5 research outputs found

    Economic and Financial Crime Management in the Context of International Financial Crisis - Opinions

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    Economic and financial crime in its complexity, included practically all spheres of economy. One can notice, more frequently, an intersection of violent crime with economic and financial crime. Practice shows, more strongly, that the authorities face, with great difficulty, this veritable explosion acts of crime. Starting from the fact that the phenomenon of economic and financial crime occurs on a background of a radical social change during the international financial crisis, the perspective does not provide grounds for optimism. There are forms of economic and financial crime which developed by their own laws. In this context national and European bodies charged with preventing and combating financial and economic crime must adopt effective management to meet the new challenges posed by organized crime groups specialized in the commission of economic crimes with transnational character

    Efficiency and Managerial Performance in Police Units

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    The starting point for sizing the objectives of socio-economic system, by its management, is getting a certain level of efficiency, higher than that in the previous period and reflected in net effects expressed by indicators, such as production efficiency, profit, productivity, cost etc.. As basis for complex targets in a given period involves correct sizing of the resources that are to be attracted to the economic cycle, it appears more and more obvious the need for calling to methods, techniques and procedures to commensurate, promoted by the theory of efficiency. At the level of police organizations is obvious that efficiency is a priority, getting performances on all levels, expressed with the help of indicators and indices, being the natural consequence of general or specific management performance

    Criminal Protection Regarding the Copyright of Computer Programs - European and National Legislation -

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    Any harmonization of copyright and related rights must be based on a high levelof protection since these rights are crucial to intellectual creation. Their protection helps tomaintain and develop creativity in the interests of authors, performers, producers, consumers,culture, industry and general public. Consequently, intellectual property has been recognizedas an integral part of the property. A rigorous and effective system of protection of copyrightand related rights is one of the main instruments that guarantee the production and creativityof European cultural resources necessary to obtain and maintain autonomy and dignity ofcreators and performers. A joint research and a consistent implementation at European level oftechnical measures for the protection of works or other subject-matter and to providenecessary information on rights to be essential, since the ultimate goal of these measures is toimplement the principles and guarantees prescribed by law

    Corruption - a Relevant Factor in the International Economic Crisis

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    Corruption is divided into small low-level corruption and high-level corruption. Small level little corruption is defined as the area of corruption which does not prejudice the interests of the majority of individuals. This category can be covered by a health care professional, the corruption of a clerk, etc through their decisions is an individual or group of individuals at the expense of others, but this kind of injustice is limited in time and space. Corruption, means high-level corruption of a dignitary, clerk, etc. This kind of corruption and the main effect over the entire State characteristic and the individuals who compose it. The consequences of this kind of corruption can translate into direct and indirect costs that will be supported in the end by all taxpayers. The objectives of corruption are double: profit and power. The international economic crisis has its origin in the manifestations of high level corruption in the governments of different countries. All the state now have to fight against corruption in order to settle new rules to avoid the effects af the crisis and to prevent a deepening of this crisis with devastating effects upon tha population. Here we try to emphasize the importance that we all should give corruption and measures had to be taken by everyone

    Measurement and Evaluation of Efficiency. Criteria for Police Units

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    It is widely recognized that the exercise of the activity of management, as of all human activities, is not a purpose in itself, but rather a means to increase economic and social efficiency. To achieve a higher efficiency, the management has a major contribution, due to its deep involvement in the development of micro or macrosocial activities, through the decisions adopted and the actions needed for their application. Measuring and evaluating the organizational efficiency /effectiveness may be a task of high degree difficulty when it comes to translating them into practice. During their implementation, in front of the evaluator, appear a number of problems on whose settlement will depends the finality of the process itself. At the level of police organizations it is obvious that efficiency is a priority, getting performances on all levels, expressed with the help of indicators and indices. This study aims to highlight the difficulties of establishing criteria for efficiency in the police units and suggests performance indicators valid for police officers in accordance with the need for performance in public institutions at EU level