20 research outputs found

    Nova koncepcija kontejnerskog terminala u luci Rijeka

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    The port of Rijeka is a port of national interest open to national and international public traffic. It is mostly intended for the movement of goods with the container traffic playing an important role. As laid down in the Port Classification and Physical Plan of the Primorsko-goranska County, Rijeka is a port of a special international economic importance for the Republic of Croatia. The largest part of the Croatian imports and exports of goods is realized through the port of Rijeka which is also a major transit port in Croatia for the goods from Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Austria, Italy and Serbia. The essential factors of the port of Rijeka geotraffic position are the physical characteristics of its location and its connection with the hinterland. The construction of the new leveled rail line from Zagreb to Rijeka, the reconstruction of the Rijeka-Zagreb motorway to a full profile highway, the canalization of the river Sava from Šamac to Sisak and the construction of the Vukovar – Šamac Canal will make Rijeka an important seaport for the flows of goods from the Danube basin to the Adriatic. In the future period, the structure of the goods flow will be marked by the growth of the container traffic which has, by today, reached the upper limit of the container terminal storage and handling capacity. If the port of Rijeka wishes to maintain its competitive ability in the North Adriatic ports catchment area, it should meet such increased transport needs by adequate expansion and new investments to be made in a short-time period. This paper aims at focusing particularly on the container terminal Brajdica and its expansion possibilities which, contrary to other projects requiring a longer period of time for their realization and for bringing corresponding traffic solutions, include specific space and traffic predispositions.Luka Rijeka je luka državnog značaja otvorena za domaći i međunarodni javni promet. Namijenjena je pretežito teretnom prometu u čijoj strukturi važnu ulogu ima kontejnerski promet. Razvrstajem luka i prostornim planom Primorsko-goranske županije određeno je da je luka Rijeka luka od osobitog, međunarodnog gospodarskog značaja za Republiku Hrvatsku. Hrvatska ostvaruje najveći dio svog uvoza i izvoza roba preko riječke luke koja je ujedno i najveća tranzitna hrvatska luka za robe iz Mađarske, Slovačke, Češke, Austrije, Italije i Srbije. Bitni činitelji geoprometnog položaja luke Rijeka su fizičke značajke njene lokacije i prometna povezanost luke sa zaleđem. Izgradnjom nove ravničarske pruge od Zagreba do Rijeke, dogradnjom punog profila autoceste Rijeka − Zagreb, kanaliziranjem Save od Šamca do Siska, te izgradnjom kanala Vukovar − Šamac, riječka luka postat će važna luka za robne tokove od Podunavlja do Jadrana. U strukturi robnih tokova u budućem razdoblju posebno će biti izražen rast kontejnerskog prometa koji je već danas dostigao krajnje granice prostornih i prekrcajnih kapaciteta kontejnerskog terminala. Povećani promet zahtijeva odgovarajuće proširenje i nove investicije u kratkoročnom razdoblju, ukoliko se želi zadržati konkurentnost u gravitacijskom području sjevernojadranskih luka. U ovome radu posebno su istražene mogućnosti proširenja kontejnerskog terminala Brajdica s obzirom da već postoje određene prostorne i prometne predispozicije u odnosu na druge projekte koji zahtijevaju duže razdoblje i odgovarajuća prometna rješenja


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    Cilj prometne politike Europske unije je osigurati slobodan i efikasan prijevoz ljudi, roba i usluga na ekonomičan i siguran način za društvo i okoliš. Osim ukidanja fizičkih, tehničkih i fiskalnih prepreka u kretanju robe i putnika među državama članicama Unije, europska prometna politika teži postići: integraciju prijevoznih sredstava i integraciju nacionalnih prometnih mreža. Transportna politika Europske unije nastoji smanjiti preopterećenost u cestovnom prometu, i s tim u svezi troškove vezane za zaštitu okoliša i ekonomske troškove, prebacivanjem tereta s cestovnog na druge načine prijevoza, prvenstveno na pomorski transport. Daljnje unapređenje brodarstva i razvoj prometnica na moru imaju prioritet u rasterećenju glavnih europskih cestovnih pravaca i uskih grla, koji jedva uspijevaju apsorbirati rastući promet, stoga daljnji razvitak sektora pomorskog transporta u Europskoj uniji ovisi isključivo o snažnim i efikasnim lukama. Europska unija je utvrdila smjernice za razvoj Trans-European Transport Networks [18], a luke su time dobile primjereno mjesto u transeuropskim prometnim mrežama. U pogledu luka posebnu aktivnost treba usmjeriti na pomoć koju Transeuropska prometna mreža može pružiti lukama na poboljšanju sigurnosti, stvaranju izjednačenih uvjeta poslovanja među lukama te uređenju unutrašnjeg tržišta u lučkom sektoru. Udruženje europskih morskih luka ESPO od 1993. godine predstavlja lučke uprave, lučka udruženja i lučki menadžment morskih luka Europske unije. Cilj organizacije je da utjecajem na politička tijela u Europskoj uniji dođe do sigurnog, djelotvornog i ekološki održivog europskog lučkog sektora koji će funkcionirati kao ključni element transportne privredne grane u kojoj će u najvećoj mogućoj mjeri prevladavati uvjeti slobodnog tržišta. Temeljni je cilj lučke politike osigurati približno jednake uvjete poslovanja, te slobodnu i lojalnu konkurenciju između luka, uz uvjet transparentne tarifne politike u odnosu na sve korisnike lučkih usluga na čitavom području EU. Ono što morske luke očekuju od Europske unije je kreiranje dosljedne politike kojom će zacrtati opći okvir djelovanja na tri ključna područja: lakša izgradnja lučkih kapaciteta, pomorskih prilaznih putova i veza sa zaleđem, poduzimanje mjera kojima će se poticati pružanje konkurentnih i efikasnih usluga u lukama i transportnom lancu, i stimuliranje šire zajednice u preuzimanju odgovornosti za luke.The EU maritime transport policy aims at ensuring a free and efficient carriage of people, goods and services in a, for the society and the environment, safe and economical way. Apart from breaking down physical, technical and fiscal barriers in the traffic of goods and passengers among the Member States, the EU transport policy tends to achieve: the integration of the means of transport and the integration of the national transport networks. The EU transport policy aims at decreasing the road traffic overload and the related environmental protection and economic charges by switching from road to other means of transport, particularly to the transport by sea. Further improvements in shipping and the development of sea-lanes have a priority in disburdening the major European roads and bottlenecks that are hardly able to ingest the growing traffic. Therefore, the further EU maritime transport development exclusively depends on powerful and efficiently operating seaports. The EU has defined the guidelines for the Trans European Transport Networks (TEN-T) development (18), thus giving the seaports an appropriate place within. When seaports are to be considered, a special activity has to be focused on the assistance that the TEN-T can offer to seaports in improving their safety, in creating equal port operating conditions and in setting an internal market within the port itself. Since 1993 the European Seaports Organization (ESPO) has been acting as the representative of the EU seaports authorities, associations and management. By influencing the EU political bodies, the ESPO aims at achieving a safe, effective and ecologically sustainable European seaport sector that will function as the key element in the transport branch of economy where free market conditions will prevail to the maximum. The basic goal of the seaport policy is to ensure approximately equal operating conditions, free and loyal competition among seaports, provided that the tariff policy, as related to all users of the port services within the EU, is a transparent one. What do seaports expect from the EU is the creation of a consistent policy, by means of which a general framework of activities on three key areas will be target: an easier way of building port capacities, seaport access roads and hinterland links, taking measures to induce to offer competitive and efficient port services in the transport chain, and stimulating the wider community to assume the responsibility for seaports


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    Cilj prometne politike Europske unije je osigurati slobodan i efikasan prijevoz ljudi, roba i usluga na ekonomičan i siguran način za društvo i okoliš. Osim ukidanja fizičkih, tehničkih i fiskalnih prepreka u kretanju robe i putnika među državama članicama Unije, europska prometna politika teži postići: integraciju prijevoznih sredstava i integraciju nacionalnih prometnih mreža. Transportna politika Europske unije nastoji smanjiti preopterećenost u cestovnom prometu, i s tim u svezi troškove vezane za zaštitu okoliša i ekonomske troškove, prebacivanjem tereta s cestovnog na druge načine prijevoza, prvenstveno na pomorski transport. Daljnje unapređenje brodarstva i razvoj prometnica na moru imaju prioritet u rasterećenju glavnih europskih cestovnih pravaca i uskih grla, koji jedva uspijevaju apsorbirati rastući promet, stoga daljnji razvitak sektora pomorskog transporta u Europskoj uniji ovisi isključivo o snažnim i efikasnim lukama. Europska unija je utvrdila smjernice za razvoj Trans-European Transport Networks [18], a luke su time dobile primjereno mjesto u transeuropskim prometnim mrežama. U pogledu luka posebnu aktivnost treba usmjeriti na pomoć koju Transeuropska prometna mreža može pružiti lukama na poboljšanju sigurnosti, stvaranju izjednačenih uvjeta poslovanja među lukama te uređenju unutrašnjeg tržišta u lučkom sektoru. Udruženje europskih morskih luka ESPO od 1993. godine predstavlja lučke uprave, lučka udruženja i lučki menadžment morskih luka Europske unije. Cilj organizacije je da utjecajem na politička tijela u Europskoj uniji dođe do sigurnog, djelotvornog i ekološki održivog europskog lučkog sektora koji će funkcionirati kao ključni element transportne privredne grane u kojoj će u najvećoj mogućoj mjeri prevladavati uvjeti slobodnog tržišta. Temeljni je cilj lučke politike osigurati približno jednake uvjete poslovanja, te slobodnu i lojalnu konkurenciju između luka, uz uvjet transparentne tarifne politike u odnosu na sve korisnike lučkih usluga na čitavom području EU. Ono što morske luke očekuju od Europske unije je kreiranje dosljedne politike kojom će zacrtati opći okvir djelovanja na tri ključna područja: lakša izgradnja lučkih kapaciteta, pomorskih prilaznih putova i veza sa zaleđem, poduzimanje mjera kojima će se poticati pružanje konkurentnih i efikasnih usluga u lukama i transportnom lancu, i stimuliranje šire zajednice u preuzimanju odgovornosti za luke.The EU maritime transport policy aims at ensuring a free and efficient carriage of people, goods and services in a, for the society and the environment, safe and economical way. Apart from breaking down physical, technical and fiscal barriers in the traffic of goods and passengers among the Member States, the EU transport policy tends to achieve: the integration of the means of transport and the integration of the national transport networks. The EU transport policy aims at decreasing the road traffic overload and the related environmental protection and economic charges by switching from road to other means of transport, particularly to the transport by sea. Further improvements in shipping and the development of sea-lanes have a priority in disburdening the major European roads and bottlenecks that are hardly able to ingest the growing traffic. Therefore, the further EU maritime transport development exclusively depends on powerful and efficiently operating seaports. The EU has defined the guidelines for the Trans European Transport Networks (TEN-T) development (18), thus giving the seaports an appropriate place within. When seaports are to be considered, a special activity has to be focused on the assistance that the TEN-T can offer to seaports in improving their safety, in creating equal port operating conditions and in setting an internal market within the port itself. Since 1993 the European Seaports Organization (ESPO) has been acting as the representative of the EU seaports authorities, associations and management. By influencing the EU political bodies, the ESPO aims at achieving a safe, effective and ecologically sustainable European seaport sector that will function as the key element in the transport branch of economy where free market conditions will prevail to the maximum. The basic goal of the seaport policy is to ensure approximately equal operating conditions, free and loyal competition among seaports, provided that the tariff policy, as related to all users of the port services within the EU, is a transparent one. What do seaports expect from the EU is the creation of a consistent policy, by means of which a general framework of activities on three key areas will be target: an easier way of building port capacities, seaport access roads and hinterland links, taking measures to induce to offer competitive and efficient port services in the transport chain, and stimulating the wider community to assume the responsibility for seaports

    Globalizacija u industriji pomorskog prijevoza

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    Globalization is a new trend in world economy, fully influencing maritime transport industry. Maritime trade is one of the key driver of globalization, furthermore picture of vessel in open ocean is ultimate globalization emblem. In this paper authors review trends in maritime transport industry induced by globalization.Globalizacija je novi trend u svjetskoj ekonomiji, koji u cjelosti utječe na transportnu industriju. Pomorska trgovina je jedan od ključnih pokretača globalizacijskog emblema. U ovom članku, autori izlažu trendove u industriji pomorskog prijevoza koji su potaknuti globalizacijom


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    Informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije (ICT) osnova su za implementaciju suvremenih logističkih procesa na kontejnerskim terminalima. ICT-e posjeduju veliki potencijal za korištenje u različitim aktivnostima kontejnerskih terminala. Jedna od najvažnijih uloga informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija je mogućnost povezivanja kontejnerskih terminala s drugim subjektima u lučkoj zajednici, stvarajući na taj način elektroničku zajednicu lučkog sustava (Port Community System). Različiti aspekti informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija na kontejnerskim terminalima čine ih jednim od ključnih resursa i poželjnom investicijom, bez kojih je gotovo nemoguće postići napredak i cilj u pružanjui pravovremene i kvalitetne usluge te zadovoljiti potrebe korisnika. U radu se istražuje uloga informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija na kontejnerskim terminalima kao i vrste informacijsko-komunikacijskih sustava s naglaskom na sustave za planiranje prekrcajnih aktivnosti, te se daje osvrt na virtualnu logistiku kao poseban spoj logistike i informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija na kontejnerskim terminalima.Information and communication technologies (ICT) are the basis for the implementation of modern logistics processes in container terminals. ICT possess a large potential for the use in various activities on container terminals. One of the most important roles of ICT is the ability to connect container terminals with other subjects in the port community, creating the Port Community System. Many different aspects of ICT application on container terminals makes ICT one of the key resources and a desirable investment, without which it is virtually impossible to progress and achieve the goal to provide timely and quality services and to satisfy the customer’s needs. This paper aims at researching the role of ICT in container terminals and the types of ICT systems with the emphasis on the planning system for transhipment activities, as well as at giving an overview of virtual logistics as a special blend of logistics and ICT on container terminals


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    With the recent advent of computer-based communication technologies, transportation networks have become an important factor in the global interaction, as a real part of a virtual business. The world in the transportation and supply chain view may be described as being connected by a lattice of networks. As liner routes create a network, the authors are using the network analysis starting with the data that describ the set of relationships among the ports – members of a system. The goal of analysis is to obtain, from the low-level relational data, a higher-level description of the structure of the system. The higher-level description identifies various kinds of patterns in the set of relationships. These patterns will be based on the way individual organizations are related to other ports in the network. The primary goal of this research is to identify the most important actor(s) in the network, and a couple of measures, designed to highlight the differences between important and marginal ports acting in liner network , are presented too. The definitions of importance and prominence are given along with the mathematical concepts generated by various definitions.Uvođenjem kompjuterski baziranihi novih tehnologija prometa tereta, prijevozne usluge,kao stvaran dio pravog posla, postale su važan čimbenik u globalnoj interakciji. Svi čimbenici unutar lanca prijevoza i prometa tereta mogu se opisati kao svijet međusobno umreženih lanaca. Budući da brodovi linijske plovidbe čine jednu mrežu, autori ovog članka, koristeći se analizom mreže, prikazuju podatke kojima se opisuje odnos koji vlada među lukama – dijelovima jednog sustava. Cilj analize jest dobiti opis strukture sustava na jednoj višoj razini, koristeći pri tome odnosne podatke niže razine. Opisom više razine identificiraju se različite strukture unutar određenih odnosa. Ove će se strukture temeljiti na načinu na koji su individualne organizacije povezane s ostalim lukama unutar mreže. Ovo istraživanje ima za primarni cilj identificirati najvažnije sudionike unutar mreže, kao i prikazati izvjestan broj mjera kojima bi se istaknula razlika između važnih i marginalnih luka unutar mreže brodova linijske plovidbe. Ponuđene su i definicije važnosti i zauzimanja istaknutog mjesta unutar mreže, kao i matematički pristup koji je proizašao iz različitih definicija

    Seaport cluster labour cost reduction – a modelling approach

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    The subject of this research are administrative processes related to a ship’s arrival to seaports, typically attributed to elevated levels of cost of labour required to complete the related administrative tasks. In the previous phases of the research, an average expected cost of the administrative labour cost in traditional seaport clusters in Croatia was identified and quantified on an hourly basis. This research continues in its aim by using the results of the previous research as a starting point, and proposes a reengineered simulation model of the administrative process. The main hypothesis is that the usage of such a new model will result in a measurable decrease of the required labour cost. The main hypothesis is confirmed by simulations and calculations of the labour cost reduction

    Feeder - servis koji promiče revitalizaciju kontejnerskog prijevoza u jadranskim lukama

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the importance of the feeder service as a modern way of organizing not only the maritime transport but transport in general and its impact on the development and good standing of particular sea ports and with that on the entire economic potential. The shipping trade has also got caught up in the worldwide globalization trend. Today, there are some ten strong shipping companies in the world (so called mega ship owners) who are working either on their own or are mutually connected to cover a specific market. In an effort to meet the requirements of the end users, the shipping companies tend to organize strong feeder service. The feeder service can also be initiated by terminal operator or port authority which is, most often, reflected in the subvention of empty feeder ship cargo space (Formerly 100 to 300 TEU, now 500 to 1000 even 1500 TEU). Thus, the feeder service Rijeka/Ploče - Gioa Tauro/Malta, started up at some time past by Lošinjska plovidba, organized by the Port of Rijeka Authority and subsidized by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Communications of the Republic of Croatia 1999, is the beginning of the container transport revitalization process in the Republic of Croatia. The service turned out to be reliable and accurate and attracted many users. Having logistic support of 22 Croatian companies through competitive prices and high-quality service on the transportation route and with the shore capacity increased three times, the container terminal in the port of Rijeka has attracted two commercial weekly feeder services (CMA-CGM and UFS) and, in our circumstances, spectacular callings (twice a week) of so called mother ships (ZIM and Lloyd Triestino). As their logistic support, The Croatian Railways have started off a direct container block-train Rijeka Budapest. The annual growth of the container feeder transport stands at about 60% and, with the coming of other ship owners, Rijeka container terminal has increased its turnover from 6.000 TEU in 1999 to 30.000 TEU in 2003. That’s way the development of the feeder service as a modern way of organizing the carriage of goods within the maritime transport in the Adriatic ports, is considered the best way of connecting the container terminals in the Adriatic ports with the strategic “hub” terminals in the Mediterranean.Ovaj rad analizira važnost feeder-servisa kao suvremenog načina organizacije prijevoza unutar pomorskog prijevoza i prometa uopće, poradi što brže afirmacije i razvoja pojedinih morskih luka, a time i ukupnoga gospodarskog potencijala. Trend globalizacije u svijetu nije zaobišao ni brodarsku djelatnost. U svijetu danas djeluje desetak jakih brodarskih tvrtki (tzv. mega-brodara) koje djeluju samostalno ili su međusobno povezane u pokrivanju određenog tržišta. Da bi se zadovoljio krajnji korisnik, brodarske tvrtke organiziraju jake feeder-mreže radi pokrivanja tržišta. Moguće je da feeder-servis pokrene operater terminala ili lučka uprava, a to se najčešće ogleda u subvenciji praznoga brodskog prostora feeder- -brodova (nekad 100 do 300 TEU-a, danas 500 do 1.000 pa i do 1.500 TEU-a). Feeder-servis Rijeka/Ploče – Gioa Tauro/Malta koji je svojedobno pokrenula Lošinjska plovidba – brodarstvo d.d., a u organizaciji Lučke uprave Rijeka, temeljem subvencije Ministarstva pomorstva, prometa i veza RH 1999. godine, početak je procesa revitalizacije kontejnerskog prometa u Republici Hrvatskoj. Taj je servis pokazao i postojanost i točnost, pa je privukao mnogo korisnika. Uz logističku podršku 22 hrvatske tvrtke i konkurentne cijene i kvalitetu usluga na prometnom pravcu, te povećanjem obalnog kapaciteta za tri puta, kontejnerski terminal u riječkoj luci omogućio je prisutnost i dva komercijalna tjedna feeder - servisa (CMA-CGM i UFS) i, za naše prilike spektakularna, dva tjedna ticanja tzv. brodova-matica (ZIM line i Lloyd Triestino). Kao logistička podrška, Hrvatske željeznice pokrenule su izravni kontejnerski blok vlak na relaciji Rijeka-Budimpešta. Kontejnerski promet feederima bilježi rast godišnje za oko 60 %, a pojavom i ostalih brodara riječki kontejnerski terminal je povećao kontejnerski promet sa 6.000 TEU-a 1999. na 30.000 TEU-a 2003. godine. Razvitak feeder-servisa kao suvremenog načina organizacije prijevoza unutar pomorskog prijevoza u jadranskim lukama predstavlja traženje i afirmaciju najboljeg načina da se povežu kontejnerski terminali u jadranskim lukama sa strateškim “hub”-terminalima na području Mediterana

    Simulation of administrative labour costs in seaport clusters

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    The paper researches the usage of simulation approach using FlexSim software package in order to create a viable model of administrative document flow during ship arrival and departure in conventionally operated seaport clusters that do not utilize Port Community Systems. Goal of the modeling was to create a simulation model that would be used to reliably calculate the average total time required for the full document flow related to ship\u27s arrival and use the end result to estimate the cost of labor related to involved manual work. This estimation will be used as a basis for further research into possibilities of process reengineering and suggestion for process improvements


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    Robni tokovi kontejnera na prometnom pravcu iz Dalekog istoka prema Europi pokazuju trend daljnjeg rasta. Te projekcije prometa mobiliziraju sve sudionike u logističkom lancu od narudžbe robe do njene konačne isporuke. Transportni lanac kontejnera na svjetskom tržištu mora biti tako definiran da je moguća njegova stalna optimalizacija. Okosnicu transportnog lanca kontejnera čine kombinacija pomorskog prijevoza i kopnene mreže prometnica za prijevoz kontejnera do odredišta. Megakontejnerske kompanije imaju sličnu strategiju uređivanja direktnog i indirektnog linijskog brodskog servisa. Strategija se bazira na pravilnom izboru luka pojedine linije. Izbor pojedine luke je odraz njezine interne efikasnosti, ali i razvijenosti mreže kopnenih servisa. Snaga pojedine luke rezultat je i ekonomske razvijenosti zaleđa, odnosno gravitacijskog područja. Prostor Europe je u radu podijeljen na sjever i jug središnjeg dijela te se demografskom i ekonomskom analizom došlo do određenih pokazatelja koji daju odgovor na osnovno pitanje rada, a to je izbor - sjever ili jug Europe.The container cargo flows on the Far East - Europe route show continuous growth trends. Such traffic projections mobilize all participants in the logistics chain – from ordering to final delivery of goods. The container transport chain on the global market must be defined in a manner which will allow continuous optimization of the same. The backbone of container transport chain is a combination of maritime transport and road networks on the mainland, for transport of containers to their destination. Mega container companies have a similar strategy for the establishment of direct and indirect line shipping service. The strategy is based on the right selection of ports for the individual line. The selection of a particular port reflects the port\u27s internal efficiency, but also the development of the mainland service network. The individual port\u27s strength is a result of the hinterland\u27s or, respectively, the gravitational area\u27s economic development. In this paper, the central part of the European area is divided into North and South; the analysis of demographic and economic factors produced certain indicators which provide an answer to the paper\u27s fundamental question, namely, the choice between North and South of Europe