57 research outputs found

    Utilizando tecnologías modernas para el desarrollo de ventajas competitivas del turismo regional

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    In the current socio-economic conditions, tourism represents a traditional area where active use of modern technologies is observed. The large number of tourism destinations provides the need for systematization of information, which facilitates the formation of routes or tours, and ensures the development of tourism based on the uniform use of tourism resource

    Characteristics of hotel premises in Belgorod city

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    Hotel industry is regarded as one of the factors in the development of tourism and the initial basis for planning the production of the tourist product. It determines the specificity of the development of tourism, being the basis for the production of the tourism product in planning the priorities of the investment policy. The article presents the results of the authors’s research, as well as materials open print and electronic resources. The authors analyzed the state of hotel real estate market of Belgorod, the structure of the number of rooms, hotel occupancy assessed by type of rooms, highlighted promising areas of the hotel business. It should be noted, that the development of domestic tourism, the growth of business and cultural activity in the region will contribute to the further development of tourism infrastructure and, in particular, the hotel industryyesБелгородский государственный университе

    Diffraction of real and virtual photons in a pyrolytic graphite crystal as source of intensive quasimonochromatic X-ray beam

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    A series of experiments on the parametric X-rays radiation (PXR) generation and radiation soft component diffraction of relativistic electrons in pyrolytic graphite (PG) crystals have been carried out at the Tomsk synchrotronyesBelgorod State Universit

    Network interaction in the tourist and recreational sphere

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    This article addresses questions on the formation of network structures in the tourism and recreational sphere because most prospective forms of interaction occur during the creation of a regional tourism product. The importance of networks in the solution of questions on the spatial localization of the tourist offer is noted, network designs in formation of tourism products are considered and the need to create substantially flexible networks for development of tourism that takes into account the available resources and the solution to the solution to the issue of redistribution of tourist stream


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    Проведен вирусолого-микробиологический мониторинг семи северных районов Иркутской области. Полученные в ходе исследования данные свидетельствуют об изменении эпидемиологической ситуации в отношении клещевых инфекций на территории данных районов. Отмечается продвижение природных очагов на север. На территории северных районов выявлены сочетанные очаги, клещевых инфекций, в том числе обнаружена циркуляция новых для Восточной Сибири патогенов - E. muris, A. phagocytophilum, B. miyamotoi

    Spatially Ordered Matrix of Nanostructured Tin–Tungsten Oxides Nanocomposites Formed by Ionic Layer Deposition for Gas Sensing

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    The process of layer-by-layer ionic deposition of tin-tungsten oxide films on smooth silicon substrates and nanoporous anodic alumina matrices has been studied. To achieve the film deposition, solutions containing cationic SnF2 or SnCl2 and anionic Na2WO4 or (NH4)2O·WO3 precursors have been used. The effect of the solution compositions on the films deposition rates, morphology, composition, and properties was investigated. Possible mechanisms of tin-tungsten oxide films deposition into the pores and on the surface of anodic alumina are discussed. The electro-physical and gas-sensitive properties of nanostructured SnxWyOz films have been investigated. The prepared nanocomposites exhibit stable semiconductor properties characterized by high resistance and low temperature coefficient of electrical resistance of about 1.6 × 10 −3 K −1. The sensitivity of the SnxWyOz films to 2 and 10 ppm concentrations of ammonia at 523 K was 0.35 and 1.17, respectively. At concentrations of 1 and 2 ppm of nitrogen dioxide, the sensitivity was 0.48 and 1.4, respectively, at a temperature of 473 K. At the temperature of 573 K, the sensitivity of 1.3 was obtained for 100 ppm of ethanol. The prepared nanostructured tin-tungsten oxide films showed promising gas-sensitivity, which makes them a good candidate for the manufacturing of gas sensors with high sensitivity and low power consumption

    Using of Cytogenetic Method in Radiation Researches

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    Analysis of chromosome aberrations in lymphocytes of peripheral blood has been long successfully used in radiation researches for biological indication and quantitative estimation of radiation influence on a human organism. Biological doses calculated on the basis of cytogenetic research data take into account individual radiosensitivity of the organism and its state at the moment of radiation, and this, in its turn, allows to forecast early and more distant consequences of radiation more precisely. Frequency of chromosome aberrations in lymphocytes of peripheral blood is also one of the most frequently used indices in studying the process of mutagenesis in somatic cells. There are data on the possible connection between the increased level of chromosome aberrations in lymphocytes of peripheral blood and the risk of development of oncological diseases. Thats why the frequency of chromosome aberrations in lymphocytes of peripheral blood may be regarded as an integral biological marker of the risk of development of pathological states, first of all, oncological diseases. On the one hand this marker reflects in the influence of genotoxic factor on a human organism, and, on the other hand, individual diathesis to cancer genesis. Thats why it is considered extremely important to carry out cytogenetic examination of people exposed to radiation as a result of extraordinary and emergency situations. Results of the researches allow to estimate the influence of radiation on the genome of a human being, as well as forecast the risk of development of unfavorable consequences of radiation. Results of long-term cytogenetic monitoring of the Chernobyl clean-up workers (liquidators) and the results of cytogenetic examination of the cosmonauts who took part in long flight at Mir and ICS stations will be presented in the report. Summing up the data received one should note the following: - During the whole period of research (for more than 20 years) the average frequency of chromosome aberrations in lymphocytes of peripheral blood of the liquidators was significantly higher than the control level. The frequency of dicentrics and centric rings markers of radiation was higher than the analogous indices in the control group 3,5 7 times depending on the period of work and staying in the zone of Chernobyl accident. - Long space flights lead to increasing chromosome aberrations in lymphocytes of cosmonaut's peripheral blood and the frequency of dicentrics and centric rings depends on the duration of a space flight and the amount of the accumulated dose of radiation