2,206 research outputs found

    Holography and CFT on Generic Manifolds

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    In this paper it is shown how the AdS/CFT correspondence extends to a more general situation in which the first theory is defined on (d+1)-dimensional manifold M~\tilde M defined as the filling in of a compact d-dimensional manifold M. The stability of the spectral correspondence mass/conformal-weight under such geometry changes is also proven.Comment: 8+1 pages, no figures, misprints correcte

    The geometry of the M5-branes and TQFTs

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    The calculation of the partition function for N M5-branes is addressed for the case in which the worldvolume wraps a manifold T2×M4T^2\times M_4, where M4M_4 is simply connected and Kaehler. This is done in a compactification of M-theory which induces the Vafa-Witten theory on M4M_4 in the limit of vanishing torus volume. The results follow from the equivalence of the BPS spectrum counting in the complementary limit of vanishing M4M_4 volumes and from a classification of the the moduli space of quantum vacua of the supersymmetric twisted theory in terms of associated spectral covers. This reduces the problem of the moduli counting to algebraic equations.Comment: 17+1 pages, LaTeX file; v2 misprints corrected and clarifications added, final version to appear in Journal of Geometry and Physic

    The M5-brane on K3 and del Pezzo's and multi-loop string amplitudes

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    We study the BPS spectrum of Little String Theory for bound states of M5-branes wrapped on six manifold of product topology M4×Σ2M_4\times\Sigma_2 and the apparence of multi-loop ξ\theta-functions in a supersymmetric index calculation. We find a total reconstruction of the g-loop heterotic contribution in the case of a double K3 M-theory compactification. Moreover, we consider total wrapping of M5-branes on del Pezzo surfaces BkB_k and, by studying the relevant amplitude, we notice the arising of ξ\theta-functions relative to BPS strings on Tk−1T^{k-1}, i.e. membranes on TkT^k. This happens because of beautiful relations between four dimensional SYM theories and CFTs in two dimensions and seems to be linked to a duality recently observed by A.Iqbal, A.Neitzke and C.Vafa in.Comment: 1+14 pages; v2: misprints corrected, clarifications and one reference adde

    Topological Gauge Theories on Local Spaces and Black Hole Entropy Countings

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    We study cohomological gauge theories on total spaces of holomorphic line bundles over complex manifolds and obtain their reduction to the base manifold by U(1) equivariant localization of the path integral. We exemplify this general mechanism by proving via exact path integral localization a reduction for local curves conjectured in hep-th/0411280, relevant to the calculation of black hole entropy/Gromov-Witten invariants. Agreement with the four-dimensional gauge theory is recovered by taking into account in the latter non-trivial contributions coming from one-loop fluctuations determinants at the boundary of the total space. We also study a class of abelian gauge theories on Calabi-Yau local surfaces, describing the quantum foam for the A-model, relevant to the calculation of Donaldson-Thomas invariants.Comment: 17 page

    From BRST to light-cone description of higher spin gauge fields

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    In this short note we show, at the level of action principles, how the light-cone action of higher spin gauge fields can easily be obtained from the BRST formulation through the elimination of quartets. We analyze how the algebra of cohomology classes is affected by such a reduction. By applying the reduction to the Poincare generators, we give an alternative way of analyzing the physical spectrum of the Fronsdal type actions, with or without trace condition.Comment: 13 pages Latex file, Proceedings of the Workshop "Quantum Field Theory and Hamiltonian Systems'', Caciulata, Romania, 16 - 21 Oct, 2004; more references added, acknowledgments correcte

    Solving N=2 SYM by Reflection Symmetry of Quantum Vacua

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    The recently rigorously proved nonperturbative relation between u and the prepotential, underlying N=2 SYM with gauge group SU(2), implies both the reflection symmetry u(τ)‟=u(−τˉ)\overline{u(\tau)}=u(-\bar\tau) and u(τ+1)=−u(τ)u(\tau+1)=-u(\tau) which hold exactly. The relation also implies that τ\tau is the inverse of the uniformizing coordinate u of the moduli space of quantum vacua. In this context, the above quantum symmetries are the key points to determine the structure of the moduli space. It turns out that the functions a(u) and a_D(u), which we derive from first principles, actually coincide with the solution proposed by Seiberg and Witten. We also consider some relevant generalizations.Comment: 12 pg. LaTex, Discussion of the generalization to higher rank groups added. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Conifold geometries, matrix models and quantum solutions

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    This paper is a continuation of hepth/0507224 where open topological B-models describing D-branes on 2-cycles of local Calabi--Yau geometries with conical singularities were studied. After a short review, the paper expands in particular on two aspects: the gauge fixing problem in the reduction to two dimensions and the quantum matrix model solutions.Comment: 17 p. To appear in proc. Symposium QTS-4, Varna (Bulgaria), August 200

    Matrix String Theory, 2D SYM Instantons and affine Toda systems

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    Extending a recent result of S.B. Giddings, F. Hacquebord and H. Verlinde, we show that in the U(N) SYM Matrix theory there exist classical BPS instantons which interpolate between different closed string configurations via joining/splitting interactions similar to those of string field theory. We construct them starting from branched coverings of Riemann surfaces. For the class of them which we analyze in detail the construction can be made explicit in terms U(N) affine Toda field theories.Comment: 12 pages, 1 eps figure, JHEP.cls LaTeX2e class file; sign corrected, ref. and acknowledgements update

    Heterotic Matrix String Theory and Riemann Surfaces

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    We extend the results found for Matrix String Theory to Heterotic Matrix String Theory, i.e. to a 2d O(N) SYM theory with chiral (anomaly free) matter and N=(8,0) supersymmetry. We write down the instanton equations for this theory and solve them explicitly. The solutions are characterized by branched coverings of the basis cylinder, i.e. by compact Riemann surfaces with punctures. We show that in the strong coupling limit the action becomes the heterotic string action plus a free Maxwell action. Moreover the amplitude based on a Riemann surface with p punctures and h handles is proportional to g^{2-2h-p}, as expected for the heterotic string interaction theory with string coupling g_s=1/g.Comment: 17 pages, JHEP LaTeX style, sentence delete

    On the boundary gauge dual of closed tensionless free strings in AdS

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    We consider closed free tensionless strings in AdSd, calculate exactly the boundary/boundary string evolution kernel and find the string dynamics to be completely frozen. We interpret therefore the boundary configurations as Wilson loop operators in a confining phase. This is taken as an argument in favor to the dual weakly coupled abelian gauge theory being that of (d−4)-forms in the (d−1) dimensional boundary Minkowski space
