794 research outputs found

    Antropologia in quota

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    «Una regione unica al centro dell’Europa»: così Bätzing (2005), prendendo atto della loro posizione privilegiata, ha definito le Alpi, che già in epoca romana erano il crocevia della rete degli scambi economici e culturali europei. È infatti un’area strategica che nel corso del tempo si è sempre più distinta come una “macro-regione” caratterizzata da sovrapposizioni di elementi culturali, sociali, economici e politici di cui si cercherà di dare conto nelle pagine che seguono

    Early evolution of galaxies and of large-scale structure from CMB experiments

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    Next generation CMB experiments with arcmin resolution will, for free, lay the foundations for a real breakthrough on the study of the early evolution of galaxies and galaxy clusters, thanks to the detection of large samples of strongly gravitationally lensed galaxies and of proto-clusters of dusty galaxies up to high redshifts. This has an enormous legacy value. High resolution follow-up of strongly lensed galaxies will allow the direct investigation of their structure and kinematics up to z~6, providing direct information on physical processes driving their evolution. Follow-up of proto-clusters will allow an observational validation of the formation history of the most massive dark matter halos up to z~4, well beyond the redshift range accessible via X-ray or SZ measurements. These experiments will also allow a giant leap forward in the determination of polarization properties of extragalactic sources, and will provide a complete census of cold dust available for star formation in the local universe.Comment: Science white paper submitted to the Astro2020 US Decadal Surve

    Radio sources in next-generation CMB surveys

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    CMB surveys provide, for free, blindly selected samples of extragalactic radio sources at much higher frequencies than traditional radio surveys. Next-generation, ground-based CMB experiments with arcmin resolution at mm wavelengths will provide samples of thousands radio sources allowing the investigation of the evolutionary properties of blazar populations, the study of the earliest and latest stages of radio activity, the discovery of rare phenomena and of new transient sources and events. Space-borne experiments will extend to sub-mm wavelengths the determinations of the SEDs of many hundreds of blazars, in temperature and in polarization, allowing us to investigate the flow and the structure of relativistic jets close to their base, and the electron acceleration mechanisms. A real breakthrough will be achieved in the caracterization of the polarization properties. The first direct counts in polarization will be obtained, enabling a solid assessment of the extra-galactic source contamination of CMB maps and allowing us to understand structure and intensity of magnetic fields, particle densities and structures of emitting regions close to the base of the jet.Comment: Science white paper submitted to the Astro2020 US Decadal Surve