1 research outputs found

    The influience of the remedy BioRSe on the activity of anti oxidant system in liver during the recovery from experimental hepatic cirrhosis

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    Laboratorul Morfologie al USMF “Nicolae Testemitanu”, Laboratorul Biochimie, Institutul de Microbiologie a AŞ RMThe influience of the remedy BioRSe on the activity of anti oxidant system in liver during the recovery from experimental hepatic cirrhosis It was investigated the antioxidant state in the hepatic parenchyma at different stages of recovery from hepatic cirrhosis and the influence of the remedy BioRSe on the antioxidant system in liver. It was determined the activity of the most important enzymes of the antioxidant system – catalase, glutathione-reductase and glutathione-S-transferase. It was determined that the administration of BioRSe during the cirrhosis regression has a beneficial effect on the restoration of the antioxidant properties of the liver parenchyma. În lucrare se apreciază statutul antioxidant al parenchimului hepatic la diferite etape ale regresiei cirozei hepatice şi influenţa remediului BioRSe asupra stării sistemului antioxidant în ficat. A fost determinată activitatea celor mai importante enzime ale sistemului antioxidant - catalazei, glutationreductazei şi glutation-S-transferazei. S-a determinat, că administrarea remediului BioRSe în perioada de regresie a cirozei exercită un efect benefic asupra restabilirii proprietăţilor antioxidante ale parenchimului hepatic