3 research outputs found

    The graviton vacuum as a distributional state in kinematic Loop Quantum Gravity

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    The quantum behaviour of weak gravitational fields admits an adequate, albeit approximate, description by those graviton states in which the expectation values and fluctuations of the linearised gravitational field are small. Such states must approximate corresponding states in full quantum gravity. We analyse the nature of this approximation for the graviton vacuum state in the context of kinematical Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) wherein the constraints are ignored. We identify the graviton vacuum state with kinematically non-normalizable, distributional states in LQG by demanding that relations between linearised operator actions on the former are mirrored by those of their non-linear counterparts on the latter. We define a semi- norm on the space of kinematical distributions and show that the identification is approximate upto distributions which are small in this semi-norm. We argue that our candidate states are annihilated by the linearised constraints (expressed as operators in the full theory) to leading order in the parameter characterising the approximation. This suggests the possibility, in a scheme such as ours, of solving the full constraints order by order in this parameter. The main drawback of our considerations is that they depend on certain auxilliary constructions which, though mathematically well defined, do not arise from physical insight. Our work is an attempt to implement an earlier proposal of Iwasaki and Rovelli.Comment: 44 pages, no figure

    On (Cosmological) Singularity Avoidance in Loop Quantum Gravity

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    Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC), mainly due to Bojowald, is not the cosmological sector of Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG). Rather, LQC consists of a truncation of the phase space of classical General Relativity to spatially homogeneous situations which is then quantized by the methods of LQG. Thus, LQC is a quantum mechanical toy model (finite number of degrees of freedom) for LQG(a genuine QFT with an infinite number of degrees of freedom) which provides important consistency checks. However, it is a non trivial question whether the predictions of LQC are robust after switching on the inhomogeneous fluctuations present in full LQG. Two of the most spectacular findings of LQC are that 1. the inverse scale factor is bounded from above on zero volume eigenstates which hints at the avoidance of the local curvature singularity and 2. that the Quantum Einstein Equations are non -- singular which hints at the avoidance of the global initial singularity. We display the result of a calculation for LQG which proves that the (analogon of the) inverse scale factor, while densely defined, is {\it not} bounded from above on zero volume eigenstates. Thus, in full LQG, if curvature singularity avoidance is realized, then not in this simple way. In fact, it turns out that the boundedness of the inverse scale factor is neither necessary nor sufficient for curvature singularity avoidance and that non -- singular evolution equations are neither necessary nor sufficient for initial singularity avoidance because none of these criteria are formulated in terms of observable quantities.After outlining what would be required, we present the results of a calculation for LQG which could be a first indication that our criteria at least for curvature singularity avoidance are satisfied in LQG.Comment: 34 pages, 16 figure

    Gauge Field Theory Coherent States (GCS) : IV. Infinite Tensor Product and Thermodynamical Limit

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    In the canonical approach to Lorentzian Quantum General Relativity in four spacetime dimensions an important step forward has been made by Ashtekar, Isham and Lewandowski some eight years ago through the introduction of an appropriate Hilbert space structure. This Hilbert space, together with its generalization due to Baez and Sawin, is appropriate for semi-classical quantum general relativity if the spacetime is spatially compact. In the spatially non-compact case, however, an extension of the Hilbert space is needed in order to approximate metrics that are macroscopically nowhere degenerate. For this purpose, in this paper we apply von Neumann's theory of the Infinite Tensor Product (ITP) of Hilbert Spaces to Quantum General Relativity. The cardinality of the number of tensor product factors can take the value of any possible Cantor aleph as is needed for our problem, where a Hilbert space is attached to each edge of an arbitrarily complicated, generally infinite graph. The new framework opens a pandora's box full of techniques, appropriate to pose fascinating physical questions such as quantum topology change, semi-classical quantum gravity, effective low energy physics etc. from the universal point of view of the ITP. In particular, the study of photons and gravitons propagating on fluctuating quantum spacetimes is now in reach, the topic of the next paper in this series.Comment: 60 pages, LATEX, no figure