9 research outputs found

    Steer Performance Grazing Corn Residue and Supplemented with Modified Distillers Grains plus Solubles with or without Urea

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    A growing study was conducted to evaluate the effects of supplementing growing calves grazing corn residue with modified distillers grains plus solubles (MDGS; 3 or 5 lb/d) and with or without urea on growth performance. There were no significant MDGS × urea inclusion interactions observed. Urea inclusion level (0 and 0.12 lb/d) did not affect supplemental intake, ADG, or ending BW. Steers fed 5 lb of MDGS had an increased ADG and a heavier ending BW compared to steers fed 3 lb MDGS daily. Supplemental urea is not necessary when supplementing at least 3 lb MDGS to steers grazing corn residue

    Dried Distillers Grains Supplementation of Calves Grazing Irrigated Corn Residue

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    Steer calves grazing irrigated corn residue received supplementation of dried distillers grains plus solubles (DGS) at 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, or 1.1% of body weight. Steers were individually supplemented daily through Calan gates. Daily gain improved linearly (0.77 lb/head/day to 2.21 lb/head/day) with increasing supplementation (1.5 lb/day to 7 lb/day). Supplementing DGS to calves grazing corn residue increased gain during the winter period

    Effect of Distillers Grains Plus Solubles and Monensin Supplementation on Grazing Steers

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    Yearling steers rotationally grazing smooth bromegrass were individually supplemented monensin at 0 or 200 mg with modified distillers grains plus solubles (MDGS) at .05, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8% BW. Cannulated steers continuously grazing smooth bromegrass were assigned randomly to one of two treatments: 0.4% BW MDGS supplementation with 0 or 200 mg monensin. Monensin did not affect ADG of steers supplemented MDGS ≥ 0.4% BW. Steers supplemented with monensin had a decreasein estimated average forage intakefrom 16.16 lb to 14.75 lb/OM daily

    Effect of Backgrounding System on Performance and Profitability of Yearling Beef Steers

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    Five summer management strategies were compared following grazing corn residue through winter. Cattle were assigned to be 1) summer finished, 2) graze bromegrass, 3) graze bromegrass and fed distillers grains at 0.6% of BW, 4) backgrounded in a drylot pen to gain 1.70 lb/d, or 5) backgrounded in a drylot pen to gain 2.35 lb/d. Results differed by year, however, in general as backgrounding ADG increased, days required on feed to reach an equal fat endpoint decreased. In year 1, ADG of cattle grazing bromegrass was less than cattle backgrounded in pens. There was no difference in finishing ADG for summer backgrounded steers. In year 2, steers grazing bromegrass with no supplement had the lowest summer ADG but exhibited compensatory growth in the feedlot. Overall, backgrounding systems increase carcass weights when cattle are finished to an equal fat thickness

    Effect of Continuous or Rotational Grazing on Growing Steer Performance and Land Production

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    Individual animal performance and animal production per acre were evaluated for steers grazing smooth bromegrass over 2 consecutive years. Treatments consisted of steers continuously grazing smooth bromegrass and initially stocked at either 4.0 animal unit months (AUM)/ac (HI) or 2.8 AUM/ac (LO) or steers rotationally grazing smooth bromegrass and initially stocked at 4.0 AUM/ac (ROT). Average calculated stocking rate for the LO, HI, and ROT treatments was greater than initial stocking rates due to the use of put and take animals. In vitro organic matter digestibility and crude protein of rotationally grazed pastures was relatively constant as the grazing season progressed, whereas continuous grazing showed a decrease in digestibility. However, there were no differences in gain between treatments. Treatment pastures grazed at a higher intensity, regardless of grazing method, had greater calculated stocking rate than pastures grazed at a lower intensity. Gain per acre, however, did not differ among treatments. Overall, although there was an increase in diet sample quality associated with rotational grazing compared to continuously grazed pastures, greater emphasis should likely be placed on managing an appropriate grazing intensity, rather than grazing method

    Comparison of Commercial Lick Tubs to Distillers Grains Supplementation for Calves Grazing Corn Residue

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    Steer calves grazing irrigated corn residue were supplemented dried distillers grains plus solubles (DGS) or allowedcontinuous access to a commercial lick tub. Dried DGS was fed at 2.94 lb/steer/day and the lick tubs were consumed at 2.04 lb/steer/day (DM basis). Gain was greater for cattle supplemented with dried DGS (1.36 lb/day) compared to those with access to lick tubs (0.83 lb/day). Supplement efficiency varied between calves receiving dried DGS (46%) and those with continuous access to the lick tub (43%) when expressed on a DM basis. Values for dried DGS supplementation (48%) were not different for supplement efficiencyon an OM basis when compared to cattle on the lick tub treatment (50%). Economic analysis shows that as the price of DGS increases, the difference in profit between supplementation strategiesis reduced

    Steer Performance Grazing Corn Residue and Supplemented with Modified Distillers Grains plus Solubles with or without Urea

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    A growing study was conducted to evaluate the effects of supplementing growing calves grazing corn residue with modified distillers grains plus solubles (MDGS; 3 or 5 lb/d) and with or without urea on growth performance. There were no significant MDGS × urea inclusion interactions observed. Urea inclusion level (0 and 0.12 lb/d) did not affect supplemental intake, ADG, or ending BW. Steers fed 5 lb of MDGS had an increased ADG and a heavier ending BW compared to steers fed 3 lb MDGS daily. Supplemental urea is not necessary when supplementing at least 3 lb MDGS to steers grazing corn residue

    Effect of Continuous or Rotational Grazing on Growing Steer Performance and Land Production

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    Individual animal performance and animal production per acre were evaluated for steers grazing smooth bromegrass over 2 consecutive years. Treatments consisted of steers continuously grazing smooth bromegrass and initially stocked at either 4.0 animal unit months (AUM)/ac (HI) or 2.8 AUM/ac (LO) or steers rotationally grazing smooth bromegrass and initially stocked at 4.0 AUM/ac (ROT). Average calculated stocking rate for the LO, HI, and ROT treatments was greater than initial stocking rates due to the use of put and take animals. In vitro organic matter digestibility and crude protein of rotationally grazed pastures was relatively constant as the grazing season progressed, whereas continuous grazing showed a decrease in digestibility. However, there were no differences in gain between treatments. Treatment pastures grazed at a higher intensity, regardless of grazing method, had greater calculated stocking rate than pastures grazed at a lower intensity. Gain per acre, however, did not differ among treatments. Overall, although there was an increase in diet sample quality associated with rotational grazing compared to continuously grazed pastures, greater emphasis should likely be placed on managing an appropriate grazing intensity, rather than grazing method

    Effect of Backgrounding System on Performance and Profitability of Yearling Beef Steers

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    Five summer management strategies were compared following grazing corn residue through winter. Cattle were assigned to be 1) summer finished, 2) graze bromegrass, 3) graze bromegrass and fed distillers grains at 0.6% of BW, 4) backgrounded in a drylot pen to gain 1.70 lb/d, or 5) backgrounded in a drylot pen to gain 2.35 lb/d. Results differed by year, however, in general as backgrounding ADG increased, days required on feed to reach an equal fat endpoint decreased. In year 1, ADG of cattle grazing bromegrass was less than cattle backgrounded in pens. There was no difference in finishing ADG for summer backgrounded steers. In year 2, steers grazing bromegrass with no supplement had the lowest summer ADG but exhibited compensatory growth in the feedlot. Overall, backgrounding systems increase carcass weights when cattle are finished to an equal fat thickness