151 research outputs found

    Low-temperature ordered phases of the spin-12\frac{1}{2} XXZ chain system Cs2_2CoCl4_4

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    In this study the magnetic order of the spin-1/2 XXZ chain system Cs2_2CoCl4_4 in a temperature range from 50 mK to 0.5 K and in applied magnetic fields up to 3.5 T is investigated by high-resolution measurements of the thermal expansion and the specific heat. Applying magnetic fields along a or c suppresses TNT_\textrm{N} completely at about 2.1 T. In addition, we find an adjacent intermediate phase before the magnetization saturates close to 2.5 T. For magnetic fields applied along b, a surprisingly rich phase diagram arises. Two additional transitions are observed at critical fields μ0HSF1≃0.25\mu_0 H_{SF1}\simeq 0.25 T and μ0HSF2≃0.7\mu_0 H_{SF2}\simeq 0.7 T, which we propose to arise from a two-stage spin-flop transition.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    North Atlantic marine biogenic silica accumulation through the early-to-mid Paleogene: implications for ocean circulation and silicate weathering feedback

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    The Paleogene history of biogenic opal accumulation in the North Atlantic provides insight into both the evolution of deep-water circulation in the Atlantic basin, and weathering responses to major climate shifts. However, existing records are compromised by low temporal resolution and/or stratigraphic discontinuities. In order to address this problem, we present a multi-site, high-resolution record of biogenic silica (bioSiO2) accumulation from Blake Nose (ODP Leg 171B, western North Atlantic) spanning the early Paleocene through late Eocene time interval (~65‒34 Ma). This record represents the longest single-locality history of marine bioSiO2 burial compiled to date and offers a unique perspective into changes in bioSiO2 fluxes through the early-to-mid Paleogene extreme greenhouse interval and subsequent period of long-term cooling. Blake Nose bioSiO2 fluxes display prominent fluctuations that we attribute to variations in sub-thermocline nutrient supply via cyclonic eddies associated with the Gulf Stream. Whereas few constraints are available on the bioSiO2 flux pulses peaking in the early Paleocene and early Eocene, a middle Eocene interval of elevated bioSiO2 flux between ~46 and 42 Ma is proposed to reflect nutrient enrichment due to invigorated overturning circulation following an early onset of Northern Component Water export from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea at ~49 Ma. Comparison of our North Atlantic record against published Pacific bioSiO2 flux records indicates a diminished nutrient supply to the Atlantic between ~42 and 38 Ma, interpreted as a response to weakening of the overturning circulation. Subsequently, a deep-water circulation regime favoring limited bioSiO2 burial in Atlantic and enhanced bioSiO2 burial in the Pacific was established after ~38 Ma, likely in association with a further invigoration of deep-water export from the North Atlantic. We also observe that Blake Nose bioSiO2 fluxes through the middle Eocene cooling interval (~48 to 34 Ma) are consistently higher than background fluxes throughout the late Paleocene‒early Eocene interval of intense greenhouse warmth. This observation is consistent with a temporally variable rather than constant silicate weathering feedback strength model for the Paleogene, which would instead predict that marine bioSiO2 burial should peak during periods of extreme warming

    Core-Log -Seismic Integration for the Cretaceous to Oligocene sequence in the African-Southern Ocean gateway: First results from the Agulhas Plateau (IODP Sites U1579 and U1580)

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    Climate models have identified significant geography-related Cenozoic cooling arising from the opening of Southern Ocean gateways (e.g., Sauermilch et al., 2021). For example, a gradual strengthening of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) has been proposed as the primary cause of cooler deep ocean temperatures associated with the transition from the Cretaceous "Supergreenhouse" to the Oligocene icehouse (e.g., Sijp et al., 2014). IODP Expedition 392 'Agulhas Plateau Cretaceous Climate' drilled four sites in the African-Southern Ocean gateway in 2022 to significantly advance understanding of how temperatures, ocean circulation, and sedimentation patterns evolved as CO2 levels rose and fell and Gondwana broke up (Uenzelmann-Neben et al., 2022). Prior to Exp 392, seismostratigraphic models developed for the African-Southern Ocean gateway relied solely on age data from remote drilling sites and information from piston cores, gravity cores, and dredge samples. As a result, a high level of uncertainty had to be assumed for reflector age information, particularly for the sparsely sampled pre-Miocene sedimentary column. We here present preliminary findings from a revised seismostratigraphy based on core-log-seismic integration at Sites U1579 (central Agulhas Plateau) and U1580 (southern Agulhas Plateau), both of which are located at the heart of the African-Southern Ocean gateway. Core density and velocity data were edited, corrected to in-situ conditions, and combined with downhole logging data. Synthetic seismograms provide an accurate traveltime to depth conversion and show an excellent correlation of drilling results with the site survey seismic field records. A first correlation of the seismic reflection data with the preliminary shipboard bio- and magnetostratigraphy reveals that the published seismostratigraphic models are erroneous and need revisions, for example, a reflector interpreted to represent a lower Eocene sea level highstand on the Agulhas Plateau has now been identified as the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary. Further prominent reflectors can be associated with the Eocene-Oligocene transition (EOT), the top and bottom of zeolitic siliciclastic sandstones (Santonian) and intra-basalt reflections, interpreted as sills. The core-seismic correlation allows tying major changes in other physical properties (e.g., colour reflectance, natural gamma radiation), chemical composition (e.g., major element ratios from XRF core scanning) and sedimentological parameters (e.g., grain size) to the seismic grids, which will aid reconstructions of oceanic circulation changes and magmatism variations in relation to the development of the Agulhas Plateau

    North Atlantic evidence for a for a unipolar icehouse climate state at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition

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    This is the final version. Available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.Earth’s climate transitioned from a warm unglaciated state to a colder glaciated ‘icehouse’ state during the Cenozoic. Extensive ice sheets were first sustained on Antarctica at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition (EOT, ~34 Ma), but there is intense debate over whether Northern Hemisphere ice sheets developed simultaneously at this time, or tens of millions of years later. Here we report on EOT-age sediments that contain detrital sand from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Sites U1406 and U1411 on the Newfoundland margin. These sites are ideally located to test competing hypotheses of the extent of Arctic glaciation, being situated in the North Atlantic’s 'iceberg alley' where icebergs, calved from both the Greenland Ice Sheet today, and the Laurentide Ice Sheet during the Pleistocene, are concentrated by the Labrador Current and deposit continentally-derived detritus. Here we show that detrital sand grains present in these EOT-aged sediments from the Newfoundland margin, initially interpreted to represent ice rafting, were sourced from the mid-latitudes of North America. We find that these grains were transported to the western North Atlantic by fluvial and downslope processes, not icebergs, and were subsequently reworked and deposited by deep-water contour currents on the Newfoundland margin. Our findings are inconsistent with the presence of extensive ice sheets on southern and western Greenland, and the northeastern Canadian Arctic. This contradicts extensive bipolar glaciation at the EOT. The unipolar icehouse arose because of contrasting latitudinal continental configurations at the poles, requiring more intense Cenozoic climatic deterioration to trigger extensive Northern Hemisphere glaciation.Royal Societ

    The Origin of the Agulhas Plateau at the African-Southern Ocean Gateway (IODP Exp. 392): First Results From Igneous Rock Geochemistry

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    The opening of the Southern Ocean gateways allowed the emergence of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), crucial for the onset of global Cenozoic cooling (e.g., Sijp et al., 2014, Glob. Planet. Change 119; Voigt et al., 2013, EPSL 369/370). South of Africa, the opening was associated with the formation of several large igneous provinces (LIPs) including the Mozambique Ridge, Agulhas Plateau and the smaller Northeast Georgia Rise and Maud Rise. Plate tectonic reconstructions imply that the latter two were once part of the much greater Agulhas Plateau and were separated by subsequent rifting (Parsaglia et al., 2008, Geophys. J. Int. 174). It is debated whether and to what extent the emplacement of these large volcanic features obstructed the exchange of water masses between the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean thereby delaying the onset of the ACC. The Agulhas Plateau was drilled during recent IODP Expedition 392 (Uenzelmann-Neben, Bohaty, Childress, et al., IODP Exp. 392 Preliminary Report, 2022). Igneous rocks were recovered at two sites on the southern part of the plateau (Sites U1579, U1580) and at one site near its northern edge (U1582). Preliminary data indicate that all sites returned tholeiitic or transitional basalts, formed by low pressure (shallow magma chamber) fractionation of mainly olivine and plagioclase (as typical for mid-ocean ridge basalts and many LIP lavas). The volcanic glass composition from extrusive (pillow) lavas cored at Site U1582 possesses a clearly tholeiitic composition with narrow compositional range ((La/Sm)n and (Sm/Yb)n ratios spanning from ~0.69-0.77 and 0.73-0.81, respectively (primitive-mantle normalized)). Their H2O/Ce ratios range from 422 to 629, which is obviously higher than found in normal mid-ocean ridge basalts or ocean island basalts (usually <250). Their δ11B composition indicate that these high H2O/Ce ratios are not caused by seawater assimilation. Whole rock samples from Sites U1579 and U1580 have a transitional composition. Accordingly, they show a more widespread geochemical composition with (La/Sm)n and (Sm/Yb)n ratios ranging from 0.69 to 0.75 and 0.81 to 1.19 (U1579) and 0.89 to 1.63 and 1.38 to 1.97 (U1580). Upcoming geochemical investigations, including Sr, Nd, Hf, Pb isotope analyses, will further reveal the nature and source of the magmatism

    Evolutionary Developments in Alkenones from the Campanian to Paleocene Recorded in Sediments from the Transkei Basin (IODP Site U1581)

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    Campanian to Paleocene organic-rich sediments (~74-60 Ma) recovered from the Transkei Basin (Hole U1581B), offshore South Africa, during IODP Expedition 392 contain suites of C37-C40 alkenones derived from haptophyte algae that extend the temporal continuity of their occurrences and expand their paleogeographic range to high southern latitudes (~58°S) during this time interval. Alkenone profiles are broadly similar throughout the stratigraphic section with the similarity between Maastrichtian and Danian samples indicating a conformity in biosynthetic pathways across the K/Pg boundary. Thus, the source haptophytes for alkenones survived and subsequently recovered after the extinction event, consistent with temporal trends for assemblages of calcareous nannoplankton from the southern hemisphere. The lineages of specific alkenones record evolutionary developments in their biosynthetic pathways. The occurrence of a methyl C39:2 alkenone in the Paleocene and both methyl and ethyl C38 and C39 alkenones in the Campanian extends the range of occurrence of alkenone with carbonyl groups at multiple positions, and the required duality in their biosynthetic pathways. The dominance of the C40 alkadien-3-one in several samples contrasts with its scarcity in Neogene marine sediments and presence among extant haptophytes. C40 alkenones are prevalent constituents of coastal and lacustrine species in phylogenic Group II, notably Isochrysis, but have only once been reported in marine species from phylogenic Group III. The sporadic prominence of C40 alkenones prior to the early Eocene seems to reflect a broader suite of active biosynthetic pathways than those expressed by extant marine haptophytes. Thus, Cretaceous through Paleocene marine sediments may reflect alkenone contributions from both Isochrysidaceae (Group II) and Noelaerhabdaceae (Group III) following their divergence in the Early Cretaceous. The accompanying C40:3 alkenone contrasts with the absence of other alkatrienones prior to the appearance of C37 and C38 components in the Paleocene. These data refute the hypothesis that alkatrienones represent a response in haptophyte producers to ocean cooling after the early Eocene Climatic Optimum (EECO) and suggest this biosynthetic innovation may have originated at high southern latitudes

    Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Analysis of Sediments and Lavas Obtained on IODP Expedition 392 Agulhas Plateau Cretaceous Climate

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    IODP Expedition 392 to the Agulhas Plateau (AP) recovered sedimentary and igneous sequences from four sites (Sites 392-U1579, 392-U1580, 392-U1581, and 392-U1582) ranging in age from the Late Cretaceous to the Pleistocene. The primary objectives of this expedition were to examine the nature of the AP basement, the opening of oceanic gateways, and the evolution of the climate system through the Cretaceous hothouse and into the Cenozoic. A key to achieving these objectives is the development of high-quality age models for the sedimentary and igneous sequences recovered from each site. Shipboard age models were developed using a combination of biostratigraphic age constraints, in addition to magnetostratigraphy. To improve upon the age model, shore-based paleomagnetic analysis of discrete samples was performed on intervals where polarity could not be confidently determined from shipboard archive half measurements, specifically focused on intervals where refined age models help achieve the Expedition objectives. Rock and environmental magnetic analysis was also performed on select discrete samples to characterize changes in magnetic mineralogy and grain size throughout the sedimentary sequence captured in each hole. Results from rock magnetic experiments help assess the reliability of measured magnetic signals and further can be used to say something about paleoenvironmental conditions. Magnetic minerals are responsive to many environmental changes including changes in sediment source, redox, weathering, and paleooceanographic conditions and can be utilized as a powerful tool for investigating past environments. Magnetic mineralogic changes will be connected to results from pore water geochemistry and astronomical tuning to help further understand the processes behind the observed changes. Here, we will present on the updated magnetostratigraphy and preliminary rock and environmental magnetic analyses

    Agulhas Plateau Cretaceous Climate: drilling the Agulhas Plateau and Transkei Basin to reconstruct the Cretaceous–Paleogene tectonic and climatic evolution of the Southern Ocean basin

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    During International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 392, three sites were drilled on the Agulhas Plateau and one site was drilled in the Transkei Basin in the Southwest Indian Ocean. This region was positioned at paleolatitudes of ~53°–61°S during the Late Cretaceous (van Hinsbergen et al., 2015) (100–66 Ma) and within the new and evolving gateway between the South Atlantic, Southern Ocean, and southern Indian Ocean basins. Recovery of basement rocks and sedimentary sequences from the Agulhas Plateau sites and a thick sedimentary sequence in the Transkei Basin provides a wealth of new data to (1) determine the nature and origin of the Agulhas Plateau; (2) significantly advance the understanding of how Cretaceous temperatures, ocean circulation, and sedimentation patterns evolved as CO2 levels rose and fell and the breakup of Gondwana progressed; (3) document long-term paleoceanographic variability through the Late Cretaceous and Paleogene; and (4) investigate geochemical interactions between igneous rocks, sediments, and pore waters through the life cycle of a large igneous province (LIP). Importantly, postcruise analysis of Expedition 392 drill cores will allow testing of competing hypotheses concerning Agulhas Plateau LIP formation and the role of deep ocean circulation changes through southern gateways in controlling Late Cretaceous–early Paleogene climate evolution
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