7 research outputs found

    Development and Implementation of a Health Planner for Pigs

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    In order to support animal health care on pig farms a Health Planner for Pigs has been developed. In 1998 the practical value of the system was tested under field condition on pig farms. Due to the promising results of the field experiment, the Dutch Farmers Organisation (LTO-Nederland) in 1999 adopted the system and coordinates the adaptation and introduction into practice. In 2001, veterinarians, farm advisers and farmers will be educated in using the Health Planner. Some parts of the Health Planner will be automised and linked to existing farm management information systems.Farm Management, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Health Planner Pigs as an Instrument for Monitoring and Evaluation of Animal Health Care on Pig Farms

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    In order to support animal health care on pig farms a Health Planner Pigs has been developed. In 1998 the practical value of the system was tested under field condition on pig farms. The Health Planner proved to be a valuable instrument for monitoring and evaluating animal health on pig farms. Due to the promising results of the field experiment, the Dutch Farmers Organisation (LTO-Nederland) in 1999 adopted the system and coordinates its adaptation and introduction into practice. In 2001, veterinarians and farm advisers has been educated in using the Health Planner. Some parts of the Health Planner will be automised and linked to existing farm management information systems. In 2002, farmers will be educated in the use of it.Farm Management, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Risk Analyses of Disposal of Pig Carcasses Smaller Than 40 KG in The Netherland

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    A study based on the literature, an on- farm audit and expert knowledge, was carried out to determine 1) the risks of spread of animal diseases among farms; 2) odour nuisance due to carcasses at the rendering plant; and 3) measurements to reduce these risks. It was concluded that the possible risks of spread of animal diseases among farms due to the removal of carcasses mainly has to do with the entrance of the place from where the carcasses are collected by the driver of the truck , the contact of the grab of the haulier with the cadaver container or place and driving with the haulier which is not fully closed. The true size of the risk of spread of disease is unknown and is probably different for each pathogen. Strict hygiene measurements by the driver and farmer can reduce the risk of spread of animal diseases due to cadaver removal. According to the interviewees at the expert assessment session, the odour nuisance at the rendering plant due to carcasses is mainly caused by bacterial conversion of proteins. Cooling of carcasses contribute to the slowing down of the conversions. No unambigious answer could be obtained as to the cooling temperature: not lower than -7°C because of the processing at the rendering plant and preferably not higher than 5°C. Frequent removal of carcasses from the farms and a quick handling at the rendering plant may also reduce odour nuisance at the rendering plant.Risk analyses, pig, carcasses, disposal, spread of disease, odour nuisance, pig farms, rendering plant, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Risk management of Salmonella in pig fattening farms based on HACCP

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    To gain insight in the practical feasibility and effectiveness of using a HACCP-Iike framework to control Salmonella on pig fattening farms a study was carried out. In this paper the risk evaluation technique used for the study is explained. The first experiences show that it appears possible to determine the serious risks and Critical Control Points for Salmonella introduction and transmission on fattening farms by means of an HACCP-Iike framework. Further research is carried out

    Development and Implementation of a Health Planner for Pigs

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    In order to support animal health care on pig farms a Health Planner for Pigs has been developed. In 1998 the practical value of the system was tested under field condition on pig farms. Due to the promising results of the field experiment, the Dutch Farmers Organisation (LTO-Nederland) in 1999 adopted the system and coordinates the adaptation and introduction into practice. In 2001, veterinarians, farm advisers and farmers will be educated in using the Health Planner. Some parts of the Health Planner will be automised and linked to existing farm management information systems

    Health Planner Pigs as an Instrument for Monitoring and Evaluation of Animal Health Care on Pig Farms

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    In order to support animal health care on pig farms a Health Planner Pigs has been developed. In 1998 the practical value of the system was tested under field condition on pig farms. The Health Planner proved to be a valuable instrument for monitoring and evaluating animal health on pig farms. Due to the promising results of the field experiment, the Dutch Farmers Organisation (LTO-Nederland) in 1999 adopted the system and coordinates its adaptation and introduction into practice. In 2001, veterinarians and farm advisers has been educated in using the Health Planner. Some parts of the Health Planner will be automised and linked to existing farm management information systems. In 2002, farmers will be educated in the use of it

    Risk Analyses of Disposal of Pig Carcasses Smaller Than 40 KG in The Netherland

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    A study based on the literature, an on- farm audit and expert knowledge, was carried out to determine 1) the risks of spread of animal diseases among farms; 2) odour nuisance due to carcasses at the rendering plant; and 3) measurements to reduce these risks. It was concluded that the possible risks of spread of animal diseases among farms due to the removal of carcasses mainly has to do with the entrance of the place from where the carcasses are collected by the driver of the truck , the contact of the grab of the haulier with the cadaver container or place and driving with the haulier which is not fully closed. The true size of the risk of spread of disease is unknown and is probably different for each pathogen. Strict hygiene measurements by the driver and farmer can reduce the risk of spread of animal diseases due to cadaver removal. According to the interviewees at the expert assessment session, the odour nuisance at the rendering plant due to carcasses is mainly caused by bacterial conversion of proteins. Cooling of carcasses contribute to the slowing down of the conversions. No unambigious answer could be obtained as to the cooling temperature: not lower than -7°C because of the processing at the rendering plant and preferably not higher than 5°C. Frequent removal of carcasses from the farms and a quick handling at the rendering plant may also reduce odour nuisance at the rendering plant