20 research outputs found

    Electrochemical properties of thiol monolayers at surfaces of different electrodes

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    Solid amalgam electrodes covered by a mercury meniscus or by mercury film (m-AgSAE, MF-AgSAE, m-CuSAE, m-BiAgSAE and m-CdSAE) are convenient for obtaining thiol films which are bound to different metals. By choosing an appropriate metal for the amalgam preparation, a thiol monolayer can be created which is stable in the given potential range. After a short accumulation time (1-2 min), the area of the reduction peak (charge) practically does not change it the monolayer is created from 1 nM thiol solution. Statistical results based on many times repeated formation and desorption of thiol monolayers (RSD = 2-3 %) attest that the stationary SAEs are convenient tools for study of electrochemical properties of thiol films

    Monolayers at electrodes as basis for models of natural membranes

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    Properties of thiol (HS(CH2)10COOH) monolayers were investigated at stationary electrodes based on silver, copper, bismuth and cadmium solid amalgams covered by a mercury meniscus or by a mercury film. For comparison, parallel experiments were performed at a classical hanging mercury drop electrode. Dependences of monolayer parameters on time of electrochemical deposition of thiol and on scan rate were performed. Statistical evaluation of all obtained results has confirmed that solid amalgam electrodes are a convenient tool for research of thiol layers

    Electrochemical Enzymatic Biosensors for Determination of Catecholamines in Flow Systems

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    Several biosensors (BS) based on flow enzymatic mini-reactors containing a mesoporous silica powder covered by enzyme laccase or tyrosinase were used for determination of L-DOPA, dopamine, noradrenaline, and adrenaline. The silica powder of MCM-41 with covalently bonded laccase was found to be the best reactor filling for the detection of catecholamines. Relative current response of such BS was 100 % for dopamine, 32.1 % for L-DOPA, 26.2 % for noradrenaline, and 0.71 % for adrenaline. The practical applicability of Lac-MCM41 biosensor was successfully verified by the determination of dopamine and noradrenaline in medical solutions for infusions

    Preparation and Properties of Mercury Films on Solid Amalgam Surface

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    There have been suggested a simple electrolyzer and a reliable procedure for preparation of mercury films with precisely defined thickness on a conducting surface. A small volume of electrolyte which can be used more times and a paste amalgam which cannot spill substantially decrease a risk of environment contamination. Measurements were parallelly performed on a liquid mercury free silver solid amalgam electrode (AgSAE), on a mercury meniscus modified AgSAE and on HMDE for comparing their properties with those of the mercury film electrodes (MF-AgSAE). A current response of the film electrodes is the biggest. The peak width, which determines the method resolution, is smallest on the film electrodes. Range of working potentials on MF-AgSAE is comparable with one on HMDE in different supporting electrolytes

    Electrochemical Measurements in Flow Systems on Silver Amalgam Tubular Detector Combined with Auxiliary Electrode

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    A new type of tubular detector (TD+AuxE) was proposed, fabricated, tested and compared\nwith a typical silver amalgam tubular detector developed earlier. Non-stop-flow differential\npulse voltammetric anodic stripping method (AS-DPV) and amperometric method in a\nglucose oxidase biosensor arrangement were tested. Both detectors were applied for AS-DPV\nmeasurements in flow systems for the first time. The proposed combination of tubular\ndetector with auxiliary electrode provides a much greater current response than the classic\narrangement with three individual electrodes. All relevant parameters (potentials of\naccumulation or detection, flow rate, analyte concentrations, shielding sleeve length, etc.)\nwere optimized for the developed TD+AuxE

    Reproducibility of working electrodes in voltammetry

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    In voltammetry the working electrode is the source of signal from which the due information is gained. A transition from the dropping mercury electrode to any kind of stationary electrode is inevitably accompanied by worsened reproducibility of measurements, the transition to the hanging mercury drop electrode is accompanied by a certain instrumental complication. When solving a concrete task, the precision of reproducibility of measurements often becomes the decisive factor for selecting a particular type of working electrode, or for taking voltammetry as the method of choice. This work is the beginning of a wider study which includes comparison of different working electrodes and finding of optimal conditions guaranteed reproducible measurements of various electrode processes (reduction, oxidation, accumulation, adsorption and catalysis)

    Preparation, Testing and Application of Amalgam Screen-Printed Electrodes

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    Silver amalgam screen-printed electrodes (AgA-SPEs) were designed, prepared, and tested for\nthe first time as perspective representatives among SPEs for measuring at high negative\npotentials. The precise coulometric preparation procedure for mercury deposition at the\nworking electrode surface of the commercial silver-SPE was developed. An optimal\nelectrolyzer construction for the mercury deposition, electrolyte composition, and electrolysis\nconditions were proposed. The maximum value of hydrogen overvoltage (-1979 ± 4 mV) was\nfound on AgA-SPE with 50% (w/w) of Hg content in 0.1 mol L-1 NaOH, which is more negative\nthan with the original silver-SPE for 387 mV (-1592 ± 12 mV)

    Working amalgam paste electrodes

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    Working amalgam paste electrodes