344 research outputs found

    Cardiotoxicity of verapamil in renal failure: a case report and review of the literature

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    We present a case of a 76-year-old diabetic patient on verapamil with undiagnosed renal failure presenting with collapse and severe life threatening bradyarrhythmias. She responded well to inotropic support and calcium supplementation

    Video Feature Extraction Based on Modified LLE Using Adaptive Nearest Neighbor Approach

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    Locally linear embedding (LLE) is an unsupervised learning algorithm which computes the low dimensional, neighborhood preserving embeddings of high dimensional data. LLE attempts to discover non-linear structure in high dimensional data by exploiting the local symmetries of linear reconstructions. In this paper, video feature extraction is done using modified LLE alongwith adaptive nearest neighbor approach to find the nearest neighbor and the connected components. The proposed feature extraction method is applied to a video. The video feature description gives a new tool for analysis of video

    Pollen germination studies in Giant Himalayan Lily (Cardiocrinum giganteum Wall.) a high value of ornamental plant in Western Himalayan region

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    Giant Himalayan lily (Cardiocrinum giganteum Wall.) is a perennial bulbiferous herb of Liliaceae and an endemic species in the eastern Himalayan region, which has become one of the new flower crops because of its high ornamental value. The present investigationwas conducted to study pollen morphologyi.e., fresh pollen grains size was measured in different media, viz., water, acetocarmine, glycerol and without any medium (dry). The pollen grains of Giant Himalayan lily exhibited the average size (length x width) of (22.64 x 19.72μ) in water suspension. The result revealed that in glycerine and dry condition shape of pollen grains was perprolate. However, in water and acetocarmine it looked was round in shape. The result also shown that highest pollen germination (54.70%, 63.69%) and pollen tube growth (89.24μ, 175.85μ) in 10% sucrose solution for 12 hours and 24 hours respectively. In control light treatments, red light was found to be best in pollen germination and pollen tube growth

    In vitro multiplication protocol for Curcuma mangga : Studies on carbon, cytokinin source and explant size

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    Mango ginger (Curcuma mangga Valeton & Zijp.) is an underutilized rhizomatous species that has been valued in tropical Asian countries as a source of vegetable, spice, salad, medicine, and essential oil. This species is hardy and requires less care for obtaining good yields. Rhizomes are the commonly used propagules for the species, which are also the economic part of the crop. Huge quantity of seed rhizomes is required to promote this crop in larger areas. An efficient in vitro multiplication protocol is one of the options to meet the planting material requirement. Effects of carbon source (glucose, fructose and sucrose) and concentration (1 and 3%, w/v), cytokinins (BAP and meta topolin) and concentration (1 mg/L and 2 mg/L), size of explants (one/ two/ three bud) and IBA treatment (0, 250, 500 and 1,000 mg/L) for concurrent ex vitro rooting cum hardening were studied. Results revealed that for facilitating efficient multiplication, the medium should be supplemented with glucose (3%) as a carbon source and meta topolin (1 mg/L) as cytokinin. Two-bud explant should be used for subculture as it promoted superior shoot proliferation. Concurrent ex vitro rooting cum hardening was possible even without auxin treatment. The present protocol could be useful for large-scale production of quality planting material of this underexploited tropical species

    Air layering in cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum L.) under wet humid tropical conditions

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    Cinnamon is a cross pollinated species and seed propagation has resulted in development of considerable variability in growth, yield and quality among the populations. Air layering has been considered as one of the efficient methods of multiplication in cinnamon. However, the success of layering varies greatly depending on the local environmental conditions. In the present investigation, air layering was performed at 20 days interval during rainy season (July 3rd to October 11th) of two consecutive years in Bay islands. Result revealed that first week of July was the most suitable time for air layering in cinnamon as it supported better rooting percentage (87.5%)

    Genomics and breeding innovations for enhancing genetic gain for climate resilience and nutrition traits

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    Accelerating genetic gain in crop improvement programs with respect to climate resilience and nutrition traits, and the realization of the improved gain in farmers’ fields require integration of several approaches. This article focuses on innovative approaches to address core components of the breeder’s equation. A prerequisite to enhancing genetic variance (σ2g) is the identification or creation of favorable alleles/haplotypes and their deployment for improving key traits. Novel alleles for new and existing target traits need to be accessed and added to the breeding population while maintaining genetic diversity. Selection intensity (i) in the breeding program can be improved by testing a larger population size, enabled by the statistical designs with minimal replications and high-throughput phenotyping. Selection priorities and criteria to select appropriate portion of the population too assume an important role. The most important component of breeder′s equation is heritability (h2). Heritability estimates depend on several factors including the size and the type of population and the statistical methods. The present article starts with a brief discussion on the potential ways to enhance σ2g in the population. We highlight statistical methods and experimental designs that could improve trait heritability estimation. We also offer a perspective on reducing the breeding cycle time (t), which could be achieved through the selection of appropriate parents, optimizing the breeding scheme, rapid fixation of target alleles, and combining speed breeding with breeding programs to optimize trials for release. Finally, we summarize knowledge from multiple disciplines for enhancing genetic gains for climate resilience and nutritional traits

    Study on Basic Mechanism of Reactive Armour

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    Two basic mechanisms which operate in the functioning of reactive armour are presented. Both the explosive effect and cutting of metal plates by a jet have been investigated. The angle of attack and the confinement of the explosive have been found most significant factors in reducing the penetrating power of the jet. The effect of detonating explosives has been investigated with radiography. Some of the significant effects, like detonation of explosive by the impact of the jet, expansion of covering plates, disturbance in coherence and reduction in the penetration of the jet have been observed. It is found that the jet penetration in a stack of mild steel plates is reduced to 30 per cent of its blank penetration in present set-ups. A theoretical model has been conceived to study the interaction of moving plates and the jet. The critical thickness and surface cut in plates have been calculated

    Pangenomics in microbial and crop research: Progress, applications, and perspectives

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    Advances in sequencing technologies and bioinformatics tools have fueled a renewed interest in whole genome sequencing efforts in many organisms. The growing availability of multiple genome sequences has advanced our understanding of the within-species diversity, in the form of a pangenome. Pangenomics has opened new avenues for future research such as allowing dissection of complex molecular mechanisms and increased confidence in genome mapping. To comprehensively capture the genetic diversity for improving plant performance, the pangenome concept is further extended from species to genus level by the inclusion of wild species, constituting a super-pangenome. Characterization of pangenome has implications for both basic and applied research. The concept of pangenome has transformed the way biological questions are addressed. From understanding evolution and adaptation to elucidating host–pathogen interactions, finding novel genes or breeding targets to aid crop improvement to design effective vaccines for human prophylaxis, the increasing availability of the pangenome has revolutionized several aspects of biological research. The future availability of high-resolution pangenomes based on reference-level near-complete genome assemblies would greatly improve our ability to address complex biological problems

    The key to the future lies in the past: Insights from grain legume domestication and improvement should inform future breeding strategies

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    Crop domestication is a co-evolutionary process that has rendered plants and animals significantly dependent on human interventions for survival and propagation. Grain legumes have played an important role in the development of Neolithic agriculture some 12,000 years ago. Despite being early companions of cereals in the origin and evolution of agriculture, the understanding of grain legume domestication has lagged behind that of cereals. Adapting plants for human use has resulted in distinct morpho-physiological changes between the wild ancestors and domesticates, and this distinction has been the focus of several studies aimed at understanding the domestication process and the genetic diversity bottlenecks created. Growing evidence from research on archeological remains, combined with genetic analysis and the geographical distribution of wild forms, has improved the resolution of the process of domestication, diversification and crop improvement. In this review, we summarize the significance of legume wild relatives as reservoirs of novel genetic variation for crop breeding programs. We describe key legume features, which evolved in response to anthropogenic activities. Here, we highlight how whole genome sequencing and incorporation of omics-level data have expanded our capacity to monitor the genetic changes accompanying these processes. Finally, we present our perspective on alternative routes centered on de novo domestication and re-domestication to impart significant agronomic advances of novel crops over existing commodities. A finely resolved domestication history of grain legumes will uncover future breeding targets to develop modern cultivars enriched with alleles that improve yield, quality and stress tolerance
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