20 research outputs found

    Revealing a diamond through its facets: A study into the challenges for organization to combine team and occupational identities

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    Mixed method argumentative Delphi study on the impact of 2 social identities on team performance and professional development. The delphi had 3 rounds. The data has been anonymized. Each participant has an ID number

    Revealing a diamond through its facets: A study into the challenges for organization to combine team and occupational identities

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    Mixed method argumentative Delphi study on the impact of 2 social identities on team performance and professional development. The delphi had 3 rounds. The data has been anonymized. Each participant has an ID number

    Validation of Adaptive Expertise Inventory

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    Data collected within 1) the PREMIUM master honors program, and 2) through online groups on LinkedIn. The goal of the data was to validate an instrument to measure adaptive expertise. The data is used in this article: Bohle-Carbonell, K., Könings, K. D., Segers. M. and van Merrienboer, J. J. G. (2015). Measuring Adaptive Expertise: Instrument Validation. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 25 (2), doi: 10.1080/1359432X.2015.1036858 The article is available at: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1359432X.2015.1036858?journalCode=pewo2

    Investigación sobre innovación en gestión y STEM para la sostenibilidad en países en desarrollo Perspectivas de la bibliometría en el Sur global

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    La investigación en innovación para la sostenibilidad en países en vías de desarrollo (i. e., el Sur global: sg) es crucial para la agenda de desarrollo global. Investigaciones previas han contribuido en establecer la relación entre sostenibilidad y administración señalando la desfragmentación entre áreas de investigación e industrias. No obstante, poco se sabe sobre el rol integrativo de la innovación en administración y stem (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) para la sostenibilidad en el sg. Este estudio presenta un estudio bibliométrico exploratorio sobre la producción, impacto y estructura de la investigación en innovación y administración y stem para la sostenibilidad en el sg con base en una muestra de más de 14, 000 documentos indexados en Scopus. China es el líder en producción e impacto, además de establecer la agenda de investigación según sus prioridades. Las áreas de investigación en el sg son periféricas a los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio y la colaboración Sur-Norte es más frecuente que la Sur-Sur.Research on innovation for sustainability in developing countries (i. e., the Global South: gs) is crucial for the global development agenda. Previous research has contributed to establishing the relationship between sustainability and management and outlining fragmented insights on several research topics and industries. However, little is known on the integrative role of innovation in management and stem (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) for sustainability in the gs. Here, we present an exploratory bibliometric outlook on the output, impact, and structure of the research innovation in management and stem for sustainability in the gs based on a sample of 14,000+ documents indexed in Scopus. China is leading the overall output and impact and is setting the research agenda by its priorities. Research topics in the gs are rather peripherical to the Sustainable Development Goals and South-North collaboration is more frequent than South-South

    Remote working during COVID-19: Ireland's national survey - Phase II report

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    Introduction & Background The national remote working project is undertaken by NUI Galway and the Western Development Commission (WDC). This report sets out the findings of Phase II of the Remote Working during COVID-19 National Survey conducted in Ireland in October 2020 during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report presents the experiences of employees across Ireland who are continuing to work remotely six months after the national lockdown. The report follows on from the first national survey conducted in April-May 2020 immediately after lockdown (McCarthy, Ahearne, Bohle Carbonell, Ó Síocháin and Frost, 2020). The first national remote working during COVID-19 report is available here.non-peer-reviewe

    Remote working during COVID-19: Ireland's national survey - Phase II report

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    Introduction & Background The national remote working project is undertaken by NUI Galway and the Western Development Commission (WDC). This report sets out the findings of Phase II of the Remote Working during COVID-19 National Survey conducted in Ireland in October 2020 during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report presents the experiences of employees across Ireland who are continuing to work remotely six months after the national lockdown. The report follows on from the first national survey conducted in April-May 2020 immediately after lockdown (McCarthy, Ahearne, Bohle Carbonell, Ó Síocháin and Frost, 2020). The first national remote working during COVID-19 report is available here.non-peer-reviewe

    Remote working during COVID-19: Ireland\u27s national survey - Phase II report

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    Introduction & Background The national remote working project is undertaken by NUI Galway and the Western Development Commission (WDC). This report sets out the findings of Phase II of the Remote Working during COVID-19 National Survey conducted in Ireland in October 2020 during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report presents the experiences of employees across Ireland who are continuing to work remotely six months after the national lockdown. The report follows on from the first national survey conducted in April-May 2020 immediately after lockdown (McCarthy, Ahearne, Bohle Carbonell, Ó Síocháin and Frost, 2020). The first national remote working during COVID-19 report is available here