25 research outputs found
Efficacy and Safety of the Collagenase of the Bacterium Clostridium Histolyticum for the Treatment of Capsular Contracture after Silicone Implants: Ex-Vivo Study on Human Tissue - Fig 6
<p>Example pictures of Picro Sirius red staining under light microscopy, circularly polarized light microscopy and immunohistochemistry staining for collagen 2 and 4 (from top to bottom) of capsule contracture tissue after incubation with 0.0, 0.3, 0.9, and 1.8mg/ml of collagenase (from left to right). After collagenase incubation only collagen 4 is detectable in immunohistology all other collagen subtypes were successfully digested.</p
Density of capsule contracture tissue samples (y-axis, %) after incubation with different doses of collagenase (x-axis, mg/ml).
<p>Brackets indicate statistically significant differences (p<0.05).</p
Thickness of capsule contracture tissue samples (y-axis, mm) after incubation with different doses of collagenase (x-axis, mg/ml) in correlation to capsule density (<20%, black and 20–40%, white).
<p>Thickness of capsule contracture tissue samples (y-axis, mm) after incubation with different doses of collagenase (x-axis, mg/ml) in correlation to capsule density (<20%, black and 20–40%, white).</p
Custom-made titanium chamber for incubation of capsular contracture tissue and full thickness breast skin samples with 4 different doses of collagenase.
<p>Custom-made titanium chamber for incubation of capsular contracture tissue and full thickness breast skin samples with 4 different doses of collagenase.</p
Thickness of capsule contracture tissue samples (y-axis, mm) after incubation with different doses of collagenase (x-axis, mg/ml).
<p>Brackets indicate statistically significant differences (p<0.05).</p
Boxplots of contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) of each reconstruction.
<p>A- Artery. B- Vein.</p
Collagen concentration of capsule contracture tissue samples (y-axis, μg/gr. Tissue) after incubation with different doses of collagenase (x-axis, mg/ml).
<p>Brackets indicate statistically significant differences (p<0.05).</p
Mean image quality score (average of two readers) for each of the eight image reconstruction strategies at each vessel.
*<p>Significantly lower compared to at least one other reconstruction. “-” indicates no statistical comparison due to a small number in each subgroup.</p
Boxplots of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for each reconstruction.
<p>A- Muscle. B- Fat. C- Artery. D- Vein.</p
Mean (+/- standard deviation) capsule volume in MRI of each study group.
<p>Results were not statistically significant.</p