2 research outputs found

    Los árboles fuera del bosque en la NAMA forestal de Colombia. Elementos conceptuales para su contabilización

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    Limitaciones técnicas, financieras y normativas hacen que la agroforestería y los sistemas basados en arboles (TBS) no sean visibles en los Inventarios Nacionales de Gases de Efecto Invernadero (INGEI) a pesar de que en muchos países han expresado voluntad politíca de promoverlos como medida de adaptación y mitigación del cambio climático. Su potencial de mitigación permanece así desconocido y no reconocido, limitando su intragración en las planificaciones de los sectores productivos agrícola, ganadero y forestal. Colombi ahace parte de los países que proponen NAMAs con sistemas agroforestales (SAF) y TBS, prooniendo una NAMA Forestal (en elaboración) enfocada en paisajes forestales sostenibles. A parte, icnorpora de manera indirecta (en las emisiones/remociones de las tierras forestales) y todavía parcial los TBS y SAF en su INGEI. Retan el reporte directo (MRV nacional): i) la falta de una clara definición de los SAF y TBS, ii) el acceso a información de calidad y iii) la definición de responsabilidades claras sobre reporte para evitar traslapes y doble contabilidad con medidas y actividades del sector agropecuario. Se contribuye a la construcción y definición de la estructura del MRV de la NAMA y a su articulación con las demás iniciativas en el sector AFOLU proponiendo una clasificación y elementos conceptuales para visibilizar SAF y TBS en el MRV nacional.Technical, financial and regulatory constraints mean that agroforestry and tree based systems (TBS) are not visible in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (INGEI) despite the fact that in many countries they have expressed a political will to promote them as a climate change adaptation and mitigation measure. Their mitigation potential thus remains unknown and unrecognized, limiting their intrusion into the planning of the agricultural, livestock and forestry productive sectors. Colombia is part of the countries that propose NAMAs with agroforestry systems (SAF) and TBS, proposing a Forest NAMA (under development) focused on sustainable forest landscapes. In addition, it incorporates indirectly (in emissions/removals from forest lands) and still partially the TBS and SAF in its INGEI. Direct reporting (national MRV) is challenged by: i) the lack of a clear definition of PAS and TBS, ii) access to quality information and iii) the definition of clear reporting responsibilities to avoid overlaps and double counting with agricultural sector measures and activities. It contributes to the construction and definition of NAMA's MRV structure and to its articulation with the other initiatives in the AFOLU sector by proposing a classification and conceptual elements to make SAF and TBS visible in the national MRV

    Science effectively informs policy processes in Colombia toward low-emission agriculture: Reflections on the process of incorporating EC-LEDS research results into national low-carbon policies in agriculture

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    The translation of low-emission development policies into implementation on the ground requires research outputs that can be developed in collaboration with key stakeholders. This helps to understand stakeholders’ roles and policy processes as well as enhancing technical capacity that facilitates the uptake of scientific results. An improved GHG National Inventory by decreasing uncertainties in emission calculations and estimates of emission reduction potential from cacao plantations can help to achieve Colombia’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) target. Scaling the use of low-emission development research outputs need institutionalization and capacity strengthening of key stakeholders at different levels. There is a need to better support decision-makers’ use of technical information for strategic emission reductions planning, policy development, and implementation to deliver significant mitigation outcomes in agriculture. The creation of an effective communication platform, including LED resources, can serve this purpose