15 research outputs found

    Incidence of pressure ulcer in patients who were admitted to open heart cardiac surgery intensive care unit

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    Background and aims: Cardiac surgery patients are at high risk of pressure ulcers. In the present study, we determined the incidence of pressure ulcer in patients who were admitted to open heart cardiac surgery intensive care unit and related risk factors. Methods: With using convenience sampling all the eligible patients who were admitted to Boali cardiac surgery during June to August 2015 were invited to participate in this study. Patients’ skins were assessed using pressure ulcer staging system developed by National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) and Braden scale before operation, after operation (in time of cardiac intensive care unit admission) and one times per day to patients discharge for sign of pressure ulcer development. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation test and independent t-test in SPSS 20.0 statistical software. Results: During 3 months, 70 patients who were eligible were admitted to cardiac intensive care unit. From all, in 32 (45.7%) patient’s pressure ulcer was seen. From those, 41.4% were in stage I and 4.3% were in stage II. Mean score of Braden score in time of ICU admission was 11.1±2.3 and 15.1±2.3 in patients with and without pressure ulcer development (P<0.001). Factors such as lower Braden Scale score (P=0.001), diabetes (P=0.01), hypertension (P=0.001), NPO time after surgery (P=0.006), mean time of surgery (P=0.007), mean time of need to mechanical ventilation after surgery (P=0.003), low ejection fraction (P=0.006) and lower level of hemoglobin after surgery (P=0.012) increased the risk of pressure ulcer development significantly. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that patients who were admitted to open heart cardiac surgery intensive care unit are at high risk of pressure ulcer development. Medical and care-giving teams in the cardiac intensive care unit need further education about risk factors of pressure ulcer development to prevent this

    Sociological analysis of cultural citizenship status (Case Study: Tonekabon Citizens)

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    Introduction Cultural citizenship is a set of values, attitudes and common fundamental rules which include a sense of belonging, commitment and respect. Citizenship culture, also known as democratic citizenship, involves activeness, commitment and the acquiring of values, attitudes, skills and loyalty for participation in a social life. Understanding citizenship rights and obligations, respect for peaceful citizen relationships and avoiding any form of ethnocentrism are among the most important principles of cultural citizenship. Iranian society is a community of extensive ethnic, religious and language diversity. These cultural, ethnic and languages groups differ with one another in culture, customs, language and religion, and in order to be able to live together peacefully, they should put any prejudice and ethnocentrism aside and move towards cultural relativism. Consequently, they should recognize each their similarities and differences and work towards the development of intercultural and inter-ethnic relations. The present article aims to analyze the cultural citizenship status of the city of Tonekabon and investigate the role of contributing factors such cultural capital and citizenship culture on cultural citizenship. Material & Methods This theoretical framework of this study is a combined approach in the area of citizenship culture, cultural citizenship and cultural capital from Janoski, Yang, Kymlicka, Marshall, Turner and Bourdieu. In this study, the applied survey method was adopted. The study population constitutes of all the citizens of the city Tonekabon aged 15 to 64 and the sample size is equal to 650 people. The multistage cluster sampling method is adopted and the unit of analysis and observation level of the study is the individual (micro level). The information required of the citizens was gathered using the interview questionnaire method (designed by the researcher). The findings of the respondents were analyzed based on descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS 22. Discussion of Results & Conclusions The results are indicative of a positive correlation, with a weak intensity, between the cultural capital and citizenship culture. Furthermore, there is a significant correlation, with medium intensity, between citizenship culture and cultural citizenship. The citizens’ cultural citizenship and cultural capital were estimated at a high level of 47.2 and 42.20, respectively. In the case of the citizenship culture, it was estimated to be at a medium to high level (48.1).Regarding the relationship between the study’s underlying and main variables, it can be said that there is a significant correlation between the variables of age, income and cultural citizenship. There was also a significant difference between men and women in terms of cultural citizenship. In addition, regarding the variable of cultural capital and its relation with gender, it was found that there is a significant difference between men and women in terms of cultural capital. There is also a significant difference between cultural capital, gender and marital status. It should be admitted that regarding the relationship between cultural citizenship, gender and marital status, there are evident gender differences. The regression results indicate that citizenship culture has a direct and maximum impact (0.47) on cultural citizenship but in the case of the structure of cultural capital, this influence is indirect and through citizenship culture, with a beta of 0.4%


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    Abstract: Background and aims: Attitude towards euthanasia may influence the behavior of health care professionals about this issue. In present study we examined Iranian clinical registered nurses attitude toward euthanasia. Data were collected with using the Euthanasia Attitude Scale (EAS). Material and methods: This descriptive study was conducted in two teaching hospitals, Boali Sian and Velayat, in Qazvin, Iran in 2016. Using convenience sampling, all qualified registered nurses (n=302) working in different wards at the two teaching hospitals were invited to participate in the study. EAS examined participant in four domains: ethical consideration, practical consideration, treasuring life and naturalistic beliefs. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS software (v17.0; PASW Statistics) and a variable was considered to be statistically significant if P< 0.05. Results: Of the 302 nurses, 86.8% (n=262) were female and the rest were male. The mean age of nurses in present study was 31.1±5.9 years. The mean total score of nurses attitude were 66.6± 11.2. With regards to EAS domains, mean score of ethical consideration, practical consideration, treasuring life and naturalistic beliefs domains were 35.1±7.5, 8.7± 2.1, 15.3± 2.5 and 6.3±1.9 respectively. Conclusion: Nurses have an important role in caring for terminally ill patients in different hospital wards. According to finding of present study most nurses have neutral attitude toward euthanasia. Further study in this regards recommended. Keywords: ethical issue, nurses, euthanasia, developing country

    A Study of Social Happiness with an Emphasis on Social Well-Being: A Mixed-Method Research Conducted Among Citizens of Mashhad*

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    A Study of Social Happiness with an Emphasis on Social Well-Being: A Mixed-Method Research Conducted Among Citizens of Mashhad* Nader Sanati Shargh[1]  ,  Ahmad Bokharaei[2] Shah Bakhti Rostami[3]  ,   Mohammad Hasan Sharbatiyan[4] Accepted:                Received:   Abstract Social happiness refers to behavior that is demonstrated by expressive and behavioral modes to convey a sense of passion and vigor, and contribute to enhanced relaxation of people. This paper uses a social well-being approach and a pragmatism strategy underlined by a mixed-method approach. In the qualitative step, the descriptive survey and in the qualitative step, the point interpolation (spatial analysis) have been used to analyze behavioral and expressive modes of social happiness. In this research, purposeful sampling consistent with the size of each area and the spatial and regional sampling methods was utilized. The data collection was based on thematic analysis (open and axial coding), statistical descriptive, and spatial analysis. Semi-deep interviews and self-administered questionnaires along with urban maps were used to collect data. The study area covered urban areas of Mashhad in the first half of the year 2018. The unit of analysis was family, in the quantitative step, the participants, in the qualitative step, and urban areas, at the level of spatial analysis. The Cronbach’s alpha was calculated for the research items (α=0.80). The main categories of the qualitative procedures with emphasis on warm [1]. Corresponding Author of the Assistant Professor and Member of the Department of Sociology of Payame Noor University. (Corresponding Author).   [email protected] [2]. Assistant Professor and Member of the Department of Sociology of Payame Noor University.  [email protected]. [3]. Associate Professor and member of the Department of Geography, PayameNoorUniversity.   [email protected] [4]. Ph.D. Student of Sociology (Social Issues of Iran) PayamNoorUniversity.   [email protected]

    Occult Hepatitis C Infection Among Hemodialysis Patients: A Prevalence Study

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    Introduction and aim: Occult hepatitis C infection (OHCI) is the presence of HCV-RNA in the liver or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) accompanying with negative serologic results. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of OHCI among Iranian chronic hemodialysis (HD) patients. Material and methods: In this cross sectional study 200 chronic HD patients with negative HCV antibody enrolled the study. Blood sample of patients were obtained, followed by Polymerase Chain reaction (PCR) testing for detection of HCV RNA. Patients with positive serum HCV RNA were considered as manifest hepatitis C infection (MHCI). However, patients with negative serum HCV RNA underwent further tests on PBMCs for detection of OHCI. Results: Serum HCV RNA was positive in 2 (1%) patients whom considered as MHCI, and 6 (3.03%) patients had positive PBMC HCV RNA. Conclusion: In conclusion, chronic HD patients have been considered as a high risk group for hepatitis C infection. The results of this study suggest that these patients are also at risk for OHCI. Furthermore, evaluating PBMCs to detect HCV RNA would be a sensitive diagnostic method to find OHCI patients