14 research outputs found

    Fibrin structure in organized thrombotic material removed during pulmonary artery endarterectormy : the effect of vessel calibre

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    Pulmonary endarterectomy (PEA) is a curative therapeutic approach in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). The location-dependent structural differences of thrombotic material found in pulmonary arteries in CTEPH are poorly investigated. We present the case of a 47-year-old woman with antiphospholipid syndrome, diabetes mellitus and abnormal fibrin phenotype, who underwent PEA for CTEPH. Intravascular material removed bilaterally during PEA (from lobar, segmental and sub-segmental arteries) has been studied using light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Light microscopy showed tighter fibrous network in the portions of intraluminal thrombotic material facing the vessel wall, which contained collagen and fibrin fibers, and abundant cells. Cells, evaluated by immunostaining, were present in the whole removed material. Tissue factor expression was also observed with the highest values in the portions of intravascular material facing the vessel wall. In the main pulmonary arteries, SEM images revealed thick fibers of fibrous proteins loosly meshed and few erythrocytes and platelets between them (both dysmorphic “wedged” and fresh cells were present). In the fibrotic layers, containing mainly collagen and fibrin, removed from the lobar/segmental pulmonary arteries we found a stepwise increase in fiber density with decreasing vessel calibre, followed by denser fibrous networks composed of thinner fibers. Elastic fibers in the lobar and segmental arteries were aligned along the blood flow vector. These findings demonstrate differences in the structure of endarterectomized PEA material dependent on the vessel calibre and might contribute to understanding of CTEPH pathophysiology

    8-isoprostanes and asymmetric dimethylarginine as predictors of mortality in patients following coronary bypass surgery : a long-term follow-up study

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    Background: We previously demonstrated that enhanced oxidative stress and reduced nitric oxide bioavailability are associated with unfavorable outcomes early after coronary artery bypass grafting. It is not known whether these processes may impact long-term results. We sought to assess whether during long-term follow-up, markers of oxidative stress and nitric oxide bioavailability may predict cardiovascular mortality following bypass surgery. Methods: We studied 152 consecutive patients (118 men, age 65.2 ± 8.3 years) who underwent elective, primary, isolated on-pump bypass surgery. We measured plasma 8-iso-prostaglandin F2α and asymmetric dimethylarginine before surgery and twice after surgery (18–36 h and 5–7 days). We assessed all-cause and cardiovascular death in relation to these two biomarkers during a mean follow-up time of 11.7 years. Results: The overall mortality was 44.7% (4.7 per 100 patient-years) and cardiovascular mortality was 21.0% (2.2 per 100 patient-years). Baseline 8-iso-prostaglandin F2α was associated with cardiovascular mortality (HR 1 pg/mL 1.010, 95% CI 1.001–1.021, p = 0.036) with the optimal cut-off ≤ 364 pg/mL for higher survival rate (HR 0.460, 95% CI 0.224–0.942, p = 0.030). Asymmetric dimethylarginine > 1.01 μmol/L measured 18–36 h after surgery also predicted cardiovascular death (HR 2.467, 95% CI 1.140–5.340, p = 0.020). Additionally, elevated 8-iso-prostaglandin F2α measured at the same time point associated with all-cause mortality (HR 1 pg/mL 1.007, 95% CI 1.000–1.014, p = 0.048). Conclusions: Our findings indicate that in advanced coronary disease, increased oxidative stress, reflected by 8-iso-prostaglandin F2α before bypass surgery and enhanced asymmetric dimethylarginine accumulation just after the surgery are associated with cardiovascular death during long-term follow-u