36 research outputs found

    The variant of ADHMN construction associated with q-analysis

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    A q-deformation of the ADHMN caloron construction is considered, under which the anti-selfdual (ASD) conditions of the gauge fields are preserved. It is shown that the q-dependent Nahm data with certain constraints are crucial to determine the ASD gauge fields, as in the case of ordinary caloron construction. As an application of the q-deformed ADHMN construction, we give a q-deformed caloron of Harrington-Shepard type. Some limits of the parameters are also considered.Comment: 13 pages, No figure

    Flux tubes and the type-I/type-II transition in a superconductor coupled to a superfluid

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    We analyze magnetic flux tubes at zero temperature in a superconductor that is coupled to a superfluid via both density and gradient (``entrainment'') interactions. The example we have in mind is high-density nuclear matter, which is a proton superconductor and a neutron superfluid, but our treatment is general and simple, modeling the interactions as a Ginzburg-Landau effective theory with four-fermion couplings, including only s-wave pairing. We numerically solve the field equations for flux tubes with an arbitrary number of flux quanta, and compare their energies. This allows us to map the type-I/type-II transition in the superconductor, which occurs at the conventional kappa = 1/sqrt(2) if the condensates are uncoupled. We find that a density coupling between the condensates raises the critical kappa and, for a sufficiently high neutron density, resolves the type-I/type-II transition line into an infinite number of bands corresponding to ``type-II(n)'' phases, in which n, the number of quanta in the favored flux tube, steps from 1 to infinity. For lower neutron density, the coupling creates spinodal regions around the type-I/type-II boundary, in which metastable flux configurations are possible. We find that a gradient coupling between the condensates lowers the critical kappa and creates spinodal regions. These exotic phenomena may not occur in nuclear matter, which is thought to be deep in the type-II region, but might be observed in condensed matter systems.Comment: 14 pages, improved discussion of the effects of varying the neutron/proton condensate ratio; added reference

    Giant vortices, vortex rings and reentrant behavior in type-1.5 superconductors

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    We predict that in a bulk type-1.5 superconductor the competing magnetic responses of the two components of the order parameter can result in a vortex interaction that generates group-stabilized giant vortices and unusual vortex rings in the absence of any extrinsic pinning or confinement mechanism. We also find within the Ginzburg-Landau theory a rich phase diagram with successions of behaviors like type-1 -> type-1.5 -> type-2 -> type-1.5 as temperature decreases.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Expansion in the distance parameter for two vortices close together

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    Static vortices close together are studied for two different models in 2-dimen- sional Euclidean space. In a simple model for one complex field an expansion in the parameters describing the relative position of two vortices can be given in terms of trigonometric and exponential functions. The results are then compared to those of the Ginzburg-Landau theory of a superconductor in a magnetic field at the point between type-I and type-II superconductivity. For the angular dependence a similar pattern emerges in both models. The differences for the radial functions are studied up to third order.Comment: 14 pages, Late

    Electric Flux Tube in Magnetic Plasma

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    In this paper we study a methodical problem related to the magnetic scenario recently suggested and initiated by the authors \cite{Liao_ES_mono} to understand the strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma (sQGP): the electric flux tube in monopole plasma. A macroscopic approach, interpolating between Bose condensed (dual superconductor) and classical gas medium is developed first. Then we work out a microscopic approach based on detailed quantum mechanical calculation of the monopole scattering on electric flux tube, evaluating induced currents for all partial waves. As expected, the flux tube looses its stability when particles can penetrate it: we make this condition precise by calculating the critical value for the product of the flux tube size times the particle momentum, above which the flux tube dissolves. Lattice static potentials indicate that flux tubes seem to dissolve at T>Tdissolution1.3TcT>T_{dissolution} \approx 1.3 T_c. Using our criterion one gets an estimate of the magnetic density n4.46.6fm3n\approx 4.4 \sim 6.6 fm^{-3} at this temperature.Comment: New version with new referecences added and minor changes. 15 pages, 8 figure

    A q-analog of the ADHMN construction and axisymmetric multi-instantons

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    In the preceding paper (Phys. Lett. B463 (1999) 257), the authors presented a q-analog of the ADHMN construction and obtained a family of anti-selfdual configurations with a parameter q for classical SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in four-dimensional Euclidean space. The family of solutions can be seen as a q-analog of the single BPS monopole preserving (anti-)selfduality. Further discussion is made on the relation to axisymmetric ansatz on anti-selfdual equation given by Witten in the late seventies. It is found that the q-exponential functions familiar in q-analysis appear as analytic functions categorizing the anti-selfdual configurations yielded by axisymmetric ansatz.Comment: 11pages, Latex2e, to appear in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General as a `Special Issue/Difference Equations

    Boundary Terms in Supergravity and Supersymmetry

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    We begin with the simplest possible introduction to supergravity. Then we discuss its spin 3/2 stress tensor; these results are new. Next, we discuss boundary conditions on fields and boundary actions for N=1 supergravity. Finally, we discuss new boundary contributions to the mass and central charge of monopoles in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. All models are in 3+1 dimensions.Comment: 15 pages. Talk given by P. van Nieuwenhuizen at the Einstein-celebration gravitational conference at Puri (India) in December 200

    Z_3 Strings and their Interactions

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    We construct Z_3 vortex solutions in a model in which SU(3) is spontaneously broken to Z_3. The model is truncated to one in which there are only two dimensionless free parameters and the interaction of vortices within this restricted set of models is studied numerically. We find that there is a curve in the two dimensional space of parameters for which the energy of two asymptotically separated vortices equals the energy of the vortices at vanishing separation. This suggests that the inter-vortex potential for Z_3 strings might be flat for these couplings, much like the case of U(1) strings in the Bogomolnyi limit. However, we argue that the intervortex potential is attractive at short distances and repulsive at large separations leading to the possibility of unstable bound states of Z_3 vortices.Comment: 8 pages; mainly corrected typos in table

    Non-Abelian Vortices without Dynamical Abelianization

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    Vortices carrying truly non-Abelian flux moduli, which do not dynamically reduce to Abelian vortices, are found in the context of softly-broken N=2{\cal N}=2 supersymmetric chromodynamics (SQCD). By tuning the bare quark masses appropriately we identify the vacuum in which the underlying SU(N) gauge group is partially broken to SU(n) \times SU(r) \times U(1)/{\mathbbm Z}_{K}, where KK is the least common multiple of (n,r)(n, r), and with Nfsu(n)=nN_{f}^{su(n)}=n and Nfsu(r)=rN_{f}^{su(r)}=r flavors of light quark multiplets. At much lower energies the gauge group is broken completely by the squark VEVs, and vortices develop which carry non-Abelian flux moduli CPn1×CPr1CP^{n-1}\times CP^{r-1}. For n>rn>r we argue that the SU(n) fluctuations become strongly coupled and Abelianize, while leaving weakly fluctuating SU(r)SU(r) flux moduli. This allows us to recognize the semi-classical origin of the light non-Abelian monopoles found earlier in the fully quantum-mechanical treatment of 4D SQCD.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, One section (Section 2) added, and an extended discussion added in Section

    CPT violation and particle-antiparticle asymmetry in cosmology

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    General features of generation of the cosmological charge asymmetry in CPT non-invariant world are discussed. If the effects of CPT violation manifest themselves only in mass differences of particles and antiparticles, the baryon asymmetry of the universe hardly can be explained solely by breaking of CPT invariance. However, CPT non-invariant theories may lead to a new effect of distorting the usual equilibrium distributions. If this takes place, CPT violation may explain the baryon asymmetry of the universe.Comment: 7 pages, no figures. Submitted to a special issue of Yadernaya Fizika (Physics of Atomic Nuclei) dedicated to 80th birthday of L.B. Okun. Three references are adde