81 research outputs found

    Literacy Acquisition Trajectories in Bilingual Language Minority Children and Monolingual Peers with Similar or Different SES: A Three-Year Longitudinal Study

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    Bilingualism and socio-economic status (SES) differentially affect linguistic and cognitive development. However, less evidence has been collected regarding their impact on literacy trajectories. The present longitudinal study evaluated the literacy development of language minority bilingual children (LMBC) and monolingual peers with different SES. A group of LMBC with low-SES (n = 18) and monolingual peers with low (n = 18) or high (n = 14) SES were followed from 2nd to 5th grade through a set of tasks assessing decoding (words, nonwords, passage), reading, and listening comprehension, and spelling skills. The results showed that all groups achieved better performances over time in all measures, except listening comprehension. However, low-SES LMBC underperformed in spelling tasks compared to the monolingual groups. In reading comprehension, there was a time*group interaction that showed how low-SES LMBC reached similar performances of low-SES monolinguals in fifth grade, but both groups underperformed compared to the high SES monolingual group. The discussion is focused on the need for research and educational settings to consider the differential impact of bilingualism and SES. Bilingualism seems to be associated with a longer time in developing adequate spelling skills, whereas SES was the primary underpinning of the reading comprehension gap over time

    The relationship between mind wandering and reading comprehension: A meta-analysis

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    Mind wandering (MW), a shift of attention away from external tasks toward internally generated thoughts, has been frequently associated with costs in reading comprehension (RC), although with some contrasting results and many reported potential intervening factors. The aim of the meta-analysis was to evaluate the relationship between MW and RC, considering the role of participants’ and text’s characteristics, as well as methodological issues in the measurement of the two constructs. From a set of 25 selected full texts (73 correlation coefficients), pooled correlation (r = −0.21) revealed a negative significant relationship. Using trait-based questionnaires to assess MW compared with online probes resulted in an average significant change of 0.30 in the correlation between MW and RC, leading to a null correlation. A significant effect of age was also found, with more negative correlations with increasing age. None of the other moderating variables considered (i.e., language, text type, text length, RC assessment, text difficulty, text interest, and working memory) resulted in a significant effect. From the present meta-analysis, we might suggest that MW and RC are partially overlapping and vary, within a swing effect, in relation to a set of shared factors, such as working memory, interest, and text length. There might also be side-specific factors that drive the movement of primarily one side of the swing, and future research should further consider the role of individual differences in RC. Implications for research and educational settings are discussed

    Rumination and emotional profile in children with specific learning disorders and their parents

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    Rumination, namely a cognitive process characterized by a repetitive thinking focused on negative feelings and thoughts, is a significant predictor for the onset of internalizing symptoms and has also been found to run in families. Rumination has never been studied in children with specific learning disorders (SLD), a population that, due to its condition, might encounter more difficulties in daily life and is at risk of increased psychological distress, compared to typically developing (TD) peers. The present study covers this gap by examining whether children with SLD, and their parents, tend to use rumination more than TD peers and their parents. The study also explores associations between rumination and both children’s and parents’ emotional profile. Results on 25 children with SLD and 25 TD peers and their parents (n = 150), showed higher levels of rumination in children with SLD when referring to a negative social situation, as well as higher levels of rumination in both mothers and fathers of children with SLD. Modest correlations between parents’ and children’s rumination traits were also found. This study offers evidence on rumination as a possible risk factor for children with SLD, particularly considering when they deal with social contexts

    Children with low motor ability have lower visual-motor integration ability but unaffected perceptual skills

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    Etude des capacités perceptives, visuo-motrices et intellectuelles d'enfants âgés de 6-10 ans fréquentant l'école élémentaire


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    Questo libro \ue8 dedicato a Silvana Contento, e costituisce una versione espansa e aggiornata del volume da lei curato e intitolato Crescere nel bilinguismo, pubblicato da Carocci nel 2010, che ha rappresentato uno dei primi volumi volti ad approfondire il tema del multilinguismo nelle classi interculturali nel panorama italiano. Silvana ci ha prima incuriosito, poi accompagnato e insegnato molto sul tema a lei molto caro del bilinguismo, anche se i suoi insegnamenti non si sono certamente limitati a questo. Negli ultimi anni \ue8 aumentato notevolmente l\u2019interesse per questo tema e sono sempre pi\uf9 numerosi i contributi nella letteratura internazionale, alcuni portati avanti anche dagli autori di questo libro. Il primo obiettivo di questo volume \ue8 quindi quello di rendere omaggio alla prof.ssa Contento, ringraziandola per i suoi insegnamenti e testimoniando che la tradizione di studi da lei avviata prosegue in sua memoria. Non tutti gli autori hanno avuto modo di conoscerla, ma \ue8 stata un\u2019occasione per raccontarla e, ci auspichiamo, ricordarla anche ai nuovi lettori

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    Linguaggio e comunicazione

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    La ricerca sul linguaggio appartiene tradizionalmente alla linguistica e lo studio del linguaggio in ambito psicologico ha incontrato problematiche di tipo metodologico prevalentemente legate alla difficolt\ue0 di controllare e riprodurre sperimentalmente le situazioni naturali. Tuttavia il linguaggio \ue8 un tema centrale nell\u2019ambito della psicologia, essendo il prodotto di una attivit\ue0 cognitiva complessa che accompagna buona parte delle nostre azioni e delle nostre interazioni quotidiane. Gli effetti e le forme del sapere linguistico assumono significato nel processo comunicativo prevalentemente perch\ue9 sono utilizzate in un contesto. Nelle pagine che seguono si propone la presentazione di alcuni temi di interesse psicologico in ambito comunicativo, riferiti alle componenti del linguaggio e della comunicazione e alle tappe dello sviluppo linguistico, con alcuni approfondimenti riguardanti il bilinguismo, l\u2019apprendimento del linguaggio scritto e alcuni accenni ai disturbi del linguaggio e della letto scrittura. Parlare, ascoltare, leggere e scrivere sono attivit\ue0 che ogni individuo svolge trattando il linguaggio come un flusso ideativo e informativo continuo. Tale attivit\ue0 \ue8 costituita, anzi rappresentata, da insiemi di parole e di enunciati che interagiscono nelle menti dei parlanti. Assumendo che il linguaggio sia uno strumento di rappresentazione simbolica, utilizzato prevalentemente da locutori che interagiscono per fini comunicativi, si cercher\ue0, sulla base di specifiche competenze grammaticali, di vedere come ogni individuo sia capace di costruire delle frasi e dei discorsi attorno a un tema, cio\ue8 a un oggetto di discorso, e come si strutturino i processi di comprensione

    Documenti Legge 170 e Consensus Conference ISS. Documenti integrativi NON PARTE DEL PROGRAMMA DI ESAME

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    Materiale per consultazione e approfondimenti facoltativi Per altri documenti consultare: http://www.lineeguidadsa.it

    Documenti Legge 170 e Consensus Conference ISS. Documenti integrativi NON PARTE DEL PROGRAMMA DI ESAME

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    Materiale per consultazione e approfondimenti facoltativi Per altri documenti consultare: http://www.lineeguidadsa.it
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