6 research outputs found

    Ozone Layer Over Poland in the Period 1979-2018

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    W pracy analizowano zawartość ozonu w całej kolumnie atmosfery i wybranych warstwach (troposfera/dolna stratosfera, środkowa stratosfera i wysoka stratosfera) zmierzone spektrofotometrem Dobsona w Centralnym Obserwatorium Geofizycznym Instytutu Geofizyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Belsku (20,78°E, 51,84°N) w latach 1963-2018. Stwierdzono zatrzymanie spadkowej tendencji w połowie lat 90. ubiegłego wieku, a następnie niewielki wzrost zawartości ozonu. W ostatnich kilkunastu latach w analizowanych warstwach obserwuje się nieoczekiwane beztrendowe oscylacje ozonu w miejsce spodziewanego stopniowego wzrostu w związku ze zmniejszającą się koncentracją w stratosferze substancji niszczących warstwę ozonową w wyniku funkcjonowania Protokołu Montrealskiego z 1987 r. o ochronie warstwy ozonowej. Wyznaczono długookresowe zmiany w kolumnowej zawartości ozonu nad wybranymi obszarami na półkuli północnej, stosując homogenizowane satelitarne dane ozonowe z bazy danych Multi-Sensor Reanalysis version 2. Przedmiotem analizy były sezonowe i całoroczne średnie w okresie 1979-2018 wyznaczone dla następujących obszarów: otoczenie Belska, Polska, Europa Środkowa, Europa, pas średnich (30-60°N) i wysokich (60-90°N) szerokości geograficznych, oraz tropiki (0°-30°N). Antropogeniczny trend obliczono, stosując model regresji wieloskładnikowej, odfiltrowując z serii czasowych oscylacje związane z naturalnymi procesami dynamicznymi w atmosferze. Do połowy lat 90. ubiegłego wieku dominowały ubytki w warstwie ozonowej w tempie kilku procent na 10 lat (największe wiosną w Polsce i Europie Środkowej ~5% na 10 lat, najmniejsze w tropikach ~0,5% na 10 lat). Naprawę warstwy ozonowej po 1996 roku, w tempie ~4-5% na 10 lat, najwyraźniej widać zimą w Polsce i w Europie Środkowej. Odpowiadające wzrostowe trendy w całej Europie i w średnich szerokościach geograficznych były mniejsze o 1-2 punkty procentowe. W pozostałych sezonach i w danych całorocznych trend był znacznie mniejszy (~1-2% na 10 lat) lub nieistotny statystycznie.Ground-based measurements of ozone by the Dobson spectrophotometer in the Central Geophysical Observatory of the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences at Belsk (20.78°E, 51.84°N) are analysed for the period 1963-2018. Long term variability of the total column ozone and the ozone content in the selected layers (troposphere/lower stratosphere, mid- and upper stratosphere) are discussed focusing on the ozone recovery in recent years. The trend overturning is found around 1996. However, an unexpected trendless pattern of the long-term ozone variability has been found since the beginning of the 2000s instead of the envisaged continuous upward tendency due to the decreasing concentration of the ozone-depleting substances in the stratosphere as a result of the 1987 Montreal Protocol on the protection of the ozone layer. The long-term variability of the total column ozone over selected areas in the Northern Hemisphere are assessed using homogenized satellite data from the Multi-Sensor Reanalysis version 2 database. The seasonal and the yearly means for the period 1978-2018 are considered for the following regions: Belsk, Poland, central Europe, Europe, middle latitudes (30°N-60°N), high latitudes (60°N-90°N), and the tropics (0°-30°N). The anthropogenic trend is determined by multiple regression model after filtering out oscillations related to the known dynamic processes in the atmosphere. In all regions, a decline of the total column ozone is found in the 1980s and up to mid-1990s. The largest decline appears in spring in Poland and central Europe (~5% per 10 yr.), and the smallest over the tropics (-0.5% per 10 yr.). After 1996, the recovery is clearly seen (4-5% per 10 yr.) during winter in Poland and in central Europe. These estimates are about 1-2 percentage point higher than the corresponding increasing trends in Europe and in the middle latitudes. In the remaining seasonal and year-round time series, the trends are much smaller (1-2% per 10 yr.) or statistically insignificant

    Scenario for adequate cutaneous vitamin D 3 synthesis due to solar radiation in Poland for people with phototype II and III

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    Introduction. The limited outdoor activity of contemporary people results in deficiency of vitamin D. An adequate vitamin D level cannot be achieved due to random insolation. A scenario of pro-healthy outdoor behavior is needed that takes into account climatic conditions in Poland. Objective . To present the outdoor activity scenario in Poland for people with phototype II and III to get an adequate vitamin D 3 dose without the risk of erythema. Material and methods. The paper presents the results of mathematical simulations of UV doses received by persons with phototype II and III in the spring/summer season in Poland (Jastrzębia Góra, Zakopane). The following scenarios are examined: using all the time a sunscreen with SPF30, short sunbathing without photo-protection and application of a sunscreen with SPF30 for the rest of the day. Results. During late spring and summer in Poland it is possible to get a vitamin D 3 dose of 2000 IU due to solar radiation without the risk of erythema. For persons with phototype II and III short (20–30 min) near-noon exposure without photo-protection then application of sunscreen with SPF30 for the rest of the time spent outdoors is recommended. Clothing should allow insolation of at least 1/4 of the whole skin area. Conclusions . Avoiding near-noon solar radiation or using sunscreens with high SPF always while staying on the sun does not allow one to obtain a proper vitamin D status

    Intraday total column ozone measurements at Belsk, Poland, with the Dobson spectrophotometer no.84 since March 23, 1963 up to December 31, 2019

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    A homogenized long-term dataset comprises results of the total column ozone measurements with the Dobson spectrophotometer no.84 at Belsk (51.835079°N, 20.791437°E) in central Poland. The observations were made manually at intervals depending on weather conditions. The Station is managed by the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences. The data series contains the results of all intraday Dobson spectrophotometer measurements since the beginning of the ozone observations at Belsk (March, 23, 1963) up to December 31, 2019 together with the corresponding ozone air mass, cloud type over the station, and the observation codes including used UV wavelength pairs and the observation type. The data set allows to study the ozone column variability over wide time scales, from intraday oscillations to decadal trends. This is important because the ozone layer protects the Earth from harmful UV rays. The ground-based data base could also be used to validate satellite observations of the atmospheric ozone