3 research outputs found

    Commissioning of the Silicon Pixel Detector of ALICE and perspectives for beauty production at LHC.

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    The activities carried out within the present work were aimed at the preparation for heavy quarks measurements, thus including the construction and commissioning of the SPD. More in detail, they can be summarised in the following: • Assembly of the silicon pixel sensors on the carbon fibre support. Given its role as a precision tracker, the assembly of the SPD requires the use of specific procedures to ensure a high degree of accuracy. • Tuning and maintenance of the cooling system of the SPD. The SPD power dissipation is of about 1.5 kW. This means that, without cooling, the temperature of the sensors would rise at about 1°C/s. The cooling system is thus of vital importance for the operation of the detector. • Development of a set of tools for the monitoring of the alignment procedures of the ITS and, in particular of the SPD. The misalignment of the detector must be accounted for in the software description of the geometry in order to optimize the spatial resolution. The matching of the geometry with the data is done using software procedures. A dedicated set of tools has been developed to control the results of this phase and to evaluate the resolution of the detector. • Study of the possibility of using semi-electronic decays of beauty particles for the investigation of the QGP, with an emphasis on the specific issues of the first LHC runs (electron PID and misalignment). The simulation studies reported here are devoted to assess ALICE performance in measuring the nuclear modification factor and the elliptic flow of electrons from beauty decays. Moreover, using previous studies on the charm production measurement, it has been possible to estimate the sensitivity to the mass dependence of the partonic energy loss.L'attività svolta nell’ambito della presente tesi è stata mirata alla preparazione per lo studio della produzione di beauty. Ha perciò incluso la costruzione dei settori, il tuning dell'impianto di raffreddamento ed il commissioning dell’SPD. Più in dettaglio: • Assemblaggio dei sensori a pixel sul supporto di fibra di carbonio. Dato il suo ruolo come tracciatore, l'assemblaggio dell'SPD richiede l'impiego di specifiche procedure per assicurare un’alta precisione. • Tuning e funzionamento del sistema di raffreddamento dell'SPD. La dissipazione dell'SPD è di circa 1.5 kW. Questo vuol dire che, senza raffreddamento, la temperatura dei sensori aumenterebbe alla velocità di circa 1°C/s. L’impianto di raffreddamento è quindi di vitale importanza per il funzionamento del rivelatore. • Sviluppo di un set di strumenti per il monitoraggio dell'allineamento dell'ITS ed, in particolare, dell'SPD. Il misallineamento del rivelatore dev'essere valutato e riportato nel software della geometria per ottimizzare la risoluzione spaziale. Questa operazione viene fatta utilizzando dei programmi dedicati. Per controllare i risultati ottenuti da questi programmi e per valutare la risoluzione spaziale del rivelatore, è stato sviluppato uno strumento software apposito. • Valutazione sulla possibilità di usare i decadimenti semi-elettronici del beauty per lo studio del QGP, con particolare riferimento alle problematiche inerenti ai primi run ad LHC (identificazione degli elettroni e misallineamento). Gli studi di simulazione riportati qui sono mirati alla valutazione delle performance di ALICE per la misura del fattore di modifica nucleare (RAA) e dell'anisotropia azimutale (v2) degli elettroni provenienti da decadimenti del beauty. Inoltre, sfruttando precedenti studi sulla produzione del charm, è stato possibile stimare la sensitività per la dipendenza dalla massa della perdita d'energia partonica

    Commissioning of the Silicon Pixel Detector of ALICE and perspectives for beauty production at LHC

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    The activities carried out within the present work were aimed at the preparation for heavy quarks measurements, thus including the construction and commissioning of the SPD. More in detail, they can be summarised in the following: • Assembly of the silicon pixel sensors on the carbon fibre support. Given its role as a precision tracker, the assembly of the SPD requires the use of specific procedures to ensure a high degree of accuracy. • Tuning and maintenance of the cooling system of the SPD. The SPD power dissipation is of about 1.5 kW. This means that, without cooling, the temperature of the sensors would rise at about 1°C/s. The cooling system is thus of vital importance for the operation of the detector. • Development of a set of tools for the monitoring of the alignment procedures of the ITS and, in particular of the SPD. The misalignment of the detector must be accounted for in the software description of the geometry in order to optimize the spatial resolution. The matching of the geometry with the data is done using software procedures. A dedicated set of tools has been developed to control the results of this phase and to evaluate the resolution of the detector. • Study of the possibility of using semi-electronic decays of beauty particles for the investigation of the QGP, with an emphasis on the specific issues of the first LHC runs (electron PID and misalignment). The simulation studies reported here are devoted to assess ALICE performance in measuring the nuclear modification factor and the elliptic flow of electrons from beauty decays. Moreover, using previous studies on the charm production measurement, it has been possible to estimate the sensitivity to the mass dependence of the partonic energy loss

    Centrality dependence of the charged-particle multiplicity density at mid-rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76 TeV

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    The centrality dependence of the charged-particle multiplicity density at mid-rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76 TeV is presented. The charged-particle density normalized per participating nucleon pair increases by about a factor 2 from peripheral (70-80%) to central (0-5%) collisions. The centrality dependence is found to be similar to that observed at lower collision energies. The data are compared with models based on different mechanisms for particle production in nuclear collisions.The centrality dependence of the charged-particle multiplicity density at mid-rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 2.76 TeV is presented. The charged-particle density normalized per participating nucleon pair increases by about a factor 2 from peripheral (70-80%) to central (0-5%) collisions. The centrality dependence is found to be similar to that observed at lower collision energies. The data are compared with models based on different mechanisms for particle production in nuclear collisions