557 research outputs found

    The Higgs Boson Mass in Split Supersymmetry at Two-Loops

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    The mass of the Higgs boson in the Split Supersymmetric Standard Model is calculated, including all one-loop threshold effects and the renormalization group evolution of the Higgs quartic coupling through two-loops. The two-loop corrections are very small (<<1 GeV), while the one-loop threshold corrections generally push the Higgs mass down several GeV.Comment: 17 pages. 4 figures. Improved discussion and notation. Corrected typos. Added references. Added plots. Main results unchange

    An occupational survey of Lincoln, Kansas

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    Call number: LD2668 .R4 1959 B67

    Misleading signposts along the de Broglie-Bohm road to quantum mechanics

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    Eighty years after de Broglie's, and a little more than half a century after Bohm's seminal papers, the de Broglie--Bohm theory (a.k.a. Bohmian mechanics), which is presumably the simplest theory which explains the orthodox quantum mechanics formalism, has reached an exemplary state of conceptual clarity and mathematical integrity. No other theory of quantum mechanics comes even close. Yet anyone curious enough to walk this road to quantum mechanics is soon being confused by many misleading signposts that have been put up, and not just by its detractors, but unfortunately enough also by some of its proponents. This paper outlines a road map to help navigate ones way.Comment: Dedicated to Jeffrey Bub on occasion of his 65th birthday. Accepted for publication in Foundations of Physics. A "slip of pen" in the bibliography has been corrected -- thanks go to Oliver Passon for catching it

    Prophet Muhammad, Jesus Christus und die transzendente Mitte des Islam: eine historisch-missiologische Untersuchung

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    Text in German with summary in EnglishBibliography: leaves 168-182In dieser missiologischen Arbeit wird das Themenfeld der transzendenten Mitte des Islam untersucht und in Verbindung damit die Bedeutung des Propheten Mu hammad und von Jesus Christus. Die Begrifflichkeit der „transzendenten Mitte“ wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit noch genauer erarbeitet und definiert, vorerst wird sie allgemein als Verbindung von Gottes Selbstmitteilung aus seiner Transzendenz heraus und der damit gegebenen Möglichkeit der Gotteserkenntnis des Menschen verstanden und verwendet. Schlüsselfigur für diese Selbstmitteilung Gottes ist für den Islam Muhammad. In der klassischen Islam- und Koranforschung wird bisher ganz selbstverständlich auf die legendenhafte und historisch alles andere als zuverlässige islamische Überliefe rung zurückgegriffen, die dessen Lebens- und Wirkungsgeschichte belegen will. Die Ergebnisse der neueren historischen Forschung lassen eine völlig andere Interpre tation der Entstehung des Islam zu. Demnach entwickelte sich aus der Identifikati onsfigur eines arabischen Führers die Idealfigur des islamischen Propheten. Einige Forscher gehen dagegen sogar von der Uminterpretation einer zunächst vorhan denen (wenn auch antitrinitarischen) Christusvorstellung innerhalb der zunächst christlich geprägten Araber aus, und sprechen von Jesus Christus als „Muhammad 1“ und vom Propheten des Islam als Ergebnis dieses Umdenkprozesses als „Mu hammad 2“. Diese Ansätze ermöglichen eine neue Perspektive für den christlich-muslimischen Dialog. Das Ziel dieser missiologischen Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der transzenden ten Mitte im Allgemeinen sowie ihre Bedeutungsentwicklung innerhalb des Islam aus historischer Sicht aufgrund gegenwärtiger Forschungsergebnisse. Damit sollen auch die Bedeutung des Propheten Muhammad sowie von Jesus Christus jeweils als Mittler zwischen Gott und Menschen untersucht werden. Die abschließende Frage beschäftigt sich mit der missiologischen Einordnung der Ergebnisse in ihrer Relevanz für den christlich-muslimischen Dialog und das christliche Zeugnis vor Muslimen. Diese Forschung baut auf die Forschungsergebnisse historischer bzw. archäolo gischer und philologischer Untersuchung im Rahmen der historisch-kritischen Is lamforschung. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse dazu analysiere und reflektiere ich in dieser Arbeit abschließend aus missiologischer Sicht.Christian Spirituality, Church History and MissiologyM. Th. (Missiology

    Delay Compensation for Real Time Disturbance Estimation at Extremely Large Telescopes

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    In ground-based astronomy, aberrations due to structural vibrations, such as piston, limit the achievable resolution and cannot be corrected using adaptive optics (AO) for large telescopes. We present a model-free strategy to estimate and compensate piston aberrations due to the vibrations of optical components using accelerometer disturbance feed forward, eventually allowing the use of fainter guide stars both for the fringe detector and in the AO loop. Because the correction performance is very sensitive to signal delays, we present a strategy to add a delay compensation to the developed disturbance estimator, which can, in principle, be applied to many other applications outside of astronomy that lack observer performance due to a measurement delay or need a prediction to compensate for input delays. The ability to estimate vibration disturbances in the critical frequency range of 8-60 Hz is demonstrated with on sky data from the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) Interferometer, an interferometer at the LBT. The experimental results are promising, indicating the ability to suppress differential piston induced by telescope vibrations by a factor of about 3 (rms), which is significantly better than any currently commissioned system

    Quantum properties of classical Fisher information

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    The Fisher information of a quantum observable is shown to be proportional to both (i) the difference of a quantum and a classical variance, thus providing a measure of nonclassicality; and (ii) the rate of entropy increase under Gaussian diffusion, thus providing a measure of robustness. The joint nonclassicality of position and momentum observables is shown to be complementary to their joint robustness in an exact sense.Comment: 16 page

    Association of cardiovascular risk factors with microalbuminuria in hypertensive individuals: the i-SEARCH global study

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    OBJECTIVES: To define the prevalence of microalbuminuria (MAU) in hypertensive outpatients attending a cardiologist or internist (i-SEARCH A) and to compare hypertensive outpatients with or without coronary artery disease (CAD; i-SEARCH B). A secondary objective was to establish a correlation between MAU and known cardiovascular risk factors. METHODS: i-SEARCH was an international, observational study. which enrolled consecutive outpatients with hypertension. Patients with reasons for a false-positive MAU test were excluded. Main outcome measures were the prevalence of MAU as assessed using a dipstick test, hypertension co-morbidities, co-medication and presence of known cardiovascular risk factors. RESULTS: A total of 21,050 patients, from 26 countries, were included in the primary analysis. Overall prevalence of MAU was 58.4% (men > women), although there was considerable variation in prevalence across countries and continents (maximum 71% in Vietnam/Indonesia; minimum 53% in Germany/Switzerland). In multivariate analyses, predictors of MAU were identified to be male gender, high waist circumference, systolic blood pressure >or= 120 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure >or= 100 mmHg, creatinine clearance >or= 50 ml/min, and the presence of diabetes, congestive heart failure, CAD, history of cerebral pathology, peripheral arterial disease, dyspnoea or palpitations. MAU was present more often in patients with CAD than in patients without. CONCLUSIONS: MAU is extremely common in hypertensive outpatients worldwide, especially in patients with known cardiovascular risk factors. Given its importance as a strong, early and independent marker of increased cardiovascular risk in hypertension, the results of i-SEARCH mandate more rigorous MAU screening of hypertensive patients in clinical practice

    Measurement in Quantum Physics

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    The conceptual problems in quantum mechanics -- related to the collapse of the wave function, the particle-wave duality, the meaning of measurement -- arise from the need to ascribe particle character to the wave function. As will be shown, all these problems dissolve when working instead with quantum fields, which have both wave and particle character. Otherwise the predictions of quantum physics, including Bell's inequalities, coincide with those of the standard treatments. The transfer of the results of the quantum measurement to the classical realm is also discussed.Comment: 34 pages, in Latex, revised and expanded version with an extra appendix on decoherenc

    A Model of Function-Based Representations

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    The need to model and to reason about design alternatives throughout the design process demands robust representation schemes of function, behavior, and structure. Function describes the physical effect imposed on an energy or material flow by a design entity without regard for the working principles or physical solutions used to accomplish this effect. Behaviors are the physical events associated with a physical artifact (or hypothesized concept) over time (or simulated time) as perceived by an observer. Structure, the most tangible concept, partitions an artifact into meaningful constituents such as features, Wirk elements, and interfaces in addition to the widely used assemblies and components. The focus of this work is on defining a model for function-based representations that can be used across various design methodologies and for a variety of design tasks throughout all stages of the design process. In particular, the mapping between function and structure is explored and, to a lesser extent, its impact on behavior is noted. Clearly, the issues of a function-based representation\u27s composition and mappings directly impact certain computational synthesis methods that rely on (digitally) archived product design knowledge. Moreover, functions have already been related to not only form, but also information of user actions, performance parameters in the form of equations, and failure mode data. It is essential to understand the composition and mappings of functions and their relation to design activities because this information is part of the foundation for function-based methods, and consequently dictates the performance of those methods. Toward this end, the important findings of this work include a formalism for two aspects of function-based representations (composition and mappings), the supported design activities of the model for function-based representations, and examples of how computational design methods benefit from this formalism
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