10,727 research outputs found

    Spray-on technique simplifies fabrication of complex thermal insulation blanket

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    Spray-on process constructs molds used in forming sections of thermal insulation blankets. The process simplifies the fabrication of blankets by eliminating much of the equipment formerly required and decreasing the time involved

    Probing the Primordial Power Spectrum with Cluster Number Counts

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    We investigate how well galaxy cluster number counts can constrain the primordial power spectrum. Measurements of the primary anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) may be limited, by the presence of foregrounds from secondary sources, to probing the primordial power spectrum at wave numbers less than about 0.30 h Mpc^{-1}. We break up the primordial power spectrum into a number of nodes and interpolate linearly between each node. This allows us to show that cluster number counts could then extend the constraints on the form of the primordial power spectrum up to wave numbers of about 0.45 h Mpc^{-1}. We estimate combinations of constraints from PLANCK and SPT primary CMB and their respective SZ surveys. We find that their constraining ability is limited by uncertainties in the mass scaling relations. We also estimate the constraint from clusters detected from a SNAP like gravitational lensing survey. As there is an unambiguous and simple relationship between the filtered shear of the lensing survey and the cluster mass, it may be possible to obtain much tighter constraints on the primordial power spectrum in this case.Comment: Clarifications added and a few minor corrections made. Matches version to appear in PR

    Constraints on Dark Energy from Supernovae, Gamma Ray Bursts, Acoustic Oscillations, Nucleosynthesis and Large Scale Structure and the Hubble constant

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    The luminosity distance vs. redshift law is now measured using supernovae and gamma ray bursts, and the angular size distance is measured at the surface of last scattering by the CMB and at z = 0.35 by baryon acoustic oscillations. In this paper this data is fit to models for the equation of state with w = -1, w = const, and w(z) = w_0+w_a(1-a). The last model is poorly constrained by the distance data, leading to unphysical solutions where the dark energy dominates at early times unless the large scale structure and acoustic scale constraints are modified to allow for early time dark energy effects. A flat LambdaCDM model is consistent with all the data.Comment: 19 pages Latex with 8 Postscript figure files. A new reference and constraint, w vs w' contour plots updated. Version accepted by the the Ap

    Testing flatness of the universe with probes of cosmic distances and growth

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    When using distance measurements to probe spatial curvature, the geometric degeneracy between curvature and dark energy in the distance-redshift relation typically requires either making strong assumptions about the dark energy evolution or sacrificing precision in a more model-independent approach. Measurements of the redshift evolution of the linear growth of perturbations can break the geometric degeneracy, providing curvature constraints that are both precise and model-independent. Future supernova, CMB, and cluster data have the potential to measure the curvature with an accuracy of sigma(Omega_K)=0.002, without specifying a particular dark energy phenomenology. In combination with distance measurements, the evolution of the growth function at low redshifts provides the strongest curvature constraint if the high-redshift universe is well approximated as being purely matter dominated. However, in the presence of early dark energy or massive neutrinos, the precision in curvature is reduced due to additional degeneracies, and precise normalization of the growth function relative to recombination is important for obtaining accurate constraints. Curvature limits from distances and growth compare favorably to other approaches to curvature estimation proposed in the literature, providing either greater accuracy or greater freedom from dark energy modeling assumptions, and are complementary due to the use of independent data sets. Model-independent estimates of curvature are critical for both testing inflation and obtaining unbiased constraints on dark energy parameters.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Model-Independent Constraints on Dark Energy Density from Flux-averaging Analysis of Type Ia Supernova Data

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    We reconstruct the dark energy density ρX(z)\rho_X(z) as a free function from current type Ia supernova (SN Ia) data (Tonry et al. 2003; Barris et al. 2003; Knop et al. 2003), together with the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) shift parameter from CMB data (WMAP, CBI, and ACBAR), and the large scale structure (LSS) growth factor from 2dF galaxy survey data. We parametrize ρX(z)\rho_X(z) as a continuous function, given by interpolating its amplitudes at equally spaced zz values in the redshift range covered by SN Ia data, and a constant at larger zz (where ρX(z)\rho_X(z) is only weakly constrained by CMB data). We assume a flat universe, and use the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique in our analysis. We find that the dark energy density ρX(z)\rho_X(z) is constant for 0 \la z \la 0.5 and increases with redshift zz for 0.5 \la z \la 1 at 68.3% confidence level, but is consistent with a constant at 95% confidence level. For comparison, we also give constraints on a constant equation of state for the dark energy. Flux-averaging of SN Ia data is required to yield cosmological parameter constraints that are free of the bias induced by weak gravitational lensing \citep{Wang00b}. We set up a consistent framework for flux-averaging analysis of SN Ia data, based on \cite{Wang00b}. We find that flux-averaging of SN Ia data leads to slightly lower Ωm\Omega_m and smaller time-variation in ρX(z)\rho_X(z). This suggests that a significant increase in the number of SNe Ia from deep SN surveys on a dedicated telescope \citep{Wang00a} is needed to place a robust constraint on the time-dependence of the dark energy density.Comment: Slightly revised in presentation, ApJ accepted. One color figure shows rho_X(z) reconstructed from dat

    Observation of the dielectric-waveguide mode of light propagation in p-n junctions

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    Theoretical considerations of the propagation of electromagnetic energy near a p-n junction (1) show that the “sandwich” formed by having a depletion layer bounded by the p and n regions can act as a dielectric waveguide. (1,2

    Secondary CMB anisotropies in a universe reionized in patches

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    In a universe reionized in patches, the Doppler effect from Thomson scattering off free electrons generates secondary cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies. For a simple model with small patches and late reionization, we analytically calculate the anisotropy power spectrum. Patchy reionization can, in principle, be the main source of anisotropies on arcminute scales. On larger angular scales, its contribution to the CMB power spectrum is a small fraction of the primary signal and is only barely detectable in the power spectrum with even an ideal, i.e. cosmic variance limited, experiment and an extreme model of reionization. Consequently patchy reionization is unlikely to affect cosmological parameter estimation from the acoustic peaks in the CMB. Its detection on small angles would help determine the ionization history of the universe, in particular the typical size of the ionized region and the duration of the reionization process.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Ap

    Age problem in holographic dark energy

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    We study the age problem of the universe with the holographic DE model introduced in [21], and test the model with some known old high redshift objects (OHRO). The parameters of the model have been constrained using the SNIa, CMB and BAO data set. We found that the age of the old quasar APM 08 279+5255 at z = 3.91 can be described by the model.Comment: 13 page

    Analysis of recent type Ia supernova data based on evolving dark energy models

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    We study characters of recent type Ia supernova (SNIa) data using evolving dark energy models with changing equation of state parameter w. We consider sudden-jump approximation of w for some chosen redshift spans with double transitions, and constrain these models based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method using the SNIa data (Constitution, Union, Union2) together with baryon acoustic oscillation A parameter and cosmic microwave background shift parameter in a flat background. In the double-transition model the Constitution data shows deviation outside 1 sigma from LCDM model at low (z < 0.2) and middle (0.2 < z < 0.4) redshift bins whereas no such deviations are noticeable in the Union and Union2 data. By analyzing the Union members in the Constitution set, however, we show that the same difference is actually due to different calibration of the same Union sample in the Constitution set, and is not due to new data added in the Constitution set. All detected deviations are within 2 sigma from the LCDM world model. From the LCDM mock data analysis, we quantify biases in the dark energy equation of state parameters induced by insufficient data with inhomogeneous distribution of data points in the redshift space and distance modulus errors. We demonstrate that location of peak in the distribution of arithmetic means (computed from the MCMC chain for each mock data) behaves as an unbiased estimator for the average bias, which is valid even for non-symmetric likelihood distributions.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, published in the Phys. Rev.

    Power Spectrum Estimators For Large CMB Datasets

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    Forthcoming high-resolution observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation will generate datasets many orders of magnitude larger than have been obtained to date. The size and complexity of such datasets presents a very serious challenge to analysing them with existing or anticipated computers. Here we present an investigation of the currently favored algorithm for obtaining the power spectrum from a sky-temperature map --- the quadratic estimator. We show that, whilst improving on direct evaluation of the likelihood function, current implementations still inherently scale as the equivalent of the cube of the number of pixels or worse, and demonstrate the critical importance of choosing the right implementation for a particular dataset.Comment: 8 pages LATEX, no figures, corrected misaligned columns in table