82 research outputs found
Carbohydrates – Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition, Chapter 5
The main role of carbohydrates in the human body is to provide energy. Carbohydrates should always be infused with PN (parenteral nutrition) in combination with amino acids and lipid emulsions to improve nitrogen balance. Glucose should be provided as a standard carbohydrate for PN, whereas the use of xylite is not generally recommended. Fructose solutions should not be used for PN. Approximately 60% of non-protein energy should be supplied as glucose with an intake of 3.0–3.5 g/kg body weight/day (2.1–2.4 mg/kg body weight/min). In patients with a high risk of hyperglycaemia (critically ill, diabetes, sepsis, or steroid therapy) an lower initial carbohydrate infusion rate of 1–2 g/kg body weight/day is recommended to achieve normoglycaemia. One should aim at reaching a blood glucose level of 80–110 mg/dL, and at least a glucose level <145 mg/dL should be achieved to reduce morbidity and mortality. Hyperglycaemia may require addition of an insulin infusion or a reduction (2.0–3.0 g/kg body weight/day) or even a temporary interruption of glucose infusion. Close monitoring of blood glucose levels is highly important
Zero temperature string breaking in lattice quantum chromodynamics
The separation of a heavy quark and antiquark pair leads to the formation of
a tube of flux, or "string", which should break in the presence of light
quark-antiquark pairs. This expected zero-temperature phenomenon has proven
elusive in simulations of lattice QCD. We study mixing between the string state
and the two-meson decay channel in QCD with two flavors of dynamical sea
quarks. We confirm that mixing is weak and find that it decreases at level
crossing. While our study does not show direct effects of internal quark loops,
our results, combined with unitarity, give clear confirmation of string
breaking.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures. With small clarifications and two additions to
references. Submitted to Phys. Rev.
Adjoint "quarks" on coarse anisotropic lattices: Implications for string breaking in full QCD
A detailed study is made of four dimensional SU(2) gauge theory with static
adjoint ``quarks'' in the context of string breaking. A tadpole-improved action
is used to do simulations on lattices with coarse spatial spacings ,
allowing the static potential to be probed at large separations at a
dramatically reduced computational cost. Highly anisotropic lattices are used,
with fine temporal spacings , in order to assess the behavior of the
time-dependent effective potentials. The lattice spacings are determined from
the potentials for quarks in the fundamental representation. Simulations of the
Wilson loop in the adjoint representation are done, and the energies of
magnetic and electric ``gluelumps'' (adjoint quark-gluon bound states) are
calculated, which set the energy scale for string breaking. Correlators of
gauge-fixed static quark propagators, without a connecting string of spatial
links, are analyzed. Correlation functions of gluelump pairs are also
considered; similar correlators have recently been proposed for observing
string breaking in full QCD and other models. A thorough discussion of the
relevance of Wilson loops over other operators for studies of string breaking
is presented, using the simulation results presented here to support a number
of new arguments.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figure
Carbohydrates - Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition, Chapter 5.
The main role of carbohydrates in the human body is to provide energy. Carbohydrates should always be infused with PN (parenteral nutrition) in combination with amino acids and lipid emulsions to improve nitrogen balance. Glucose should be provided as a standard carbohydrate for PN, whereas the use of xylite is not generally recommended. Fructose solutions should not be used for PN. Approximately 60% of non-protein energy should be supplied as glucose with an intake of 3.0-3.5 g/kg body weight/day (2.1-2.4 mg/kg body weight/min). In patients with a high risk of hyperglycaemia (critically ill, diabetes, sepsis, or steroid therapy) an lower initial carbohydrate infusion rate of 1-2 g/kg body weight/day is recommended to achieve normoglycaemia. One should aim at reaching a blood glucose level of 80-110 mg/dL, and at least a glucose level <145 mg/dL should be achieved to reduce morbidity and mortality. Hyperglycaemia may require addition of an insulin infusion or a reduction (2.0-3.0 g/kg body weight/day) or even a temporary interruption of glucose infusion. Close monitoring of blood glucose levels is highly important
Der Einfluß von Wachstumshormon, HGF und IGF-I/BP-3 auf die intestinale Mukosa nach schwerem Trauma
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