219 research outputs found

    The arsenic hyperaccumulating Pteris vittata expresses two arsenate reductases

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    Enzymatic reduction of arsenate to arsenite is the first known step in arsenate metabolism in all organisms. Although the presence of one mRNA arsenate reductase (PvACR2) has been characterized in gametophytes of P. vittata, no arsenate reductase protein has been directly observed in this arsenic hyperaccumulating fern, yet. In order to assess the possible presence of arsenate reductase in P. vittata, two recombinant proteins, ACR2-His6 and Trx-His6-S-Pv2.5-8 were prepared in Escherichia coli, purified and used to produce polyclonal antibodies. The presence of these two enzymes was evaluated by qRT-PCR, immunoblotting and direct MS analysis. Enzymatic activity was detected in crude extracts. For the first time we detected and identified two arsenate reductase proteins (PvACR2 and Pv2.5-8) in sporophytes and gametophytes of P. vittata. Despite an increase of the mRNA levels for both proteins in roots, no difference was observed at the protein level after arsenic treatment. Overall, our data demonstrate the constitutive protein expression of PvACR2 and Pv2.5-8 in P. vittata tissues and propose their specific role in the complex metabolic network of arsenic reduction

    Phosphorylation of human plasminogen activators and plasminogen

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    AbstractPlasminogen (PG), urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA) and tissue-type PA (t-PA) are the main molecules involved in fibrinolysis and in many other physiological and pathological processes. In the present study we report that human t-PA, purified from human melanoma cells, and PG, purified from human plasma, both contain P-Tyr residues, as revealed by immunoblotting analyses with monoclonal anti-P-Tyr antibodies. In addition HPLC amino acid analysis of acid-hydrolyzed t-PA, PG and u-PA, shows that: (i)P-Ser and P-Tyr residues are present in t-PA; (ii)P-Thr and P-Tyr are present in PG; (iii) P-Ser, P-Thr and P-Tyr are present in u-PA. The utilization of monoclonal anti-P-Ser and anti-P-Thr antibodies in immunoblotting experiments has confirmed these data which indicate that phosphorylation is a common feature of PAs and of PG

    Diversity and evolution of stem structure in Eleocharis (Cyperaceae)

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    Eleocharis (Cyperaceae) includes more than 300 species of perennial or annual herbs, frequently found on poorly drained soils. The species are morphologicaly similar, and the taxonomy is difficult because their vegetative and reproductive structures are very reduced. Previous study on the stem architecture in the subgenus Limnochloa showed that anatomical features help in the interpretation of the evolution, taxonomy and ecological aspects of the group. Our objectives were to add new characters from the stem (= culm) structure, to explore the characters in a greater number of Eleocharis species, representatives of the other subgenera, and add these data in a new phylogenetic analysis with molecular data. The study covered 68 species obtained from herbaria and fixed material. In addition to the stem architecture, the internal organization of the tissues, the cross-section format, the presence or absence of stretched cells in aerenchyma air gaps and the plant size were included in the morphological analysis. Our data confirm that spongy aerenchyma pattern is the ancestral condition while the mixed and septate patterns occurred independent and punctually. Only the cross-section format was variable among specimens while the other characters were uniform and relevant for taxonomic useEleocharis (Cyperaceae) inclui mais de 300 espécies de ervas perenes ou anuais, frequentemente encontradas em solos pouco drenados. As espécies são morfologicamente semelhantes e a taxonomia é difícil devido às estruturas vegetativas e reprodutivas reduzidas. Estudo anterior sobre a arquitetura do caule no subgênero Limnochloa mostrou que as características anatômicas ajudam na interpretação da evolução, taxonomia e aspectos ecológicos do grupo. Nossos objetivos foram adicionar novos caracteres da estrutura do caule (= colmo), explorar os caracteres em um número maior de espécies de Eleocharis, com representantes de outros subgêneros, e adicionar esses dados em uma nova análise filogenética com dados moleculares. O estudo abrangeu 68 espécies obtidas de herbários e material fixado. Além da arquitetura do caule, foram incluídas na análise morfológica a organização interna dos tecidos, o formato da seção transversal, a presença ou ausência de células estiradas nos espaços de aerênquima e o porte da planta. Nossos dados confirmam que o padrão de aerênquima esponjoso é a condição ancestral, enquanto os padrões misto e septados ocorreram independentemente e pontualmente. Somente o formato da seção transversal foi variável entre as amostras, enquanto os demais caracteres foram uniformes e relevantes para o uso taxonômico

    Psychiatric disorders and anger in patients with controlled acromegaly

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    Background: Acromegaly (ACRO) is a chronic rare disease caused by a pathological increase in growth hormone (GH) secretion. In ACRO an increased prevalence of psychiatric disorders has been demonstrated, in particular depressive disorders, associated to a significant deterioration of the quality of life, independently from disease control. In addition, anger feelings, often detected in subjects affected by chronic disease, have not yet been investigated, in pituitary patients. Aim of the study was to evaluate in ACRO patients with a controlled disease, compared to patients suffering for non-functioning pituitary adenoma (NFPA) 1) prevalence of depressive and anxiety disorders, and 2) expression and control of anger feelings. The second purpose was to evaluate the correlation between psychiatric disorders, anger feelings and the "activity of disease," that is active ACRO that needs medical treatment versus cured ACRO. Methods: This is a cross-sectional, observational study, which included 53 patients enrolled at the Neuroendocrinology Outpatient Clinic of "Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino". Of the 53 enrolled patients (24 male and 29 female), 34 had ACRO, while 19 had NFPA, as control group. All subjects went through the following self-administered, validated psychological tools: SF-36 (Short-Form 36 Item); STAXI - 2; BDI-II (Beck Depression Inventory -II); STAI (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory). Only in ACRO group, patients completed PASQ (Patient-Assessed Acromegaly Symptom Questionnaire) and ACROQoL (Acromegaly Quality of Life Questionnaire) questionnaires. In addition 45 patients underwent the International Neuropsychiatric Short Interview to assess the presence of a psychiatric disorder. For each patient, anthropometric, clinical and biochemical information was collected. Results: A higher frequency of psychiatric anxiety and mood disorders (not reported in the medical history) was observed in patients with controlled ACRO. In the SF-36 questionnaire, a lower score was found in the "emotional well-being" items in ACRO compared to NFPA, particularly in those with cured ACRO. Cured acromegalic patients had a worse score in "emotional well-being," "energy/fatigue" and "general health" items. Finally, subjects in ACRO group obtained a lower score in the ability to control anger and a higher score in the physical expression of it, demonstrating a tendency to more aggressive behaviors. Conclusions: This study showed that psychiatric illness is often hidden in patient suffering from ACRO, despite normal IGF-I levels. Recovery from the disease do not necessarily improve QoL scores, in fact in cured patients the quality of life can be even worse

    G-protein coupling and nuclear translocation of the human abscisic acid receptor LANCL2

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    Abscisic acid (ABA), a long known phytohormone, has been recently demonstrated to be present also in humans, where it targets cells of the innate immune response, mesenchymal and hemopoietic stem cells and cells involved in the regulation of systemic glucose homeostasis. LANCL2, a peripheral membrane protein, is the mammalian ABA receptor. We show that N-terminal glycine myristoylation causes LANCL2 localization to the plasmamembrane and to cytoplasmic membrane vesicles, where it interacts with the \u3b1 subunit of a Gi protein and starts the ABA signaling pathway via activation of adenylate cyclase. Demyristoylation of LANCL2 by chemical or genetic means triggers its nuclear translocation. Nuclear enrichment of native LANCL2 is also induced by ABA treatment. Therefore human LANCL2 is a non-transmembrane G protein-coupled receptor susceptible to hormone-induced nuclear translocation