3 research outputs found

    Bungkil Inti Sawit sebagai Media Biokonversi Produksi Massal Larva Maggot dan Uji Respon Pemberian pada Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus)

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    The results of palm kernel extraction produce palm kernel oil (PKO) and by-products in the form of palm kernel meal (PKM). Utilization of PKM as a raw material for fish feed, another development of its utilization is as a medium for the bioconversion process in producing maggot, the larvae of Hermetia illucens known as the Black Soldier Fly (BSF) as fish feed. Bioconversion is a process that changes the shape of a product / material that is less valuable into a valuable product by using biological agents (living things: insects). Mass production of maggot larvae is carried out through the stage of BSF egg production in the cage. The eggs harvested are then stocked on fermented PKM media using probiotics mixed into water at different doses, namely: 0% (F0), 1% (F1), 2% (F2), 3% (F3), and 4% (F4), water + probiotics are mixed into PKM media weighed 1 kg each until the media becomes moist and left for 2 days. Then the petri dish is filled with eggs 1 gram each and placed on the PKM media. The bioconversion process takes place 7-10 days later maggot larvae can be harvested. The highest maggot biomass in 3% (F3) + probiotic water fermentation treatment is 805 grams / kg media, the highest percentage of maggot size is medium (1-1.5cm) 35-66% with the highest protein content of 50.58%, while the small size ( <1cm) 21-32% protein 48.67% and large size (> 1.5cm) 21-30% with protein 48.58%. Giving maggot larvae as fresh feed is very well responded by fish. Keywords: Palm Kernel Meal (PKM), Bioconversion, Biomasa Maggo

    Pelatihan Produksi Massal Larva Maggot Sebagai Pakan Alternatif Bagi Kelompok Pembudidaya Ikan Air Tawar Kelurahan Labuhan Ratu Raya Bandar Lampung

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    Feed is one of the important aspects of increasing the yield of fish farmers. This is also an important problem for the group of freshwater fish farmers in Labuhan Ratu Raya Village, which is one of the villages that includes Labuhan Ratu Subdistrict, Bandar Lampung. Overcoming high feed prices can be done by making fish feed independently. The main problems in the availability of continuous raw materials with adequate quality as well as a fish meal, where fish meal is of high quality at a high price while the low-cost ones are of low quality. These problems can be followed up by looking for simple technologies that are easy to implement, relatively inexpensive costs using local materials/waste, to produce fish feed ingredients. Mass production of maggot using industrial, and agricultural waste, market waste, or restaurant waste as maggot growth media. This training includes activities to guide knowledge on maggot benefits, demonstration of maggot culture using palm kernel cake media and conducting maggot culture independently. The training results showed that members of this group were able to carry out the culture process well and produce maggot larvae which were used as substitutes for commercial feed or as additional feed, to reduce commercial feed use by up to 50%


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    A common problem in the development of fish farming is the lack of knowledge of fish farmers in terms of implementing technical management of aquaculture, planning and effectiveness in finding alternative feed ingredients to increase the growth and income of fish farmers. The partner group in this activity is a group of fish farmers who carry out hatchery for consumption fish and ornamental fish in Bandar Lampung. In the production process, there are still problems with the supply of commercial feed, which is expensive and limited. One solution to this problem is to produce feed independently by utilizing maggot as a raw material for a source of animal protein that is cheaper and easier to cultivate. Maggot production has been carried out and developed by this partner group. The knowledge that must be understood in the manufacture of feed is to formulate a feed that will produce the appropriate composition of ingredients and nutritional content. The Pearsons Square method is one of the most commonly used methods for preparing fish feed formulations. The results of this training activity provide enthusiasm and encouragement for partners to produce feed independently because it is based on the knowledge of preparing optimal feed formulations and knowledge of fish feed raw materials. Thus it can be concluded that this training is very important and fundamental in overcoming the problem of providing feed in fish farming