53 research outputs found

    Utilizando tecnologías modernas para el desarrollo de ventajas competitivas del turismo regional

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    In the current socio-economic conditions, tourism represents a traditional area where active use of modern technologies is observed. The large number of tourism destinations provides the need for systematization of information, which facilitates the formation of routes or tours, and ensures the development of tourism based on the uniform use of tourism resource

    Characteristics of hotel premises in Belgorod city

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    Hotel industry is regarded as one of the factors in the development of tourism and the initial basis for planning the production of the tourist product. It determines the specificity of the development of tourism, being the basis for the production of the tourism product in planning the priorities of the investment policy. The article presents the results of the authors’s research, as well as materials open print and electronic resources. The authors analyzed the state of hotel real estate market of Belgorod, the structure of the number of rooms, hotel occupancy assessed by type of rooms, highlighted promising areas of the hotel business. It should be noted, that the development of domestic tourism, the growth of business and cultural activity in the region will contribute to the further development of tourism infrastructure and, in particular, the hotel industryyesБелгородский государственный университе

    Network interaction in the tourist and recreational sphere

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    This article addresses questions on the formation of network structures in the tourism and recreational sphere because most prospective forms of interaction occur during the creation of a regional tourism product. The importance of networks in the solution of questions on the spatial localization of the tourist offer is noted, network designs in formation of tourism products are considered and the need to create substantially flexible networks for development of tourism that takes into account the available resources and the solution to the solution to the issue of redistribution of tourist stream

    Diffraction of real and virtual photons in a pyrolytic graphite crystal as source of intensive quasimonochromatic X-ray beam

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    A series of experiments on the parametric X-rays radiation (PXR) generation and radiation soft component diffraction of relativistic electrons in pyrolytic graphite (PG) crystals have been carried out at the Tomsk synchrotronyesBelgorod State Universit

    Digital supply chain management in the tourism and hospitality industry: trends and prospects

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    The article discusses the basics of the digital supply chain management, its characteristic features and scope of application are covered. The analysis of a condition of development of digital supply chain management in the world reflecting growth of its share in gross domestic product, and the Russian Federation for which characteristic is the state initiative of advance and development of digital processes, but not business structures is carried ou

    Digital supply chain management in the tourism and hospitality industry: trends and prospects

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    The article discusses the basics of the digital supply chain management, its characteristic features and scope of application are covered. The analysis of a condition of development of digital supply chain management in the world reflecting growth of its share in gross domestic product, and the Russian Federation for which characteristic is the state initiative of advance and development of digital processes, but not business structures is carried ou

    Mobile technologies in implementation of programs of internal tourism development

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    Now a days great attention is paid to the programs of the development of domestic tourism, its informational support, the development of new tourist products. But in spite of efforts in this direction, the population of Russia still has not enough information about tourist recreational opportunities of particular regions and in the whole countr

    Development of the tourism industry in the context of digital transformation

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    In the current conditions, a special role is assigned to digitalization and offering new experiences to customers. Digital technologies play a special role in the system of formation of consumer loyalty. The tourism ecosystem should combine a set of digital solutions to promote domestic tourism products by means of tourist marketplaces, multilingual services, augmented reality, big data, artificial intelligence, chatbots, super-applications, and other advanced service

    Ethnic and religious aspects of gender behavior and reproductive directions of young adult females living in Transbaikal region: a 10-year trend

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    The design of the research: two cross-sectional cohort studies with 10-year interval. The study included young adult females, 18-25 years of age: 209 women from Buryat population (in 2005 - 100, in 2015 - 109 persons) and 207 women from Russian population (in 2005 - 100, in 2015 -107 females). We found some positive trends in reproductive paradigm and gender behavior: relatively stable age of sexual debut, increasing role of health workers in young people reproductive education, a change of orientation in reproductive paradigm towards the model of multiple children family. The number of Orthodox believers significantly increased in Russian subpopulation


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    Проведен вирусолого-микробиологический мониторинг семи северных районов Иркутской области. Полученные в ходе исследования данные свидетельствуют об изменении эпидемиологической ситуации в отношении клещевых инфекций на территории данных районов. Отмечается продвижение природных очагов на север. На территории северных районов выявлены сочетанные очаги, клещевых инфекций, в том числе обнаружена циркуляция новых для Восточной Сибири патогенов - E. muris, A. phagocytophilum, B. miyamotoi