62 research outputs found

    The response of dehydrated Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) pollen to three in vitro viability assays and their relationship to actual fertility

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    In vitro viability response of Douglas fir pollen stored for various periods (1 to several years) was related to actual seed set. Three assay types that provided useful relationships to seed set were respiration (RESP), percent leachate conductivity (%COND) and percent germination (CLASS 1 + 2). Before developing the relationship to seed set, media effects on germination, leaching time for conductivity and pollen hydration effects for all assays were studied. Both simple linear and non-linear regression analyses were compared to percent filled seed per cone (%FSPC) as determined from controlled crossing pollinations. Media type had a significant effect on germination response which, in the time of the test (48 h), appeared to be related to osmotic rather than metabolic effects. Hydrating stored dehydrated pollen for 16 h at 100% RH and 25 °C prior to the analysis had a significant effect on improving the response for conductivity and germination, but had no significant effect on respiration. Hydration effects were also apparent on the correlation coefficient (r) using simple linear regression. For unhydrated and hydrated pollen, the r values for assay response and %FSPC were 0.70 and 0.85 for RESP, -0.36 and -0.86 for %COND, and 0.07 and 0.83 for CLASS 1 + 2 germination, respectively. Using non-linear regression models, the coefficient of determination (r2) values for assay response of unhydrated and hydrated pollen against %FSPC were 0.76 and 0.83 for RESP, and 0.24 and 0.82 for %COND, and 0.61 and 0.84 for CLASS 1 + 2 germination, respectively. The regression equations developed for respiration, percent conductivity and germination can be applied to Douglas fir pollen lots when used for controlled crossing pollinations but may not result in expected seed set values when the pollen lot is expected to also compete with outcross pollen.RĂ©ponse du pollen de sapin de Douglas (Pseudotsuga menzesii) Ă  3 tests de viabilitĂ© in vitro et relation avec la fertilitĂ© rĂ©elle de ce pollen. Les valeurs du coefficient de dĂ©termination (r2) pour le pollen sec et le pollen rĂ©hydratĂ© pour la rĂ©ponse aux diffĂ©rents tests et %FSPC sont respectivement (tableau V) de 0,76 et 0,83 pour RESP (respiration), Ă  0,24 et 0,82 pour %COND (pourcentage de conductivitĂ©) et 0,61 et 0,84 pour la germination (CLASS 1 + 2). Par ailleurs, Ă  travers une expĂ©rience de dilution de pollen, il apparaĂźt que la relation entre le pourcentage de pollen vivant et le %FSCP n'est pas linĂ©aire (fig 5). Au-delĂ  d'un seuil voisin de 40-50% de pollen vivant, il n'y a plus d'amĂ©lioration du %FSCP. D'un point de vue pratique, les Ă©quations de rĂ©gression dĂ©veloppĂ©es pour la respiration (fig 6), le pourcentage de conductivitĂ© (fig 7) et la germination (fig 8) peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©es pour estimer la qualitĂ© de lots de pollen de sapin de Douglas utilisĂ©s pour des croisements contrĂŽlĂ©s. Toutefois, ces courbes peuvent ne pas se traduire par le rĂ©sultat attendu en terme de rendement en graines si un lot donnĂ© de pollen se trouve en situation de compĂ©tition avec un autre lot, ce qui n'Ă©tait pas le cas de cette sĂ©rie d'expĂ©rimentations
