115 research outputs found

    Action de conservation de la biodiversité des rotins de Malaisie

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    Suite à une demande croissante, la cueillette des rotins s'est accentuée dans un périmètre forestier dont, de plus, l'étendue diminuait sous l'influence des exploitations ou des transformations. Les ressources en rotins se sont donc appauvries et certaines espèces commerciales ont pratiquement disparues de certaines contrées. Il est donc nécessaire de mener des actions d'évaluation et de conservation de leur diversité génétique

    Insights into the microbes and nematodes hosted by pupae of the arundo leaf miner, Lasioptera donacis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)

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    The leaf miner Lasioptera donacis Coutin (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) is a biological control agent of the invasive weed, Arundo donax L. (Poaceae), that was approved for release in the U.S. and Mexico. Pupae are preferred for shipment of living material to quarantine facilities. There is a question of whether emerged females would carry conidia of a potential mutualist fungus, and in particular the saprophyte Arthrinium arundinis, from the pupa or if they would have to acquire the conidia exclusively from the plant to start the oviposition process. We artificially smeared leaf-sheaths of growing plants with A. arundinis before being exposed to female midges, and maintained these host plants until the pupal stage of the midge developed. Polymerase chain reaction methods were applied to detect A. arundinis and any other potential fungi in these pupae. Only 9% of the pupae were infested by fungi or yeast, predominantly belonging to the genus Sarocladium, but not A. arundinis, confirming that the newly emerged females are free of this fungus and will have to acquire conidia present on the leaf-sheath for successful oviposition. We also tentatively tested by PCR for the presence of parasitic nematodes in these pupae. More than 42% of the pupae were shown to be infested specifically by T. gyraloura. Such high infection rate calls for developing methods to eliminate this parasite or to find a parasitefree native population prior to release of L. donacis adults in North America for biological control of A. donax

    Macromorphological variation of the invasive Silverleaf nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav.) and its relation to climate and altitude in Morocco

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    La relation entre certains traits morphologiques et le potentiel invasif des plantes exotiques envahissantes a été signalée. En plus, l’invasion biologique est souvent associée à une évolution rapide des espèces introduites. L’objectif de cette étude a été d’établir la structure de la variabilité morphologique de Solanum elaeagnifolium et de vérifier si l’invasion au Maroc a été suivie par une évolution rapide qui pourrait affecter son potentiel invasif. Au total, 709 individus issus de 218 sites présentant différentes conditions écologiques ont été caractérisés pour 12 variables. L’Analyse Ascendante Hiérarchique et l’Analyse Discriminante Linéaire, ont pu établir quatre morphotypes. Les traits liés au nombre total de branches et de baies sont ceux qui discriminent le plus entre les morphotypes. La description des quatre morphotypes implique une évolution rapide de cette espèce au Maroc. Cette évolution a donné naissance à de grands plants avec un nombre de baies très élevé. Cependant, les plants de taille réduite prédominent et sont les plus invasifs. La répartition géographique des quatre morphotypes indique que S. elaeagnifolium est une plante r-stratégiste, particulièrement dans les conditions écologiques les plus sévères. Cette stratégie lui permet d’allouer la grande partie de son énergie à la reproduction et de devenir plus invasive par conséquent. Mots-clés: Solanum elaeagnifolium, traits morphologiques, potentiel invasif, morphotypes, facteurs écologiques.The relationship between some morphological traits and the invasive potential of invasive alien plants has been reported. Also, biological invasion is often associated with rapid evolution in introduced species. The study aim was to provide the structure of morphological variation of the invasive Solanum elaeagnifolium and to assess if the invasion of Morocco was followed by a rapid evolution that may affect its invasive potential. A total of 709 individuals from 218 sites, sampled across different ecological conditions, were characterized for 12 variables. The structure of the morphological variation by Hierarchical Cluster Analysis and Linear Discriminant Analysis has determined four morphotypes. Traits related to the total number of shoots and berries are those that discriminate the most between morphotypes. The description of the four morphotypes implied a rapid evolution in this species in Morocco. This evolution has resulted in large plants with a very high number of berries. However, the smallest morphotype is still predominating and is the most invasive. The geographical distribution of the four morphotypes indicates that S. elaeagnifolium tended to be an r-strategist plant, especially in the most severe ecological conditions. This strategy allows S. elaeagnifolium to allocate most of the energy to reproduction and therefore become more invasive. Keywords: Solanum elaeagnifolium, morphology traits, invasive potential, morphotypes, ecological factors
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