153 research outputs found

    Organizational and Methodological Issues of the RF National Projects’ Development and Implementation

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    Purpose: the purpose of this article is to consider the usage of targeted methodological and organizational methods of complex socio-economic development management, as well as to research the practice of developing national-scale projects and programs.Methods: the methodology of the study is based on the theoretical foundations of target processes management for solving complex development problems, system analysis methods, research of operations and economic analysis of complex system development.Results: consideration of the implementation experience of the Russian Federation national projects and programs since 2005 helps to identify both advantages and disadvantages in solving social and economic problems. Organizational and methodological shortcomings of national projects development, as well as estimation of limitations and difficulties for complete goals achievement in the chosen case projects have been presented.Conclusions and Relevance: the presented national projects aimed at achieving the goals of the May Decree of the President of the Russian Federation should serve as a guide for the concentration of financial, logistical and intellectual resources to solve national large-scale complex problems. Methodological and organizational shortcomings in the national projects launching, which create significant risks to successful and on-time achievement of the national goals specified in the President’s Decree, were noted

    Intensely Social Journalistic Works by Ya. V. Abramov (1858-1906): Actual Problems of Public Life in Russian Empire at Turn of the Century

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    The problems of studying the journalistic works by Stavropol journalist of Ya. V. Abramov, who collaborated with the newspapers “North Caucasus,” “Azov region,” magazine “New word” and other periodicals of the central cities of the Russian Empire in the Caucasus in the late XIX - early XX century, are covered. Attention is paid to the problems of public life in the North Caucasus, that were displaying by articles, essays, notes of provincial journalist. A review of the main topics of Ya. V. Abramov’s journalistic creativity associated with the ideas of populism is made. The main stylistic methods are shown that were used in texts which deal with current social issues, typical not only for the North Caucasus, but nationwide with the turn of the century, having typical character that required an immediate response from the local and central authorities. The research urgency is caused by the fact that the authors introduced into scientific use data about the current corps of reissued texts by journalist Ya. V. Abramov. The article raises the question about the need to promote and further study of the works of currently little-known writer-populist, whose works are of great importance for the history of domestic journalism

    Mathematical model of coordination number of spherical packing

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    The article considers a mathematical model of the coordination number, which allows obtaining an equation for multi component spherical packing in the entire range of its change. The resulting model can be used in both 2-d and 3-d spaces. The concept of the coordination index is introduced as a function of the inter-particle distance related to a single particle located near the central particle. The model provides unambiguous compliance between the simulated and calculated data on the coordination numbers of the spherical packin


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    Various intellectual property (IP) estimation approaches and innovations in this field are discussed. Problem situations and «bottlenecks» in the economic mechanism of transformation of innovations into useful products and services are defined. Main international IP evaluation methods are described, particular attention being paid to «Quick Inside» program defined as latest generation global expert system. IP income and expense evaluation methods used in domestic practice are discussed. Possibility of using the Black-Scholes optional model to estimate costs of non-material assets is studied

    Организационно-методические вопросы разработки и реализации национальных проектов

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    Purpose: the purpose of this article is to consider the usage of targeted methodological and organizational methods of complex socio-economic development management, as well as to research the practice of developing national-scale projects and programs.Methods: the methodology of the study is based on the theoretical foundations of target processes management for solving complex development problems, system analysis methods, research of operations and economic analysis of complex system development.Results: consideration of the implementation experience of the Russian Federation national projects and programs since 2005 helps to identify both advantages and disadvantages in solving social and economic problems. Organizational and methodological shortcomings of national projects development, as well as estimation of limitations and difficulties for complete goals achievement in the chosen case projects have been presented.Conclusions and Relevance: the presented national projects aimed at achieving the goals of the May Decree of the President of the Russian Federation should serve as a guide for the concentration of financial, logistical and intellectual resources to solve national large-scale complex problems. Methodological and organizational shortcomings in the national projects launching, which create significant risks to successful and on-time achievement of the national goals specified in the President’s Decree, were noted.Цель данной статьи – рассмотрение методических и организационных проблем использования целевых методов управления развитием сложных социально-экономических проблем развития, а также исследование практики разработки масштабных проектов и программ на национальном уровне.Методология проведения работы: Представленное в статье исследование базируется на использовании теоретических основ управления целевыми процессами решения сложных проблем развития, применении методов системного анализа, исследования операций и экономического анализа развитием сложных систем.Результаты работы: Рассмотрение опыта реализации национальных проектов и программ Российской Федерации, воплощаемых с 2005 года, позволило выявить как существующие достоинства, так и присутствующие недостатки при решении социально-экономических вопросов. Авторами исследования раскрыты организационно-методические проблемы формирования национальных проектов, а также представлены оценки трудности полноценного достижения обозначаемых в таких проектах целей.Выводы: Представленные национальные проекты, ориентированные на достижение целей майского Указа Президента Российской Федерации, должны служить ориентиром для концентрации финансовых, материально-технических и интеллектуальных ресурсов, направленных на решение общенациональных широкомасштабных сложных проблем. Отмеченные методологические и организационные недостатки формирования национальных проектов образуют значительные риски для успешного и своевременного достижения национальных целей, обозначенных в указе Президента РФ


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    Purpose: objectives of research: 1) Justification of a new role of import-substituting strategy as factor of large-scale import-substituting industrial revolution in the Russian Federation, an economic development driving force; 2) Confirmation of expediency of complex synergetic innovative tools of state support on decrease in import technology dependence of the Russian Federation, increase in dynamics of industry growth, technological potential and export of technologies; 3) The proof of progressiveness of scaling of import substitution as new key strategy of Russia development taking into account the best international experience, public and private initiatives and risks of import substitution.Methods: the methodology of the work is based on a modeling of scenarios, analysis of open statistical sources, projections and calculations, forecasting methods.Results: on the basis of the analysis of statistics a positive assessment is given to methodologically progressive instruments and mechanisms of realization of strategy of import substitution in the Russian Federation with the proved or potential efficiency taking into account national specifics. New national advantages and benefits of overcoming the degrading consumer market in Russia in 2014–2015 are shown. Processes of transformation and creation of the new national market on the basis of import substitution are described. The forecast of achievement of planned targets for import substitution programs in the Russian Federation on condition of further total economy modernization for import substitution is developed.conclusions and relevance: the statistics of large-scale revolutionary transition of the enterprises of the Russian Federation to a full cycle of production instead of the short technological chains which have taken roots in the last 20 years is collected. The problems and risks which are slowing down progress in import substitution in the Russian Federation are revealed. The role of RAS as chief scientific expert of the Russian Federation in realization of policy of import substitution is noted. The methodology of state support from the Industry Development Fund and Rostec is estimated. Strong advantages of a regional component of the state program approach in import substitution are revealed. Methods of strengthening of regional industrial competences and their global marketing as state support instruments are revealed.Цель: Цели исследования: 1) обоснование новой роли импортозамещающей стратегии как фактора масштабной импортозамещающей промышленной революции в РФ, одной из движущих сил развития экономики; 2) подтверждение целесообразности комплексного синергетического инновационного инструментария господдержки по снижению технологической зависимости РФ от импорта, увеличению динамики роста промышленности, технологического потенциала и экспорта технологий; 3) доказательство прогрессивности масштабирования импортозамещения как новой ключевой стратегии развития РФ с учетом лучшего мирового опыта, на базе частно-государственных инициатив с учетом рисков импортозамещения.Методология проведения работы: Методика проведения работы основана на моделировании сценариев, анализа открытых статистических источников, прогнозных оценках и расчетах, методах прогнозирования.Результаты работы: На основе анализа статистики дана позитивная оценка методологически прогрессивным инструментам и механизмам реализации стратегии импортозамещения в РФ с доказанной или потенциальной эффективностью с учетом национальной специфики. Показаны новые национальные преимущества и выгоды от преодоления деградировавшего рынка потребления России в 2014–2015 гг. Описаны процессы трансформации и создания нового национального рынка на основе импортозамещения. Обоснован прогноз достижения плановых показателей по программам импортозамещения при условии дальнейшей тотальной модернизации экономики РФ в целях импортозамещения.Выводы: В результате исследования собрана статистика масштабного революционного перехода предприятий РФ на полный цикл производства вместо коротких технологических цепочек, укоренившихся в последние 20 лет. Выявлены проблемы и риски, тормозящие прогресс в импортозамещении в РФ. Отмечена роль РАН как главного научного эксперта РФ в реализации политики импортозамещения. Оценена методология поддержки со стороны Фонда развития промышленности и Ростеха. Показаны сильные преимущества регионального компонента государственного проектного подхода в импортозамещении, методы усиления региональных промышленных компетенций и их продвижения во внешнем мире за счет инструментов господдержки

    Agreement of body adiposity index (BAI), bioimpedance analysis and ultrasound scanning in determining body fat

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    BACKGROUND: The steadily increasing number of people with obesity requires the development of simple and accurate methodological approaches to assess the absolute and relative amount of body fat mass. The body adiposity index (BAI) is one of the indices proposed to assess the body fat percentage. However, the comparison analysis of common methods, i.e., of bio-electrical impedance analysis and ultrasound scanning, and BAI was not performed for the Russian population.AIM: Comparison analysis of the body fat percentage estimates by bio-electrical impedance analysis, ultrasound scanning, and body adiposity index in the group of adult male and females.MATERIALS AND METHODS: An examination of healthy males and females from Moscow was conducted. Height, weight, waist and hip circumferences were measured. The body fat percentage was obtained by bio-electrical impedance analysis — BIA (ABC-02 Medas), ultrasound scanning — US (BodyMetrixTM, IntelaMetrix), and body adiposity index.RESULTS: 263 females and 134 males aged 18 to 73 years participated in the study. Correlation coefficients between BAI values and the body fat percentage obtained by BIA and US were 0.749 and 0.763 (p<0.000), respectively. Comparison of body fat percentage measurements obtained by BAI, BIA and US showed the low agreement (ССС<0.90) between BAI and other methods in pooled sample as well as in the female and male groups. Comparison of the US and BAI methods revealed higher level of agreement (ССС=0.84 [0.80–0.86]) and no systematic bias. Lower level of agreement was obtained in the group of males.CONCLUSION: Conducted study allows to conclude that, at the individual level, BAI is not an appropriate method for estimating the body fat percentage relatively to other indirect methods. However, all three methods can be used in the group of pooled males and females when testing at the population level