8 research outputs found

    Studio e caratterizzazione di sensori di ossigeno a base di PEDOT:PSS per applicazioni in coltura cellulare

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    Questa tesi si inserisce nell’ambito dell’elettronica organica e ha lo scopo di studiare nuovi sensori di ossigeno per valutare il livello di ipossia in cui crescono culture cellulari. Per farlo sono stati realizzati dei transistor elettrochimici organici (OECT) basati sul poli(3,4-etilenedoissitiofene) drogato con polistirene sulfonato (PEDOT:PSS). Le misure sono state effettuate in una soluzione 0.1 M di KCl e in un mezzo di coltura cellulare, con concentrazioni di ossigeno comprese tra lo 0% e il 5%. Si è studiata la risposta dei dispositivi in soluzione 0.1 M di KCl al variare delle tre aree di gate disponibili (0.2, 0.7, 1.9 cm^2), fornendone una caratterizzazione tramite l’analisi delle transcaratteristiche e delle curve di output in tre ambienti (aria, azoto, ossigeno al 5%). Si è poi analizzato l’incremento della corrente di drain nel tempo al seguito di incrementi periodici della concentrazione di ossigeno in soluzione. Gli esperimenti mostrano una correlazione lineare tra incremento relativo di corrente ed aumento di concentrazione di ossigeno, ma eseguendo fit lineari si ottengono pendenze delle rette molto disomogenee tra loro e apparentemente non correlate con i parametri geometrici dei campioni. Si è quindi ipotizzato che le anomalie ottenute siano legate alla degradazione di campioni a causa della loro sovraossidazione durante l’esecuzione delle misure e suggerito nuovi esperimenti per valutare tali effetti. Si sono infine analizzati i risultati ottenuti nel medium cellulare al variare delle due aree di gate che hanno fornito le risposte migliori nelle misure precedenti (0.2 e 1.9 cm^2). In questo caso il gate con area minore si è rivelato più sensibile, ma si sono ottenuti andamenti anomali della corrente di drain in funzione del tempo, probabilmente dovuti alla natura elettrochimica del mezzo di coltura cellulare

    Charge Carrier Mobility in Organic Mixed Ionic–Electronic Conductors by the Electrolyte-Gated van der Pauw Method

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    Organic mixed ionic–electronic conductors (OMIECs) combine electronic semiconductor functionality with ionic conductivity, biocompatibility, and electrochemical stability in water and are currently investigated as the active material in devices for bioelectronics, neuromorphic computing, as well as energy conversion and storage. Operation speed of such devices depends on fast electronic transport in OMIECs. However, due to contact resistance problems, reliable measurements of electronic mobility are difficult to achieve in this class of materials. To address the problem, the electrolyte-gated van der Pauw (EgVDP) method is introduced for the simple and accurate determination of the electrical characteristics of OMIEC thin films, independent of contact effects. The technique is applied to the most widespread OMIEC blend, poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) doped with poly(styrenesulfonic acid) (PEDOT:PSS). By comparing with organic electrochemical transistor (OECT) measurements, it is found that gate voltage dependent contact resistance effects lead to systematic errors in OECT based transport characterization. These observations confirm that a contact-independent technique is crucial for the proper characterization of OMIECs, and the EgVDP method reveals to be a simple, elegant, but effective technique for this scope

    AC amplification gain in organic electrochemical transistors for impedance-based single cell sensors

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    Research on electrolyte-gated and organic electrochemical transistor (OECT) architectures is motivated by the prospect of a highly biocompatible interface capable of amplifying bioelectronic signals at the site of detection. Despite many demonstrations in these directions, a quantitative model for OECTs as impedance biosensors is still lacking. We overcome this issue by introducing a model experiment where we simulate the detection of a single cell by the impedance sensing of a dielectric microparticle. The highly reproducible experiment allows us to study the impact of transistor geometry and operation conditions on device sensitivity. With the data we rationalize a mathematical model that provides clear guidelines for the optimization of OECTs as single cell sensors, and we verify the quantitative predictions in an in-vitro experiment. In the optimized geometry, the OECT-based impedance sensor allows to record single cell adhesion and detachment transients, showing a maximum gain of 20.2±0.9 dB with respect to a single electrode-based impedance sensor

    Oxygen Gas Sensing Using a Hydrogel-Based Organic Electrochemical Transistor for Work Safety Applications

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    open8noOxygen depletion in confined spaces represents one of the most serious and underestimated dangers for workers. Despite the existence of several commercially available and widely used gas oxygen sensors, injuries and deaths from reduced oxygen levels are still more common than for other hazardous gases. Here, we present hydrogel-based organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) made with the conducting polymer poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene): poly(styrene sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) as wearable and real-time oxygen gas sensors. After comparing OECT performances using liquid and hydrogel electrolytes, we identified the best PEDOT:PSS active layer and hydrogel coating (30 µm) combination for sensing oxygen in the concentration range of 13–21% (v/v), critical for work safety applications. The fast O2 solubilization in the hydrogel allowed for gaseous oxygen transduction in an electrical signal thanks to the electrocatalytic activity of PEDOT:PSS, while OECT architecture amplified the response (gain ̴ 104). OECTs proved to have comparable sensitivities if fabricated on glass and thin plastic substrates, (−12.2 ± 0.6) and (−15.4 ± 0.4) µA/dec, respectively, with low power consumption (<40 µW). Sample bending does not influence the device response, demonstrating that our real-time conformable and lightweight sensor could be implemented as a wearable, noninvasive safety tool for operators working in potentially hazardous confined spaces.The work was supported by the European Union FESR FSE, PON Research and Innovation 2014-2020 and FSC, project number ARS01-00996 "TEXT-STYLENuovi tessuti intelligenti e sostenibilimultisettoriali per il design creative e stileMade-in-Italy" and by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development 2020-Project "AlmaMater patents-Monitoraggio in continuo di pH e idratazione-MIRAGE".openFrancesco Decataldo, Filippo Bonafè, Federica Mariani, Martina Serafini, Marta Tessarolo, Isacco Gualandi, Erika Scavetta, Beatrice FraboniFrancesco Decataldo, Filippo Bonafè, Federica Mariani, Martina Serafini, Marta Tessarolo, Isacco Gualandi, Erika Scavetta, Beatrice Frabon

    Charge accumulation and transport in degenerately doped semiconducting polymers with mixed ionic and electronic conductivity

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    This thesis is part of the fields of Material Physics and Organic Electronics and aims to determine the charge carrier density and mobility in the hydrated conducting polymer–polyelectrolyte blend PEDOT:PSS. This kind of material combines electronic semiconductor functionality with selective ionic transport, biocompatibility and electrochemical stability in water. This advantageous material properties combination makes PEDOT:PSS a unique material to build organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs), which have relevant application as amplifying transducers for bioelectronic signals. In order to measure charge carrier density and mobility, an innovative 4-wire, contact independent characterization technique was introduced, the electrolyte-gated van der Pauw (EgVDP) method, which was combined with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The technique was applied to macroscopic thin film samples and micro-structured PEDOT:PSS thin film devices fabricated using photolithography. The EgVDP method revealed to be effective for the measurements of holes’ mobility in hydrated PEDOT:PSS thin films, which resulted to be =(0.67±0.02) cm^2/(V*s). By comparing this result with 2-point-probe measurements, we found that contact resistance effects led to a mobility overestimation in the latter. Ion accumulation at the drain contact creates a gate-dependent potential barrier and is discussed as a probable reason for the overestimation in 2-point-probe measurements. The measured charge transport properties of PEDOT:PSS were analyzed in the framework of an extended drift-diffusion model. The extended model fits well also to the non-linear response in the transport characterization and results suggest a Gaussian DOS for PEDOT:PSS. The PEDOT:PSS-electrolyte interface capacitance resulted to be voltage-independent, confirming the hypothesis of its morphological origin, related to the separation between the electronic (PEDOT) and ionic (PSS) phases in the blend