48 research outputs found

    Butyrate and propionate inhibit antigen-specific CD8<sup>+</sup> T cell activation by suppressing IL-12 production by antigen-presenting cells

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    Abstract Short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), such as acetate, butyrate and propionate, are products of microbial macronutrients fermentation that distribute systemically and are believed to modulate host immune responses. Recent data have indicated that certain SCFAs, such as butyrate and propionate, directly modulate human dendritic cell (DC) function. Given the role of DCs in initiating and shaping the adaptive immune response, we now explore how SCFAs affect the activation of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells stimulated with autologous, MART1 peptide-pulsed DC. We show that butyrate reduces the frequency of peptide-specific CD8+ T cells and, together with propionate, inhibit the activity of those cells. On the contrary, acetate does not affect them. Importantly, butyrate and propionate inhibit the production of IL-12 and IL-23 in the DCs and exogenous IL-12 fully restores the activation of the MART-1-specific CD8+ T cells, whereas IL-23 has no effect. In conclusion, these results point to a pivotal role of butyrate and propionate in modulating CD8+ T cell activation via the inhibition of IL-12 secretion from DCs. These findings reveal a novel mechanism whereby bacterial fermentation products may modulate CD8+ T cell function with possible implications in anti-cancer immunotherapy

    Activated human CD4+ T cells express transporters for both cysteine and cystine

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    Because naïve T cells are unable to import cystine due to the absence of cystine transporters, it has been suggested that T cell activation is dependent on cysteine generated by antigen presenting cells. The aim of this study was to determine at which phases during T cell activation exogenous cystine/cysteine is required and how T cells meet this requirement. We found that early activation of T cells is independent of exogenous cystine/cysteine, whereas T cell proliferation is strictly dependent of uptake of exogenous cystine/cysteine. Naïve T cells express no or very low levels of both cystine and cysteine transporters. However, we found that these transporters become strongly up-regulated during T cell activation and provide activated T cells with the required amount of cystine/cysteine needed for T cell proliferation. Thus, T cells are equipped with mechanisms that allow T cell activation and proliferation independently of cysteine generated by antigen presenting cells

    Increased Production of IL-17A-Producing γδ T Cells in the Thymus of Filaggrin-Deficient Mice

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    Mutations in the filaggrin gene (Flg) are associated with increased systemic levels of Th17 cells and increased IL-17A production following antigen exposure in both humans and mice. In addition to Th17 cells, γδ T cells can produce IL-17A. The differentiation of γδ T cells to either IFNγ or IL-17A-producing (γδT17) cells is mainly determined in the thymus. Interestingly, it has been reported that filaggrin is expressed in the Hassall bodies in the human thymic medulla. However, whether filaggrin affects γδ T cell development is not known. Here, we show that filaggrin-deficient flaky tail (ft/ft) mice have an increased number of γδT17 cells in the spleen, epidermis, and thymus compared to wild-type (WT) mice. We demonstrate that filaggrin is expressed in the mouse thymic medulla and that blocking the egress of cells from the thymus results in accumulation of Vγ2+ γδT17 cells in the thymus of adult ft/ft mice. Finally, we find increased T cell receptor expression levels on γδ T cells and increased levels of IL-6 and IL-23 in the thymus of ft/ft mice. These findings demonstrate that filaggrin is expressed in the mouse thymic medulla and that production of Vγ2+ γδT17 cells is dysregulated in filaggrin-deficient ft/ft mice