19 research outputs found


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    Abstract niet beschikbaarThis report serves as a basis for the discussion aimed at the decision whether an integrated criteria document should be drawn up. Although world-wide only 10% of the emissions of hydrogen sulfide are of anthropogenic origin, in the Netherlands the contribution of anthropogenic sources to the total atmospheric emission is estimated at about 90%. Important industrial sources are food industry, furniture, chemical and metal industry. Other sources are agriculture and traffic. The contribution of traffic is expected to increase in the future. Risk assissment is seriously hampered by the lack of data on both exposure and effects. Available information indicates that hydrogen sulphide does not present a nation-wide problem. Locally problems may occur related to industrial, agricultural and urban sources. The nature of the problem is different for humans and ecosystems: for humans it is primarily an odour nuisance problem, for ecosystems it is toxicological (direct effects) and an ecological (indirect -acid rain- effects) problem. It is recommended to make an inventory of the environmental hydrogen sulphide concentrations in relation to sources in relevant industrial, agricultural and urban areas before deciding about the integrated criteria document.DGM/SR / Sedee AGJ RIV

    Scopingsdocument Chloor Paraffines

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarThis report contains general information on chlorinated paraffins (CPs) concerning the existing standards, emissions, exposure levels and effect levels. The document is to be considered as a start for the national discussion during an exploratory meeting on integrated criteria documents and serves internationally as a background document for the working group on diffuse sources of the Paris commission (PARCOM). In the Netherlands no production of CPs takes place. No emission data are available, but the major emissions are likely to occur through use and disposal of products containing CPs. CPs are rather persistent in the environment. Bioconcentration occurs, short-chain CPs with a high level of chlorination showing the highest potential. Biomagnification, however, is not to be expected. Toxicologically shorter chain CPs are the most important ones. Animalstudies indicate that these CPs may have carcinogenic potential but are non-genotoxic. A tolerable daily intake of 0.01 mg/kg bw/day at life-time exposure for humans was calculated. For ecosystems provisionally maximum permissible concentrations of 1 mug/l and 50 mg/kg were derived for surface water and sediment/soil, respectively. The exposure levels in the Netherlands are expected not to exceed these levels.DGM/SV

    Scopingsrapport Formaldehyde

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarThis report contains general information on formaldehyde concerning the current standards and guidelines, emissions, exposure levels and effect levels. The document is to be considered as a start for the national discussion during an exploratory meeting to determine whether evaluation at the level of an integrated criteria document is required. Formaldehyde is naturally produced as a degradation product of methane largely determining the background concentration at the global scale. Regionally and locally other sources are important: in the Netherlands the most important emission source to surface water is the chemical industry whereas to air the use as disinfectant (lifestock farming) and combustion processes (traffic) play an important role. Information on the occurrence of formaldehyde in the various environmental compartments is very limited, hampering a sound risk evaluation. Based on animal data formaldehyde is considered to be a carcinogen, causing tumours on the side of entry (nasal cavity). The threshold value is assumed to correspond with the threshold value for cytotoxic effects. For inhalatory exposure the recommendation of the Health Council is followed (95 and 98 percentile 24 hr average of 30 and 40 mug.m-3, respectively). Based on model calculations these values may be exceeded in hundreds of streets on kerbsides and near building facades in inner cities due to traffic. Also in the indoor environment the limit values may be exceeded, probably largely as a result of indoor emission sources like smoking, and building and insulation materials. In contrast to this the risk of oral exposure through food and drinking water is considered negligible. The aquatic ecosystems may be at risk in the vicinity of the major point sources, whereas effects on vegetation alongside busy traffic roads can not be excluded. Taking into account the uncertainties in the exposure levels it is recommended to initiate a measuring programme to determine the exposure levels in outdoor air and water at strategic sites. Further the estimated emission figures on livestock farming need to be checked.DGM/SV

    [Scopingsrapport aluminium en aluminium verbindingen.]

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarThis report contains general information on Aluminium and aluminium compounds concerning the existing standards, emissions, exposure levels and effect levels. The document is to be considered as a first evaluation to be used for the national discussion during an exploratory meeting on integrated criteria documents. In this report a difference is made between the risk of aluminium exposure related to acidification resulting into mobilization of (natural occurring) aluminium, and the risk related to the discharge of aluminium in our environment. Acidification results into increased dissolved aluminium levels in surface water and soil. In most cases Dutch surface waters are sufficiently buffered and therefore acidification does not present a problem in terms of increased aluminium toxicity for aquatic ecosystems. In contrast to this, Dutch soils are vulnerable to acidification with regard to aluminium: in the process of leaching out first elevated dissolved aluminium levels at the root zone are harmful to terrestrial ecosystems and, subsequently, may reach levels in groundwater surpassing the current drinking water standards and guidelines. As to emission of aluminium in the environment the figures show an increase of industrial emissions in the last decade. There are indications that current exposure levels may present a risk to both man and ecosystems. Man may be at risk since a provisionally derived toxicological limit value of aluminium in air (0.05 mug Al.m-3) is likely to be exceeded in ambient and indoor air in the Netherlands. However, exposure data are missing and the proposed toxicological limit value is rather conservative. The risk of current exposure levels seems negligible, but for final conclusions an evaluation update is needed. Aquatic life may be endangered in some surface waters, but effects on aquatic species are definitively expected to occur in the vicinity of emission sources. Bioaccumulation may lead to high aluminium content of macrophytes and insects and so, depending on the dietary intake of calcium and phosphoros, herbivorous and insectivorous species may be at risk. It is recommended to initiate activities to obtain further data needed for a more sound risk evaluation.DGM/SV

    [Scopingsdocument 1,3-butadieene.]

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    Abstract niet beschikbaar1,3-Butadiene is mainly emitted to the air. The most important sources in the outdoor air is traffic. Indoors cigarette smoking is the most important source. Because of the genotoxic and carcinogenic properties of 1,3-butadiene and its metabolites a non-threshold extrapolation method was used for establishing toxicological limit values. It was indicatively calculated that an ambient concentration of 0.03 to 0.15 mug.m-3 corresponds to a lifetime cancer risk of 1 x 10-6 (negligible risk level, the maximum permissible is a factor 100 higher). The all-year average 1,3-butadiene concentration in the Netherlands was estimated at 0.4 mug.m-3. Much higher levels have been measured in the seventies in urban areas related to traffic activities (<2.2 to 158 mug.m-3). According the model calculations the all-year average contribution to the 1,3-butadiene concentration in busy streets by traffic has been estimated to be 2 mug.m-3. Indoor air 1,3-butadiene concentrations may reach levels of approximately 3 mug.m-3 and up. On the basis of very limited exposure data, the estimated 1,3-butadiene concentration in ambient air seems to be below the "maximum permissible" risk level. Therefore, the cancer risk due to 1,3-butadiene in ambient air is within acceptable limits. However, in busy streets in inner cities the exposure concentrations are estimated to be close to the 'maximum permissible" risk level. On the other hand the 1,3-butadiene concentrations resulting from traffic emissions have dropped in the last decades and are expected to decrease further in the next few years since over 95% of the gasoline powered new cars sold in the Netherlands are equipped with a catalytic converter. No data are available on the occurrence of 1,3-butadiene in indoor air in the Netherlands. Literature data indicate that in smoke-filled rooms the concentrations are in the range of "maximum permissible" risk level. It is advocated to limit the gap-filling to a survey into the concentration of 1,3-butadiene in indoor and outdoor air in inner city streets.DGM/SV

    Scopingsrapport Acroleine

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarThis report serves as a base for the discussion aimed at the decision whether an integrated criteria document on acrolein should be drawn up, and, if so, for determining the contents of such an integrated criteria document. It is difficult to estimate the risks of acrolein for man and ecosystems. Emissions are not quantified. Data indicate that acrolein is or may be present in water, soil, air and foodstuff, the concentration levels not known or only scarcely available. Effect studies are insufficient to derive toxicological limit values for man and ecosystems. Toxicological limit values indicate that acrolein may occur at concentration levels that exceed the maximum acceptable risk levels for both man and ecosystems. It is suggested to investigate some parts of the causality chain of acrolein before drawing up an integrated criteria document on this compound. Priority in this matter should be given to the compartment air and to man. This report provides several recommendations.DGM/SR / Sedee AG

    Scopingsrapport nikkel en nikkelverbindingen

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarThis report contains general information on Nickel and nickel compounds concerning the existing standards, emissions, exposure levels and effect levels. The document is to be considered as a start for the national discussion during an exploratory meeting on integrated criteria documents. Pure nickel is not produced in the Netherlands, but nickel and nickel compounds are widely used. The most important sources of emissions to air are refineries and usage of diesel oil, whereas industry and agriculture contribute significantly to emissions to water and soil, respectively. By far the most important nickel-containing waste stream is domestic waste. In general the emissions are expected to decrease. Concentration levels in surface water, sediment, soil, groundwater, outdoor air and food are available. In most cases the actual standards and guidelines are not exceeded; higher environmental concentrations are found in some local areas. Nickel is an essential dietary trace element, but inhalatory exposure to nickel compounds can result in respiratory tract cancer. With respect to risks to the general population in the Netherlands, the current nickel concentrations in ambient air and in the diet appear to be within acceptable limits. Calculated maximum permissible concentrations for aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems are below natural occuring background levels. Locally these levels are exceeded, but in most of these cases the risks involved may be qualified as small.DGM/SV

    Scopingsdocument Kwik

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarThis report serves as a basis for the discussion aimed at the decision whether an integrated criteria document on mercury should be drawn up, and, if so, for determining the contents of such an integrated criteria document. Taking into account the current exposure levels in the environment, the risks from mercury to the Dutch population will be limited and within acceptable range in general (note: mercury uptake through amalgam not included). No unacceptable effects of mercury are expected in aquatic ecosystems, whereas effects in terrestrial ecosystems will be small (heavily polluted areas excepted). Adverse effects on agricultural crops and livestock are unlikely to occur. Since 1980 the total amount of mercury applied in the Netherlands has been reduced by at least 50%. This, and various measures, have resulted in significant reduction of the emissions of all sources, those from fossil fuels excepted. Trends in emissions indicate that the risks of mercury exposure in the Netherlands will likely decrease in the coming years.RIVM DGM/SR / Sedee AG


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    Abstract niet beschikbaarThis report serves as a basis for the discussion aimed at the decision whether an integrated criteria document should be drawn up. Although world-wide only 10% of the emissions of hydrogen sulfide are of anthropogenic origin, in the Netherlands the contribution of anthropogenic sources to the total atmospheric emission is estimated at about 90%. Important industrial sources are food industry, furniture, chemical and metal industry. Other sources are agriculture and traffic. The contribution of traffic is expected to increase in the future. Risk assissment is seriously hampered by the lack of data on both exposure and effects. Available information indicates that hydrogen sulphide does not present a nation-wide problem. Locally problems may occur related to industrial, agricultural and urban sources. The nature of the problem is different for humans and ecosystems: for humans it is primarily an odour nuisance problem, for ecosystems it is toxicological (direct effects) and an ecological (indirect -acid rain- effects) problem. It is recommended to make an inventory of the environmental hydrogen sulphide concentrations in relation to sources in relevant industrial, agricultural and urban areas before deciding about the integrated criteria document.DGM/SR / Sedee AGJ RIV

    [Scopingsdocument Tin- en tinverbindingen.]

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    In the Netherlands tin is produced from concentrate and secondary production (about 3,500 tonnes Sn per year), whereas about 5,000 tonnes Sn per year is applied. Of this amount about 4,200 tonnes is applied as inorganic tin (most for the manufacturing of tin plate) and about 800 tonnes Sn is applied as organotin compounds (most in pesticides, PVC-stabilizer and anti-fouling paints). Available information indicates that the risk of inorganic tin compounds to humans is very small, if present at all. The risks of inorganic tin compounds to aquatic ecosystems are considered to be small and are likely to be restricted to surface waters in the vicinity of industrial sites. Although little information on exposure to and effects of inorganic tin in soil organisms, current and future emissions to soil indicate a low priority to fill in these gaps in knowledge. As to organotin compounds it is assumed that environmental concentrations unlikely present a risk to the general population. The risk of organotin compounds in food to humans is unknown, mainly because no quantitative data on exposure are available. Triphenyl and tributyl organotin compounds present a risk to aquatic ecosystems in the Netherlands. Information on the toxicity to sediment and soil organisms as well as on the occurrence in soil are lacking, hampering a sound risk evaluation. It is recommended [a] to determine the concentrations of organotins in food, [b] to execute the ban on triphenyl tin acetate and triphenyl hydroxide as soon as possible and [c] to stimulate alternative methods for anti-fouling paints. Further it is advocated to initiate a study into the degradation rates of organotins in sediment and soil in order to determine the maximum allowable emission per year.DGM/SV