15 research outputs found

    Neotectonics and Stressed State Patterns of the Sakhalin Island

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    The study of neotectonics, neotectonic and modern stress of the Sakhalin has been performed by the set of methods. The scheme of modern geodynamics of the island has been constructed by the data of neotectonic activation of the faults. Three types of zones with dissimilar geodynamic conditions have been distinguished: transtension, transpression, and strike-slip (simple shift). The results of Sakhalin modern stress reconstruction based on focal mechanisms of earthquakes allowed to characterize the distribution of the stress state parameters over the island surface: the Lode-Nadai factor and the direction of axes of deviatoric compression and tension. The changes in characteristics of modern tectonic stress field have been noticed at the boundaries of regions with different regimes of modern faulting. Specific orientations of compression axes of the neotectonic stress field are proper for North Sakhalin. Therein, the directions of compression axes become northeast in contrast to the predominant sublatitude orientation on the island as a whole. The obtained data on neotectonics and inherited modern stress field are applicable to the problems of engineering geological support of oil and gas projects’ realization in the Sakhalin (new wells construction, control of the pipelines stability, accompanying urban planning, etc.)

    Analysis of energy characteristics of acoustic emission signals during uniaxial compression of geomaterial samples

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    Acoustic emission (AE) signals were obtained during deformation by uniaxial compression of specimens of various geomaterials. Experiments on uniaxial compression were carried out on a low-noise lever setup with water leakage, where the maximum load on the sample does not exceed 250 kN. The received signals were digitized by an 8-channel USB 3000 ADC unit with a width of 14 bits and a maximum sampling rate of 3 MHz. The energy distribution functions of AE signals are considered. The maximum amplitude of the AE waveform was selected as the energy characteristic of the AE signal. The flow of AE events is considered from the viewpoint of nonequilibrium thermodynamics using the Tsallis statistics. To describe the energy distribution function of the AE signals, we used a modified model of a stick-slip earthquake source -”discontinuous sliding” of two plates over each other along a fault in the presence of friction and the principle of maximum entropy. The model is used to quantify long-range correlations arising in the flow of earthquakes. It is shown that the AE signal flow is a system with memory and longrange correlations. The analysis of the behavior of the Tsallis parameter was carried out throughout the experiment

    Fabrication and Characteristics of Mesh Band-Pass Filters

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    Grid band-pass filters for 300-, 450-, 600-, and 750-GHz central frequencies are designed and fabricated.Copper and aluminum foil and foil-clad teflon filters were made by chemical and ion-beam etching, and an aluminum film evaporated on a kapton film was formed by the lift-off lithography. A gold layer was electrolytically applied on copper mesh filters. Characteristics of the filters were measured in the millimeter, submillimeter, and infrared (IR) ranges. Foil filters demonstrate better characteristics at lower frequencies, while filters with evaporated films have better characteristics at upper frequencies. The smallest transmission loss was 0.13 dB. For a stack consisting of four filters, this loss was 0.9 dB. The IR radiation attenuation in a 2.5- to 25-μm wavelength region was over 11 dB per filter

    Joint analysis of low-frequency geoacoustic and deformation signals

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    Simultaneous monitoring of signals recorded by a three-component piezoceramic seismic receiver and by a laser strainmeter-interferometer have been carried out in Kamchatka since 2016. Cases of simultaneous registration of low-frequency geoacoustic and deformation signals were detected


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    In the paper the causes of accidents are considered as consequences of subsystems failures and personnel errors in air transport system. It has been shown that each such event is a systemic one and has a causal relationship with the other events and processes. There is proposed an approach for the classification of human factors in aviation and transport system based on the set-theoretic representation

    Results of pilot-operating combustion of coal-water fuel in a low-capacity hot water boiler

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    The relevance of the work is proved by considerable prospects (environmental, energy, economic and other) of using coal-water fuel as the primary fuel for boilers of different capacities. The aim of the research is to study the thermal and environmental performance of boiler in different regimes, providing both dry and liquid slag removal. Investigation of thermal characteristics involves an experimental study of temperature distributions in the boiler furnace for further construction of mathematical models of coal-water fuel combustion and search for optimal regime parameters. The methods include experimental studies of combustion of coal-water fuel, prepared on the basis of flotation product (cake) after enrichment of coal of grade "K", using a pilot sample of the boiler unit. Experimental studies were carried out by various (thermocouples, pyrometer, gas analyzer) instruments with low measurement error. Results. Experimental data on temperature distributions in the boiler furnace were obtained for further modeling of coal-water fuel combustion; flue gas composition was measured for different operation regimes; boiler operation and data on the baseline characteristics of fuel were analyzed. Conclusions. The promising design of the boiler unit, which can work at dry and liquid slag removal, was studied. Primary the data were obtained for modeling heat and mass transfer processes at combustion of coal-water fuel, prepared on the basis of coal tailings. The results obtained on measuring the flue gas emissions indicate the prospects of using the coal-water fuel as an alternative to the traditional fuels, such as coal and oil

    Results of pilot-operating combustion of coal-water fuel in a low-capacity hot water boiler

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    Актуальность работы обусловлена значительными перспективами (экологическими, энергетическими, экономическими и другими) применения водоугольного топлива в качестве основного топлива для котельных агрегатов различной мощности. Цель работы: исследование тепловых и экологических характеристик работы котла при различных режимах, обеспечивающих как твердое, так и жидкое шлакоудаление. Изучение тепловых характеристик предполагает экспериментальное определение распределения температур в топке котла для дальнейшего построения математических моделей горения водоугольного топлива и поиска оптимальных режимных параметров. Методы включают экспериментальные исследования сжигания на опытно-промышленном образце водогрейного котла водоугольного топлива, приготовленного на основе флотационных продуктов (кек) после обогащения каменного угля марки «К». Исследования проводились при помощи различных (термопары, пирометр, газоанализатор) приборов с низкой погрешностью измерения. Результаты. Получены экспериментальные данные по распределению температур в топке котла для дальнейшего моделирования процесса горения водоугольного топлива; проведены измерения состава дымового газа для различных режимов работы; выполнен анализ работы котла и полученных данных относительно исходных характеристик используемого топлива. Выводы. Выполнены опытно-промышленные испытания перспективной конструкции водогрейного котла, обеспечивающего работу как в режиме твердого, так и жидкого шлакоудаления. Получены первичные данные для моделирования тепломассообменных процессов горения водоугольного топлива, приготовленного на основе отходов обогащения каменного угля. Полученные результаты по измерениям вредных выбросов дымового газа свидетельствуют о перспективах использования водоугольного топлива в качестве альтернативы для традиционных видов топлива, в частности угля и мазута.The relevance of the work is proved by considerable prospects (environmental, energy, economic and other) of using coal-water fuel as the primary fuel for boilers of different capacities. The aim of the research is to study the thermal and environmental performance of boiler in different regimes, providing both dry and liquid slag removal. Investigation of thermal characteristics involves an experimental study of temperature distributions in the boiler furnace for further construction of mathematical models of coal-water fuel combustion and search for optimal regime parameters. The methods include experimental studies of combustion of coal-water fuel, prepared on the basis of flotation product (cake) after enrichment of coal of grade "K", using a pilot sample of the boiler unit. Experimental studies were carried out by various (thermocouples, pyrometer, gas analyzer) instruments with low measurement error. Results. Experimental data on temperature distributions in the boiler furnace were obtained for further modeling of coal-water fuel combustion; flue gas composition was measured for different operation regimes; boiler operation and data on the baseline characteristics of fuel were analyzed. Conclusions. The promising design of the boiler unit, which can work at dry and liquid slag removal, was studied. Primary the data were obtained for modeling heat and mass transfer processes at combustion of coal-water fuel, prepared on the basis of coal tailings. The results obtained on measuring the flue gas emissions indicate the prospects of using the coal-water fuel as an alternative to the traditional fuels, such as coal and oil

    Results of pilot-operating combustion of coal-water fuel in a low-capacity hot water boiler

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    Актуальность работы обусловлена значительными перспективами (экологическими, энергетическими, экономическими и другими) применения водоугольного топлива в качестве основного топлива для котельных агрегатов различной мощности. Цель работы: исследование тепловых и экологических характеристик работы котла при различных режимах, обеспечивающих как твердое, так и жидкое шлакоудаление. Изучение тепловых характеристик предполагает экспериментальное определение распределения температур в топке котла для дальнейшего построения математических моделей горения водоугольного топлива и поиска оптимальных режимных параметров. Методы включают экспериментальные исследования сжигания на опытно-промышленном образце водогрейного котла водоугольного топлива, приготовленного на основе флотационных продуктов (кек) после обогащения каменного угля марки «К». Исследования проводились при помощи различных (термопары, пирометр, газоанализатор) приборов с низкой погрешностью измерения. Результаты. Получены экспериментальные данные по распределению температур в топке котла для дальнейшего моделирования процесса горения водоугольного топлива; проведены измерения состава дымового газа для различных режимов работы; выполнен анализ работы котла и полученных данных относительно исходных характеристик используемого топлива. Выводы. Выполнены опытно-промышленные испытания перспективной конструкции водогрейного котла, обеспечивающего работу как в режиме твердого, так и жидкого шлакоудаления. Получены первичные данные для моделирования тепломассообменных процессов горения водоугольного топлива, приготовленного на основе отходов обогащения каменного угля. Полученные результаты по измерениям вредных выбросов дымового газа свидетельствуют о перспективах использования водоугольного топлива в качестве альтернативы для традиционных видов топлива, в частности угля и мазута.The relevance of the work is proved by considerable prospects (environmental, energy, economic and other) of using coal-water fuel as the primary fuel for boilers of different capacities. The aim of the research is to study the thermal and environmental performance of boiler in different regimes, providing both dry and liquid slag removal. Investigation of thermal characteristics involves an experimental study of temperature distributions in the boiler furnace for further construction of mathematical models of coal-water fuel combustion and search for optimal regime parameters. The methods include experimental studies of combustion of coal-water fuel, prepared on the basis of flotation product (cake) after enrichment of coal of grade "K", using a pilot sample of the boiler unit. Experimental studies were carried out by various (thermocouples, pyrometer, gas analyzer) instruments with low measurement error. Results. Experimental data on temperature distributions in the boiler furnace were obtained for further modeling of coal-water fuel combustion; flue gas composition was measured for different operation regimes; boiler operation and data on the baseline characteristics of fuel were analyzed. Conclusions. The promising design of the boiler unit, which can work at dry and liquid slag removal, was studied. Primary the data were obtained for modeling heat and mass transfer processes at combustion of coal-water fuel, prepared on the basis of coal tailings. The results obtained on measuring the flue gas emissions indicate the prospects of using the coal-water fuel as an alternative to the traditional fuels, such as coal and oil

    Monitoring of Physical Processes in Upper Atmosphere, Ionosphere and Magnetosphere in Ionosphere Space Missions

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    The Ionosphere missions are the part of Ionosond-2025 space project, which main scientific objectives are monitoring of physical processes in the Earth upper atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere, as well as of solar activity. Within the framework of the Ionozond-2025 project, it is planned to launch four spacecraft Ionosphere and one satellite Zond. The Zond satellite is planned to be launched in 2025. The main task of Zond mission is patrol of solar activity. The launch of the first pair of spacecraft is planned in early 2022, the second pair - late 2022 or early 2023. In case of successful implementation of the program of experiments on the Ionosphere satellites, control of the physical parameters of electromagnetic fields and corpuscular radiation in the near-Earth space will be provided, new information will be obtained on the geophysical processes occurring in the magnetosphere, ionosphere and upper atmosphere in their connection with solar activity