6 research outputs found

    Ex situ phytoremediation trial of Sardinian mine waste using a pioneer plant species

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    The mitigation of metals contamination is currently a crucial issue for the reclamation of mine sites. Indeed, mine wastes are often disposed in open dumps and consequently pollutants are subjected to dispersion in the surrounding areas. In this study, the potential use of Helichrysum microphyllum subsp. tyrrhenicum for phytostabilization was evaluated in ex situ conditions. Ninety specimens were randomly selected and were planted in three substrates (reference substrate, mine waste materials, and mine wastes with compost). Mineralogical compositions of substrates, rhizosphere, and roots were assessed through X-ray diffraction (XRD). Zn, Pb, and Cd concentrations of substrates, rhizosphere, soil pore waters, and plant tissues were determined. The phytostabilization potential was determined through the application of biological accumulation coefficient (BAC), biological concentration factor (BCF), and translocation factor (TF). Moreover, survival and biometric parameters were assessed on plant specimens. The polluted substrates and related rhizosphere materials were mainly composed of dolomite, quartz, pyrite, and phyllosilicate. Zn was the most abundant metal in substrates, rhizosphere, and soil pore waters. XRD analysis on roots showed the presence of amorphous cellulose and quartz and Zn was the most abundant metal in plant tissues. H. microphyllum subsp. tyrrhenicum restricts the accumulation of the metals into roots limiting their translocation in aereal parts, indicating its potential use as phytostabilizer (BCF, BAC, TF < 1). Survival and growth data showed a great adaptability to different substrates, with an evident positive effect of the implementation of compost which increased the plant survival and decreased the metals uptake into roots

    Germination and early seedling development of Helichrysum microphyllum Cambess. subsp. tyrrhenicum Bacch., Brullo & Giusso in the presence of arsenates and arsenites

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    Arsenate, As(V), and arsenite, As(III), are the most available arsenicals present in the soil solutions, in particular in mine polluted substrates, and cause several symptoms of toxicity in plants (like inhibition of seed germination and reduction of seedling development). For these reasons, seeds germination studies are essential for the design of phytoremediation activities of mine sites. Seed germination and seedling development of Helichrysum microphyllum subsp. tyrrhenicum, were evaluated at 15 °C using various concentrations of As(V) and As(III) (0-500 mg/L and 0-200 mg/L, respectively). Seeds were harvested (I) into a mine dump contaminated in As, (II) nearby this site, and (III) faraway the As contaminated area and without mine activities. Seed germination, cotyledons emergence, and seedling mortality were evaluated for 90 days. As(V) and As(III) acted differently, showing a much higher toxicity when arsenite was added than arsenate. The taxon was able to germinate, develop cotyledons, and survive under all arsenate concentrations, whereas arsenite acted on these steps already at 2.5 mg/L. Moreover, a linear decrease in cotyledons emergence was assessed with the increase of both arsenicals' concentrations, as well as a linear decrease of seedling survival under arsenite. The taxon showed great adaptability to As pollution, giving an important contribution in phytoremediation of mining sites

    Helichrysum microphyllum subsp. tyrrhenicum, Its Root-Associated Microorganisms, and Wood Chips Represent an Integrated Green Technology for the Remediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soils

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    Phytoremediation and the use of suitable amendments are well-known technologies for the mitigation of petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) contaminations in terrestrial ecosystems. Our study is aimed at combining these two approaches to maximize their favorable effects. To this purpose, Helichrysum microphyllum subsp. tyrrhenicum, a Mediterranean shrub growing on sandy and semiarid soils, was selected. The weathered PHC-polluted matrix (3.3 ± 0.8 g kg−1 dry weight) from a disused industrial site was employed as the cultivation substrate with (WCAM) or without (UNAM) the addition and mixing of wood chips. Under the greenhouse conditions, the species showed a survival rate higher than 90% in the UNAM while the amendment administration restored the totality of the plant survival. At the end of the greenhouse test (nine months), the treatment with the wood chips significantly increased the moisture, dehydrogenase activity and abundance of the microbial populations of the PHC degraders in the substrate. Cogently, the residual amount of PHCs was significantly lower in the UNAM (3–92% of the initial quantity) than in the WCAM (3–14% of the initial quantity). Moreover, the crown diameter was significantly higher in the WCAM plants. Overall, the results establish the combined technology as a novel approach for landscaping and the bioremediation of sites chronically injured by PHC-weathered contaminations

    Greenhouse investigation on the phytoremediation potential of pioneer tree Pinus halepensis Mill. in abandoned mine site

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    Tailings and mine dumps are often pollutant sources that pose serious environmental threats to surrounding areas. The use of pioneer vascular plants to extract or stabilize metals is considered among the more effective mine tailing reclamation techniques. The study aimed at evaluating the phytoremediation potential of Pinus halepensis in abandoned mine-tailing (SW-Sardinia, Italy). Plant ability to tolerate high Zn, Pb, and Cd concentration and their accumulation in roots and aerial parts were assessed at greenhouse conditions. Experiments were performed on 45 seedlings planted in different substrates (mine-tailings, mine-tailings compost-amended, and reference) and on 15 seedlings grown spontaneously in the contaminated mine site investigated with their own substrates. The phytostabilization potential of plant was evaluated through biological accumulation and translocation indexes together with plant survival and biometric parameters. The outcomes showed the adaptability of P. halepensis to grow and survive in contaminated substrates. Compost addition did not improve plant survival and growth, however, it enhanced total carbon and nitrogen contents of soil, restricted metal bioavailability, and accumulation in plant aerial parts. These findings highlight that P. halepensis may be considered for phytostabilization given the great potential to limit Zn, Pb, and Cd toxicity in plant tissues by applying compost amendment in metal contaminated mine sites

    Mineralogy and Zn chemical speciation in a soil-plant system from a metal-extreme environment: a study on Helichrysum microphyllum subsp. tyrrhenicum (Campo Pisano Mine, SW Sardinia, Italy)

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    Environmental contamination due to human activities is a worldwide problem that has led to the development of different remediation techniques, including biotechnological approaches such as phytoextraction and phytostabilization. These techniques take advantage of pioneer plants that naturally develop tolerance mechanisms to survive in extreme environments. A multi-technique and multi-disciplinary approach was applied for the investigation of Helichrysum microphyllum subsp. tyrrhenicum samples, bulk soil, and rhizospheres collected from a metal-extreme environment (Zn-Pb mine of Campo Pisano, SW Sardinia, Italy). Zinc, Pb, and Cd are the most abundant metals, with Zn attaining 3 w/w% in the rhizosphere solid materials, inducing oxidative stress in the roots as revealed by infrared microspectroscopy (IR). X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and chemical analysis coupled with synchrotron radiation-based (SR) techniques demonstrate that quartz, dolomite, and weddellite biominerals precipitate in roots, stems, and leaves, likely as a response to environmental stress. In the rhizosphere, Zn chemical speciation is mainly related to the Zn ore minerals (smithsonite and hydrozincite) whereas, in plant tissues, Zn is primarily bound to organic compounds such as malate, cysteine, and histidine molecules that act as metal binders and, eventually, detoxification agents for the Zn excess. These findings suggest that H. microphyllum subsp. tyrrhenicum has developed its own adaptation strategy to survive in polluted substrates, making it a potential candidate for phytostabilization aimed at mitigating the dispersion of metals in the surrounding areas