468 research outputs found

    Les itinéraires parisiens du commissaire Maigret

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    On a dit de Simenon qu’il était un romancier de l’espace, et Maigret apparaît comme un enquêteur éminemment parisien, qui aime flâner et arpenter les rues de sa ville. La célèbre atmosphère de Simenon résulte de courtes descriptions, où l’espace est surtout nommé et structuré par des oppositions binaires. Aussi l’espace de Maigret est-il avant tout un espace abstrait, celui du plan et de l’itinéraire, dont les valeurs géographiques, sociales et psychologiques donnent leur épaisseur aux personnages.Space is important in Georges Simenon’s novels, especially in the detective stories where commissaire Maigret likes to stroll through the streets of Paris. The famous Simenon atmosphere becomes from short descriptions, with streets names and binary structures. Maigret’s space is thus abstract, and to solve the enigma is to map out a route, where geographical, sociological and psychological values give their depth to the characters

    MRI evaluation of the hydration status of non-pathological lumbar intervertebral discs in a pediatric population

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    Introduction The intervertebral disc (IVD) is made up of the annulus fibrosus (AF) and the nucleus pulposus (NP) – an inert hydrated complex. The ability of the IVD to deform is correlated to that of the NP and depends on its hydration. As the IVD ages, its hydration decreases along with its ability to deform. In adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, one of the etiological hypotheses pertains to the IVD, thus making its condition relevant for the diagnosis and monitoring of this pathology. Hypothesis IVD hydration depends on sex, age and spine level in an asymptomatic pediatric population. The corollary is data on a control group of healthy subjects. Material and methods A cohort of 98 subjects with normal spine MRI was enrolled; their mean age was 13.3 years. The disc volume and hydration of each IVD was evaluated on T2-weighted MRI sequences, using previously validated image processing software. This evaluation focused on the lumbar spine, from the thoracolumbar junction to the lumbosacral junction. It was assumed that IVD hydration was related to the ratio of NP and AF volumes. A mixed multivariate linear analysis was used to explore the impact of age, sex and spinal level on disc hydration. Results Disc hydration was higher overall in boys than in girls, but this difference was not significant. Hydration increased with age by +0.005 for each additional year (p = 0.0213). Disc hydration appears to be higher at the thoracolumbar junction than the lumbar spine, although this difference was not significant. Conclusion Through this MRI study, we established a database of non-pathological lumbar disc hydration as a function of age, sex and spinal segment along with 95% confidence intervals

    « Hamlet » à Chaillot

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    Bolzinger André, Bolzinger Claudie. « Hamlet » à Chaillot. In: Bulletin de psychologie, tome 37 n°363, 1983. Théorie psychanalytique des groupes. pp. 239-242

    Eloge funèbre du général de brigade Jean COLIN (1896-1972), membre titulaire

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    Eloge funèbre du professeur Paul JEANDELIZE

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    Jean-François Teillet, Grossesse et accouchement chez les immigrantes. Th. méd. Paris VII Lariboisière 1981, 96 p

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    Bolzinger André. Jean-François Teillet, Grossesse et accouchement chez les immigrantes. Th. méd. Paris VII Lariboisière 1981, 96 p. In: Bulletin de psychologie, tome 44 n°403, 1991. Savoir et pouvoirs. Regards sur les institutions et l'enseignement. p. 674
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