only and simultaneously testing the genetic main effects and interaction effects. The most statistically significant signal that replicated was a previously reported low-frequency signal in GPR126, distinct from common variant associations in this gene. Although only nominal replication was obtained for a top rare variant signal rs142935352 in one of the two studies, interaction and joint tests for current smoking and PDE3B were significantly associated with FEV1. This study investigates the utility of assessing gene-by-smoking interactions and underscores their effects on potential pulmonary function.Clinical epidemiolog