6 research outputs found

    Overcoming Knowledge Integration Barriers in ERP Implementation Using Action Research Approach

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    This study focuses on documenting the barriers of knowledge integration between the organizational culture and the bestpractices supported by an ERP system using an Action Research approach. The findings contribute to the ERP literature because they provide managers with different knowledge integration barriers that appear during ERP implementation, and how authors, using an AR methodology, surpassed these problems. Moreover, this study offers a knowledge integration perspective to understand the ERP implementation as a whole process that involves internal and external stakeholders. In this regard, the training with a holistic vision is suggested to increase the likelihood of success of the ERP implementation project. Finally, some trends for future research are provided

    Attitude Is Not Enough to Separate Solid Waste at Home in Lima

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    Indexado en ScopusFacilitating solid waste separating behavior at home continues to be a challenge for municipal programs in emerging economies. Large cities concentrate the generation of solid waste and, in Latin America, a great percentage of this waste is not re-used. Therefore, in this research, we explore the drivers motivating solid waste separation at home in Lima. We applied 450 surveys in two municipalities of Lima and analyzed the results through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results demonstrate that attitude, perception of technical knowledge, and availability of physical space influence solid waste separation behavior. Additionally, the mediating role of intention between solid waste separation attitude and behavior is demonstrated. Municipal solid waste recycling programs in emerging economies tend to focus on educational and motivational actions, without giving due importance to space at home in order to manage solid waste. The lack of urban equipment and the limited availability of space at home introduce barriers that limit solid waste separating behaviors in emerging economies.Revisión por pare

    Atributos diferenciadores entre el comercio minorista tradicional y el moderno

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    La presente investigación se enfoca en identificar las diferencias entre el comercio tradicional (mercados de abastos) y el comercio moderno (supermercados), en un contexto en el cual el mercado tradicional representa alrededor del 80% de la venta de alimentos no procesados. Estas diferencias contribuyen a frenar la expansión del comercio moderno en algunas megaciudades. El método tomó como fuente una encuesta realizada por la Organización de Agricultura y Alimentos de las Naciones Unidas (fao) en el 2017 a amas de casa de Lima metropolitana, aplicando un muestreo probabilístico. Se evaluaron estadísticamente tanto los atributos del grupo de amas de casa que refirieron comprar en un mercado de abastos como los de las amas de casa que prefirieron un supermercado. Los resultados muestran cómo el trato personal y las posibilidades de regatear son los atributos diferenciadores en el grupo de amas de casa que prefieren el canal tradicional frente al moderno, y que aquellas que prefieren el comercio moderno lo hacen por darle mayor importancia a los atributos de seguridad, limpieza y estacionamiento de vehículos. Finalmente, se concluye que los atributos diferenciadores están asociados a la atmósfera, por lo que precio, variedad, conveniencia e, incluso, el hecho de ser un alimento fresco son atributos relevantes para la decisión, pero no son atributos diferenciadores.This research was aimed at identifying the differences between traditional (traditional markets) and modern trade (supermarkets) in a context where traditional markets represent around 80% of the total sales of unprocessed food. Said differences contribute to limit the expan-sion of modern trade in some megacities. The method employed was based on a survey conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (fao) in 2017 to housewives from Lima Metropolitan Area and the use of probabilistic sampling. The attributes that discriminate the group of participants who preferred buying in a traditional market from those who chose a supermarket were evaluated statistically. Results show how personal interactions and the possibilities for bargaining are the differentiating attributes in the group of housewives who prefer the traditional channel. Findings also show that those who are fond of the modern channel allocate greater importance to the attributes of security, hygiene and the offer of parking spots. Finally, we conclude that the differentiating attributes are related to the atmosphere of the location. Hence, price, variety, convenience, and even food freshness are relevant attributes for the purchasing decision, although they cannot be deemed as differentiating attributes

    Analizando artículos en Scopus sobre posverdad y noticias falsas con un algoritmo de aprendizaje no supervisado / Analyzing Scopus articles on post-truth and fake news with an unsupervised learning algorithm

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    Los términos posverdad y noticias falsas han sido estudiados por numerosos autores, usando diversos enfoques y metodologías. En este contexto, buscamos consolidar todo lo publicado en Scopus sobre el tema, proponiendo los siguientes objetivos: identificar los temas más frecuentes por año, relacionados con posverdad y noticias falsas; y clasificar los temas obtenidos, teniendo en cuenta su evolución a lo largo de los años. La metodología empleada consistió en aplicar el modelado de temas, que usa un algoritmo de aprendizaje no supervisado, extrayendo 9 temas importantes, los que posteriormente fueron clasificados en dos bloques: proliferación de noticias falsas en contexto político, público y periodístico; y, desinformación sin intención e intencional, y como podemos combatirla. Las contribuciones del estudio son: la metodología que puede ser replicada en otros contextos; y los temas y clasificaciones obtenidos que pueden servir como punto de partida para futuras investigaciones sobre posverdad y noticias falsas. / The terms post-truth and fake news have been studied by numerous authors, using various approaches and methodologies. In this context, we seek to consolidate everything published in Scopus on the subject, proposing the following objectives: identify the most frequent topics per year, related to post-truth and fake news; and classify the topics obtained, taking into account their evolution over the years. The methodology used consisted of applying topic modeling, which uses an unsupervised learning algorithm, extracting 9 important topics, which were later classified into two blocks: proliferation of fake news in political, public and journalistic contexts; and, misinformation and disinformation, and how we can combat it. The contributions of the study are: the methodology that can be replicated in other contexts; and the topics and classifications obtained that can serve as a starting point for future research on post-truth and fake news

    Uso de CRM Social para mejorar Campañas de Marketing Dirigido en Sector Minorista - Use of Social CRM to improve Targeted Marketing Campaigns in the Retail Sector

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    Este estudio pretende demostrar que la efectividad de una campaña dirigida de marketing usando cupones puede mejorar utilizando elementos del CRM Social. Para lograrlo, se realizó un experimento consistente en otorgar el beneficio de 40% de descuento en todo el vestuario de las Tiendas por Departamentos Paris, gran cadena de almacenes con presencia en varias ciudades de Perú, durante solo un día y aplicado a las 10 tiendas a nivel nacional. Para el CRM Tradicional se utilizó mailing y couponing, mientras que para el CRM Social se utilizó Facebook Dirigido; en ambos casos el cliente tenía que presentar el cupón (físico o virtual), ya que tenía un código de barras para aplicar el descuento y permitir hacer el seguimiento de la campaña. Los resultados muestran que la proporción de clientes que usaron el cupón recibido mediante el CRM Social fue significativamente diferente que los que usaron mailing y couponing. \ \ This study aims to demonstrate that the effectiveness of a targeted marketing campaign using coupons can be improved using elements of Social CRM. To achieve this, an experiment was carried out consisting in granting the benefit of 40% discount in the clothing department at Department Stores Paris, a large retail chain with presence in several cities of Peru, only applied by one day in the 10 stores at the national level. For the Traditional CRM, mailing and couponing were used, while for Social CRM, Targeted Facebook was used; in both cases, the customer had to present the coupon (physical or virtual), since it had a bar code to apply the discount and allow the campaign to be tracked. The results show that the proportion of customers who used the coupon received through Social CRM was significantly different from those who used mailing and couponing